Chapter 23 ~ Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

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Are you afraid of the dark? I used to be until I got my dog. Now if I hear a scary noise at night, I only react if she does.

Chapter 23: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Weakened from the blow to my head, Xiaodan easily pushed past my defences each time I regained consciousness. Her magic hit me with the force of a bullet train, shoving me into the dark no matter how I pleaded or fought back. The next time my eyes flickered open, it was to an acid bubbling sensation burning the side of my face. Direct sunlight scalded every inch of skin not covered by clothing and Titus cursed, moving faster so I swayed dangerously over his shoulder until we were once more shrouded in shade.

Two sets of footsteps echoed in an enclosed space, the light getting dimmer behind us until it was but a speck in the distance. The cool breeze only irritated the slow healing burns. A groan slipped past my lips despite trying to stay quiet and appear unconscious, every inch of my body aching at the slightest jolt. For whatever reason, Xiaodan let me suffer this time.

She led the way with rushed steps, chanting under her breath. A glowing ball of magic lit up what I now recognised was the rocky entrance to a deep cave. The eerie blue glow was disorientating, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut again. I fell in and out of awareness for what felt like hours, taking stock of my injuries each time. My stomached ached too now from the shoulder holding me up, and my chest ached as my mind replayed Padraig’s face as the knife was sliced across his throat. Tears fell silently, soaking Tutu’s tunic beneath my cheek but had more important things to worry about than an upset captive.

Soon the echo of their steps in the cave sounded more like thudding drums, the pressure around us growing as we trailed deeper into the mountain. I could almost hear the sound of war in the distance. No, the voices were real and not the echoing calls of the dead after all. Titus’ head quirked because he could hear them too which meant I wasn’t going crazy.

The blue light went out and slow heart beats surrounded us from every direction.

Hands gripped my waist and Titus finally lifted me from his shoulder. I slid down his front, dropping harshly onto my knees. My hands to break my fall and sharp stones sliced into my palms, sending yet another jolt of sharp pain through my nervous system. Groggy and unsure if I was even awake, shades of grey swirled between bright orange and yellow blobs that flickered violently.

Where were we?

“You always manage to find your way back to me, Little Bird.” A dark shape crouched in front of me and a pale hand grabbed my arm, pushing me upright. Catlike emerald orbs slowly came into focus, and I heard myself chuckle weakly, my tongue thick in my mouth.

“What can I say? I just can’t stay away from you, maker mine.”

Airell smirked and suddenly the pressure was back in my head, not as strong as Xiaodan’s but enough to make me tremble as I fought to keep the other mind out of my head. Warm tendrils stroked across my skin, coaxing me into a false comfort. I swayed towards my maker, faltering for a second with my fingers grazing against his arm before I yanked myself back. The walls came down quickly in my head, locking Airell out for good.

Gone was the smirk, replaced by accusation. For a moment, I thought he was going to hit me for defying the bond of my maker as the muscle in his hand twitched. Then his eyes shifted higher and a dangerous frown creased his forehead. I cringed as he pressed his hand to the back of my head, the spot that pounded fiercely with each stuttering beat of my heart. His fingers came away glistening red and my stomach flipped as he licked them clean, going so far as to moan at the taste.

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