Chapter Twenty Two pt 7

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Drokn and Eial walked over to find the demoness who held all the answers. Although, "walking together" might have been the wrong way to describe the situation. For, when Eial looked up at the demon to ask his question, his eyes took notice of the demon's lips. The demon's lips drifted his mind over to the memory of the demon's antics earlier. How the demon had wetted his teeth with his tongue after the embarrassing words he had said.

Instantly, Eial looked away and then stuffed his blushed face against the demon's chest, his arm wrapped tight around his torso. Unwilling to reveal his face, the demon was then tasked to stand up and lead them to the demoness while holding onto Eial still wrapped around him. Which seemed romantic in gesture, but was truthfully difficult and unpresentable as he wobbled step by step on his walk.

The two found their way in front of the demoness eventually. Upon their meeting, she'd described again what had happened to the elf and how it was the same as when the experimented elf left the lab with an outpour of magic. She had slipped for a moment and started to call the strange elf by another name— "Kl—," she stated, before her lips pinched and she corrected herself, "AE001."

Within the topic, the demoness also breached another subject they had been too distracted to address immediately. "The crater we saw in town with magic. I need to investigate more on it," the demoness said as she eyed the two others sternly. "While I'm gone, Eial, you can teach Drokn on spells and—"

"I want to go with you."

Vrona and Drokn's eyes turned to focus on the source of the voice.

"If it's alright, I want to go with you. I can sense the magic. I can be useful!" the elf began to plead to convince, his fingers on one hand tapping the fingers on the other.

The demoness looked upon the elf sympathetically as she tilted her face. After a moment of thought, she shook her head. "I don't want to put you in potential danger again."

"Then were you planning to be in danger by yourself?" Eyebrows strained, Eial looked at the demoness with concern, with surprise, with hurt. The injuries already sustained by her had carved into his memory raw, wishing they would disappear, that she wasn't in pain. "I want to help. Please let me."

If her suspicions held true, their enemy was far stronger than the elf had perhaps assumed. If at all possible, she would not let anyone else encounter the being who had taken away the one family who was most important to her. Yet somehow, he was already too close.

An enemy who she may not be able to avoid. Who the people she knows may not be able to avoid. It might put them at an advantage to seek the seeker than to look away and pretend a disaster was not approaching.

Sighing deeply, Vrona finally agreed. Worried, yet thankful considering his help could assist them well. "Then, I'll train you, too, Eial."

Beaming, Eial smiled with his shoulders high and hands gripped on his knees.

As for the demon, however, the story was painted a different color.

Hearing the elf's desire, an unease crept into crevices of Drokn's chest. A jarring sense of loss and frustration. Unknowingly, he had been spoiled by the elf's attention. Someone who had solely focused and supported the demon on his quest to defeat the king, for the first time was slipping from his fingers and looking elsewhere.

And, to train him? As if he wasn't strong already. Old thoughts crawled their way forward, overtaking his mind with black haze.

Without celebration, his eyes glancing sideways, the first thing he could feel was the bitterness of betrayal.


Hello!! Chocolate And T here.

We are soon going to reach the first climax of the novel and I want to make sure I plan it all well. So, I will go on a bit of a hiatus while I fine tune the events of the climax and what leads up to it and make sure it's thrilling! Hopefully not more than 2-3 weeks.

See you all very soon! Hope you're excited for what's to come ;) Feel free to share your theories! What even is the climax about? lol

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