Chapter Twelve pt 1

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It was weird for the demon. Just a few days ago, he hated being trapped as a winged being. But now, being trapped with the elf felt like he wasn't trapped at all. There was a sense of satisfaction and pride that came from the situation. For some reason, it felt like he had won. But won what?

He didn't ponder on it for too long. Too many distractions ran upon the day. Their dinner was filled with awkwardness and everyone tried to remain civil, or rather just quiet. Occasionally, he'd notice the elf converse freely with his mother on things he'd learned through the years and that stirred an odd churning feeling in his gut, causing him to look away. But shortly after, Eial would gently tap on his knee and whisper to him about things he collected in the day.

Drokn didn't care for the conversation at all. He wasn't paying attention to any of it. Definitely did not hear every single word the sweet voice sung and every soft breath the pink lips took. He most surely did not remember the red leaves he found pretty and the caterpillar he met along the way.

When nighttime started to veil the clouds, the three of them came upon the obstacle of sleeping arrangements. Eial suggested building another bed inside the cabin so the two demons each had a bed to rest on while he built himself a small hut separately. Obviously, this idea was vehemently rejected by the two who refused to share a space.

Eventually, they had decided the cabin was too small to fit another bed, anyway, and it would work the best if the demoness took it over and the two mates shared a separate hut.

This sharing arrangement didn't come as easily either, however.

Eial initially thought to build two separate huts, one for each of them. To Drokn, though, that only made him furrow his brows.

His first excuse:

"Don't elves need to be near their bonds? We should share a hut in that case."

"I think we're close enough anyway. That won't be an issue for me." The elf simply smiled.

His second excuse:

"You're wasting land creating separate huts."

This one made Eial think for a moment. "If I make them close enough, it won't be an issue."

With gritted teeth, his third excuse:

"You hate sharing a hut with me that much?? Sure, if I get attacked by wolves, you'll still be sound asleep!"

Eial had no response to this. There were no wolves in this area, but how could he convince the demon it's safe? "Don't be scared," Eial reassured the demon in sincerity, but it only made the demon fall into an awkward hole. What made him dig deeper was Eial following up with, "You can take the cabin, then. Mother and I will be outside.

Without thinking, Drokn blurted out a, "No!" but with nothing else to follow, he eyes just darted around, searching for more excuses and reasons.

The demoness, who had been idly watching, could not stand this farce any longer. After rolling her eyes in exaggeration, she spoke to Eial with reason. "Eial, stay in a hut together. It'll reassure me to know you're both within sight of each other. Besides—" She straightened her back and side-eyed at Drokn with a smirk. "—you could probably defend him from the scawy wolves." She looked away and desperately held in her laughter.

Now with the mother's insistence, Eial did not question further. With waves and swinging motions of his arms, the roots of the many trees surrounding the area mixed in with the soil and grass weaved together to make a small hut of sorts. With more movement, two narrow beds of dried mud and grass shifted into their presence on opposite walls. Out of habit, he motioned downward with his palms facing the ground, causing the structure to mold under the surface with just a hole for an entrance.

Lastly, he waved a palm over the entrance and a sheen illuminated the space briefly. "I made an extra barrier for wolves." The soft green eyes sparkled in support. The tall one just grumbled.

Drokn glared at the demoness who was still facing the other way before swinging his cape around, gritting, "I'm not fucking scared of wolves. Take away that damn barrier!" and jumping into the space below.

Confused, Eial looked at the hole and then looked at his mother who just shook her head laughing.

Sitting on the soft, grassy bed, Drokn saw the underground walls light up from an oil lantern brought down by the elf, the shadows deep in contrast. The lantern was set down next to the demon to turn off at his own will.

Looking from his own bed, the elf caressed the softness under him and then examined the bed the demon was quietly sitting on. "Is the bedding okay? Would you like more cushion or—"

"I'm fine!" the demon interrupted, not intending to raise his voice. He was stifled by both the awkwardness and pleasantness of the air that surrounded them. A part of him wanted to say something, talk to him. It was a long day for the both of them to say the least, and his chest pulled for something. But before he could open his mouth, his companion rolled himself on the bed and faced away to sleep while dressed within his cloak.

Drokn stared with slightly scrunched brows before pouting himself to sleep, staring at the elf, stifling the urge to go over and hold his hand.

Well into the night, the air cooled the room, the lantern was blown out, and nothing but deep breaths filled the silence. In the darkness, a small elf sweated in his sleep and his chest was clenched above his clothes. Unfortunately, all of this went unnoticed by the demon who lay sound asleep.

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