Chapter 5 ~ Silly Fears

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I'm really sorry it's taken so long! I've been focussing on editing Oria so I can send it to my publisher.


Chapter 5: Silly Fears

Anna clung onto Gideon like she'd never let go, her fingers curled like claws into the leather of his jacket. He was smiling and laughing, telling her he'd be fine and back soot but as I watched them, I couldn't hold the same belief. Folding my arms, I kept my head tall and tried to hide what I was feeling inside. There was no point in making a scene when nobody would listen and deep down, I knew this was one of our only chances to catch Airell.

Atanas was talking to Erik by the door with Nadia. Three stoic faces giving nothing away. Nadia promised me that Erik was one of her finest warriors and I didn't doubt it. He was a wall of muscle with a long curved blade strapped to his back and golden, eagle like eyes that missed nothing. I was glad he'd agreed to protect Gideon.

"I need you stay," Anna pleaded again, tears streaming down her face.

Padraig stiffened next to me and I awkwardly patted his arm. I knew he was jealous of how close Anna had gotten to Gideon but there was nothing romantic in it. Padraig looked down at me and huffed. I rolled my eyes. "He's been a good friend to her, that's all."

"He's given her false hope, that's what he's done," Padraig growled back. "She thinks without him here to teach her, she'll never get her magic back. They've been practising for weeks now with no results. She's in denial and Gideon leaving is going to force her to come to terms with the truth and I'll be left to pick up the pieces."

I didn't say anything in reply. My gaze flicked back to a hysterical Anna who's usually soft brown eyes looked wild and scared. Whatever had allowed Gideon to keep some magic after he was turned, Anna didn't have it. The hope of her magic returning was the only thing that was keeping Anna going. It was the only thing that had made her decide not to step into the sun. What would happen when Anna finally understood what those around her did? She wasn't a witch anymore. Just a vampire. A monster.

I worried that the appearance of my own strange powers would drive a wedge between us. The fear of losing Anna, my first true friend, because she resented me had me hating myself more than I already did. I wished it would disappear. I didn't want to be Moontouched, or magic, or a descendant of Leyla.

"It's time," Atanas called out and my jaw clenched when Nadia squeezed his hand.

Padraig managed to peal Anna from Gideon so he could grab the bag by his feet. He smiled as he came over to me but I couldn't find it in me to smile back.

"You haven't said goodbye to me," he said, hoisting the bag over his shoulder.

I stared at him, my gaze searching for a crack in his armour, any sign that he was as scared as I was. The knowing look in his eyes meant I'd been caught and I sighed heavily. "Sometimes, I wish I could read minds too."

"No you don't. If you knew what it was like to hear the thoughts of those around you, you would never wish something like that," he replied, his expression pained.

I nodded my understanding and then threw myself into his arms, hugging him tight. He laughed as he hugged me back and I could feel the burn of my mates eyes on both of us but I didn't care. He had Nadia.

"Promise me you'll come back," I whispered.

There was a long moment of silence before I pulled back and finally, in the tension of his smile, was the only sign of his fear. "I'll come back."

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