hard shell, soft heart

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"It's the third time this week. Why can't you stay out of trouble for once", my manager asked me frustrated. "This time it definitely wasn't my fault. That stupid pap pushed one of my fans and almost stepped over her! I was being polite and then he said some stupid stuff and I pushed him to let me help her", I explained. "Doesn't matter, Y/N. Bad press stays bad press", he shot back. I sighed. "I don't know what to do with you", he mumbled. "I promise nothing will happen this week", I told him. "This week?! You better promise for the next years", he said. I hang my head low. "I'm sorry", I mumbled. He sighed rubbing his forehead in frustration. "It's alright, kid. I have to make some calls. Don't move and more importantly don't get into trouble", he said and looked at me warningly. I nodded. He went outside the room and I heard him walk away. I sighed in relief. Bad luck is really liking me lately. I waited in that room for what seemed like an eternity until I heard my stomach grumbling. "Just great", I mumbled. I waited another 5 minutes but my manager didn't come back. My hunger was getting bigger and bigger and it felt like I would die out of starvation. I went to the door opening it. I looked both ways and then steeped out. "Just a snack and then return", I told myself. I walked along the corridors trying to find a snack machine or anything possible to eat. "Stupid stomach and stupid snack machines", I mumbled angrily. Don't judge me I'm always mad when I'm hungry. I turned a corner and there it was. "Fucking finally", I grinned and ran towards it. I took out a dollar note and wanted to put it in until I realized that only coins were accepted. I groaned. „Who the fuck has coins nowadays and who the fuck is testing my patience lately", I said to no one. I banged my fist against that stupid thing. „You have to hit it two times on the right side then the snack usually comes out", I heard a female voice say. I turned around and was met with the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. She was a little taller than me and wore a black leggings with a big grey sweatshirt. Her brown hair was in a messy bun. But her smile and brown chocolate eyes captivated me the most. I just starred at her unable to form a sentence. „Are you ok? You seem a little zoned out", she spoke. „Uh yeah", I snapped out of my trance and cleared my throat. I tore my eyes away to not just look like a total creep. „I'm Hailee by the way. I'm sorry if I bothered you. You just looked a little frustrated with that. I'm such a huge fan and I- doesn't matter. I should just go. Bye Y/N", she rambled and turned around. I looked at her confused. I heard my stomach grumble again. I saw her turning a corner and I took of running because 1. A girl is hungry and 2. she is freaking beautiful. „Hailee", I yelled and turned the corner only to be met with another body. We hit the ground. No, they hit the ground and I was landing soft. I opened my eyes to see I was laying on top of Hailee. She groaned and opened her eyes. We just starredd at each other until I realized I was still on top of her. I gathered to my feet quickly and helped her up. „I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have- I'm sorry. Are you ok", I spoke. She smiled at me and one of her dimples showed. „I'm fine", she answered. I thanked god. That would have been awkward as heck. How should I have explained this to my manager! She watched me curiously. I became nervous. „D-Do I have something in my face", I asked her bringing up my hands. „Oh no! You just yelled my name before, you know, you smacked me down", she explained and I felt myself blushing in embarrassment. „Sorry", I
mumbled. She grinned brightly at me. „So", she asked me. „Right! Uh do you maybe have coins for the snacks? I'm starving and I only have that dollar note. I totally understand if you don't want to. I mean we just met and I ask for your money. Totally rude and weird. You know what I shouldn't have asked you. It's alright. I'm sorry again for running into you. Have a nice day", I rambled quickly and turned away feeling the heat creeping up. I heard her chuckle. „Actually I'm on my way back to one of the office rooms. The snacks there are way better", she called out and I stopped in tracks. „Like really better", she said. I turned around. „Lead the way", I told her. She smiled brightly and started walking. I followed her carefully to not embarrass myself again. We walked a good two minutes until she decided to speak up: „You know I don't bite. You can walk next to me." She turned her head towards me. I walked up next to her still remaining quite. A few minutes later we arrived. She led me in and showed me a huge set up with food. My eyes grew wide and I heard my stomach rumble again. She chuckled. „Dig in", she told me and I made my way towards the food.  I picked out a few things and made my way towards the door. „Where are you going", she asked. „Uh back! I don't want to bother you and I don't want my manager to be angry", I said to her. „Why would he be angry", she asked me curiously. „I promised to not move until he's back and well you see", I told her. She smiled amused. „Well then I will bring you back", she said and opened the door for me. „You don't have to", I spoke. „I know but I want to", she said with confidence. I nodded and we stepped outside the room „Y/N", I heard my managers voice. „Fuck", I whispered and turned around. „Uh hey", I said and scratched the back of my neck. „What are you doing here", he asked me with that angry look on his face. „I got hungry and then I met Hailee and she showed me food and now I'm going back to the room", I told him. He raised his eyebrows. „Just close your eyes and count to three and I won't be here. You didn't see me because I'm in the room", I told him. I heard a chuckle and saw another man standing behind my manager. „Teenagers, huh", he said. My manager sighed. „You're lucky this time, Y/N. Come on, we have to talk. You already met Hailee. This is her manager Steven", he spoke. I waved at him. We went back to the room where Hailee and I came from. „Sit,please", Steven said and I let myself down next to the brunette. „Tom already filled me in. So we thought you two will make song together. Will be good for the both of you", Steven explained. I lowered my head a little. „Uhm I'm a little confused", Hailee said. „Y/N needs a little help and Tom and I are friends. I know you want to come out with new music and Y/N is one of the best", he spoke. „Ok", Hailee said. „Y/N", my manager asked. „Uh yeah. Sure", I told him. He motioned with his eyes to Steven. „Thanks", I said to the other man. He nodded with a smile. „Alright. That's settled. You two up and make good music. We booked you some time in the studio in 20 minutes. Car is down and ready", my manager said. „Right now", I asked him. „No in two years", he said sarcastically. I pouted and I heard Hailee chuckle. We got up and walked to the door. Before we left I ran to the food and got a bag of chips. I heard someone clear their throat. „It's for the way. We need food for good music", I explained and ran out.

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