Chapter 6 ~ Unleashed

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(Majorly Unedited)

Chapter 6: Unleashed

Slowly, I pushed myself to my feet, keeping my glare pinned on Una. My veins felt like they were on fire and my skin rose in goosebumps as something almost electrical seemed to fill the air. I rubbed my head, squeezing my eyes shut as a throbbing headache started up. Everything from the way air felt against my skin to the sound of electricity buzzing through wires was too much for my senses that were on overdrive. 

"You shouldn't have trapped her in that cell, Una. What the fuck were you thinking?" Atanas yelled, his eyes dark and dangerous.

"It was the only-"

"Don't give me that," he interrupted lowly, taking a step towards her.

Una back away and it was the first time I could see that she was scared. Reaching out for my mate's hand, I shuddered when a spark flew between us. Atanas turned to face me, forgetting about Una when he finally saw how much I was struggling. I didn't think he would really hurt her but watching a fight break out was the last thing I needed right now. 

He tugged me closer, taking my weight against him as his eyes raked over me. "Shylah, what's wrong?"

"It's all too much," I whispered, pressing my face against his chest and covering my ears with my hands.

Even with my eyes closed, I could feel the glare he threw at Una. He held me tighter and the closer I was to him, the more he seemed to block everything out. It felt like my first night as a vampire all over again. New vampires were sensitive to everything and it took time to get used to the way things were louder, brighter, stronger. 

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" he asked, picking me up and carefully carrying me to bed.

I could sense Una following us in but not with any vampire senses. In the quiet of the bedroom, I could tell where the hum of energy was coming from now. It was Una. I could feel her magic as if it was a living, breathing entity rubbing against my skin and curling around her body. How could I never have felt that before? How could anyone not feel that? My head began to pound again, my heart hammering against my chest and static made my hair stand on end. Was that my magic causing the feel of ants crawling over my skin?

"I regret the way we did this but it worked. She's overwhelmed because it worked. Once she learns to control it, she could be one of the most powerful beings on the earth. I've never felt anything so strong in my life. Even now, when she's not even aware of how to control it, it's all around us," Una rushed, coming closer.

It was only then that I realised Atanas' arms has stiffened around me. I wanted to know what was going through his head, especially as the bond between us felt fuzzy as if someone had put it on mute. Pressing closer, all I wanted to do was pull a blanket over my head.

"I think you should leave, Una," Atanas said2 quietly. "Now's not the time."

"This is the only time we're going to get. I regret the way I went about it," she replied stiffly, her gaze meeting mine for a second. "But now we can get on track with teaching her."

I didn't see any regret in her eyes though. I saw excitement and smugness. Atanas stood, his power suffocating the room and Una backed away. "Whatever you did is causing her pain. She can barely keep herself upright, Una! What if unleashing so much power had killed her? You don't care. Leave before I decide to lock you up as you did her."

Betrayal took over her features then, alongside fear and it was my time to feel smug. Una had went too far and she'd broken Atanas' trust. He'd trusted her to look after me, to be a mentor. I watched as Una bowed her head and hoped she could feel my anger follow her as she left. When the door shut, Atanas came back to me. He crouched before me, his eyes studying every inch of me.

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