Chapter 17 ~ On The Wagon

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Thank you so much for your patience. I know a lot of you have been waiting for an update on this story for quite a while now, and I'm very excited to get back to it!

Today is the last day you can buy Way of the Wolf: Liberty for 99p, you'll find links on my message board.

Chapter 17: On the Wagon

Stopped not far from the middle of nowhere, we had our last break surrounded by sparse trees and the flickering glow from a beat-up petrol station.

I groaned as I stretched my legs after hours cramped in the backseat of the car, bending down to touch my toes before stretching my arms above my head to work out every kink. I made sure my hair was safely tucked away under my hood when I straightened up again, unable to help but scan the empty road for any sign we’d been followed.

The fort was only a few hours away and Titus assured us it was the best place to go; away from human and vampire eyes alike. From there, someone would take Anna home and we would make our plans to travel to where my blood had pointed to on the map.

Soon this would all be over, hopefully with Gideon alive and well.

Rubbing my forehead, I looked around once more, studying every moving branch and growing shadow. I was being too paranoid, but I couldn’t help it; especially with so many cameras pointing every which way that would certainly catch sight of my trademark silver eyes no matter how much I tried to keep my head down.

In the day since we’d escaped, I’d become an overnight sensation. There wasn’t a newspaper or TV channel in the world that hadn’t shown my face. All might end well with Gideon, but what would we do about that?

I sighed as I watched the sun finally dip below the horizon, the only amount of light our kind could stand without burning.

Everything was such a mess. And I couldn’t help but believe it was all my fault.

“Do you want anything,” Atanas asked gently, appearing at my side with concern etched in his expression.
I hummed, closing my eyes in thought. “Vodka...and I need a cigarette.”

“I can get you cigarettes but I won’t get you vodka.”

“Why?” I folded my arms, narrowing my eyes. After all we’d been through in the last week, I definitely deserved a drink.

Atanas pulled me into his arms, smoothing out my frown with a touch. “You’re on the wagon, remember? With exceptions.”

“Sounds like a crappy wagon,” I muttered, turning my face away from him.

My words only brought another laugh from him. He’d learnt to deal with my dry humour by now.

“I guess just cigarettes is fine,” I relented, lifting my head to peer up at him. He was normally so strict about my smoking and drinking habits, despite the fact neither could kill me. Which meant his leniency was probably brought on by worry with how I going to cope with whatever lay ahead.

Gripping one hip hard enough I was sure it would bruise, his lips came crashing down on mine. I kissed him back, fingers curling into his jacket. It was the only way for him to voice his concerns without words when we had so many around us who could overhear. And Gods forbid anyone witness Atanas show soft affection. Not that I needed it. Gentle words meant little to me in place of this.

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