Chapter 19 ~ Surprises

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Chapter 19: Surprises

Kincaid didn't look surprised to see me. In fact, he gave my appearance no more than a brief glance before he focussed once more on the massive claymore he held, going through battle stances with graceful and slow control, as if performing a dance. The whoosh of the blade through the air was an odd comfort, and I settled against the wall to watch.

The fading sun lit up the massive bath house in soft eggshell-blue shafts of light, glinting against the old mosaics that patterned the sunken bath Kincaid was using as his practice ring. I wondered if he often got up so early, long before any other vampire would think of stirring, but he avoided the sun with ease.

I wouldn't have gotten up myself if I hadn't been plagued in my dreams by visions of vampires in a state of decomposition worse than when I'd first met Atanas. Their clawlike hands with peeling flesh reached out for me in the shadows, while throaty whispers of my name echoed all around. Drawn like a moth to a flame, I found myself moving towards them only to be greeted by fangs gnashing to taste my flesh and drink my blood.

My shudder drew notice from the other vampire, honey eyes almost appearing concerned before glittering with irritation. Of course. He'd come here for privacy and me skulking in the shadows watching his every move can't have been how he wanted to spend his time. But I wasn't going anywhere.

"A bheil gàidhlig agad?" I called out, having realised I'd never asked him if he too spoke my mother tongue as a fellow Scot or Gael.

Sword arched above him, he paused, his head tilting enough in my direction I caught a glimpse of a smile. "Tha gàidhlig gu leòr agam. My mother would scold me for how much I've allowed myself to lose but the language has changed a lot from when she spoke it to me." Dropping his stance, he turned to face me properly. "You're not here for another lesson are you? Atanas might not be happy to awaken and find you gone after your bedroom activities."

"Listening to what goes on behind a mated couples door, Kincaid?"

He grimaced, and it brought some delight to me. "You make more racket than the foxes mating by the bins back home."

The disbelieving laugh that ripped my from lips was unladylike, but I couldn't help it. Kincaid had never parried back so well before, especially when it came to such a subject. Was that even a smug smile on his lips before he caught me looking?

He'd enjoyed that. But then he straightened his shoulders and picked up his sword, walking closer to me so he could lower his voice.

"Joking aside, it isn't safe for you to be wandering this place alone. We cannae trust everyone. Especially Titus, he will only play along for as long as it suits him. It helps that he's intrigued by you; mair than our King is comfortable with, but it keeps him close at least."

It made me uncomfortable too, the way Titus watched me as if I was a rare specimen that should be displayed in one of Padraig's glass cases.

Gods, I was surrounded by too much testosterone. Even Una would have made better company but her duties to the Ailill meant she couldn't stray far from Scotland where the veil to her homeland had magic enough still to cross through. Anna was home for safety. Elaine had stayed home as well, probably to keep Thierry in check because he too still remained unsure about whether his life was worth risking for us.

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