Author's Note

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UPDATE (08/24/2018): Here are few things I would like to express (4 years later lol!):

1. The physical copy for "Inside Out" is now available for sale on Amazon! The finalized international edition is there since July 2018! Just search "Evan Francisco" there and look for "Inside Out: International Edition"

2. I am currently working on "Upside Down", the sequel/retelling of this novel. It's been really tough (I am really ambitious on how I'd like to develop the series, so the 2nd book might need a loooot of work). Most parts of the WIP are online now!

3. I am currently in my second year of my degree, doing a 4-year teacher-training program! 

Thanks for all your support and overwhelming reaction for this novel. It's really nice to know that the reception for this story is ongoing (for a story that I wrote when I was 16, I am very pleased with how it turns out)

REVISED ON MARCH 2015: Some of the notable changes are me removing the prologue, basically interweaves that one in the later chapters. I feel like the prologue is more of an unneccesary backstory that can be told or weaved into the other chapters of the book. Since Part 1 of this story used to be the 'Prologue' now it's just plainly the first chapter, you might find some of the old comments in this story not to be synchronized with the particular chapter, so be careful with spoilers.

I'm still working on editing this one because someone suggest me to sell the physical copy of Inside Out via CreateSpace. So right now I'm working on designing the interior of the book, trying my best to make it look like a regular, mainstream young-adult book that you purchase in bookstores. I hope I can get a lot of support for this — I know a few people out there who loves to collect physical copies of books, especially the ones they've read online! Tell me about this idea; would you buy Inside Out as a physical copy for collection?

On the other hand, Inside Out is originally a manuscript full of errors I uploaded in multiple sites three years ago before I had even bothered to edit them (or bothered to learn writing in English properly!) It was on Goodreads and Smashwords, and since then the raw draft earned a lot of negative reviews on Goodreads. The quite-low rating of Inside Out on GR basically becomes the reason why people were discouraged to read this book, even after I had worked hard revising it from time to time. So if you think you enjoy Inside Out, go to Goodreads and give this book 4 or 5 stars (or even 3; it really is your choice). I would also love to read a thought-out critical review there for my book if you have the time to write them. As an avid Goodreads user, I've always found myself discouraged to read something just because of the average rating. There might be others like me who may enjoy Inside Out, but decided to not pick it up due to the low rating. Again, I'm not making you do this, but if you feel like Inside Out is more than 2/3-star book, rate it there!

I can't stress enough how grateful I am for the enthusiastic comments that I've been getting in the chapters. My heart warms to them, and being an unemployed high-school graduate who is currently waiting for college acceptance, I had a lot of ups and downs in my life right now (the reason why I haven't worked much on Book 2), but seeing your support means the world to me.

Thank you so much. I love you.

Sincerely, Evan.

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