Chapter Seven pt 2

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As early as the first beam of light came onto the horizon, Eial climbed the ladder out of the hut. Following his regular routine for gathering breakfast, he closed his eyes and— he was gone. When he opened his eyes again, he was in the middle of a forest full of bushes and trees and diverse plants. Many birds with various songs serenaded the forest creatures. Beetles walked on trees and frogs hopped through the mossy areas next to a small pond.

When Eial spotted the black colored berries the demon liked so much, he rushed over to them, collecting them into a grass woven pouch he made. A little further, he found branches of ripe orange and red colored fruit which he also added to his basket.

After wrapping up his little gathering mission, he closed his eyes once more, visualizing the large tree trunk at his current base. When his eyelids opened again, he was right there, next to the tree he visualized. Using water magic to wash and sharp blades of wind magic to slice, he made a lovely array of colorful berries and fruits on a dish made of wood he had crafted just moments ago, ready for the demon to dine on.

The peaceful morning continued as the demon stretched his way out of the underground hut and they shared their meal. And throughout the rest of the day, the elf came up to the demon and healed his wing as often as he could, pausing only when he felt exhausted from using up his magic.

Looking at the demon created a new overwhelming feeling of happiness and gratitude in the little elf. He felt light now with all his secrets revealed. Moreso, the demon acted the same. Acted closer, even. A warmth started to overtake the elf's chest, and he could feel their bond growing stronger. He wasn't going to be alone anymore. He wasn't going to be alone anymore. That thought was still so strange for him to think.

At the pace Eial was going, it had only taken a couple more days for the demon's wings to fully heal. Each membrane of the bat-like appendage carefully knitted together. As soon as the healing was complete, the demon stretched and expanded his wings, letting them freely feel the air without pain. With a couple waves, he was up, soaring in the open air as if showing his power. That only lasted for a few seconds, however, before the demon smacked himself at the top of the elf's barrier above, causing the demon to land back down, disgruntled.

"You look amazing while you fly," said the elf with the brightest twinkle in his eyes and the most gentle smile. "But... perhaps your wings could use a little wash. Of course, I'll help!"

The demon felt insulted and was ready to retort, but when he brought one of his wings close enough to smell, he knew the elf was right. It smelled earthy and almost rotten from all the days it had been out in the open, unwashed and exposed to the environment. He sniffed his arm, as well, and to his displeasure he had also started to smell of sweat.

"Eial my dear, would you kindly set up a bath for me again and wash my clothes?" asked the demon, his persuasive and stretched voice taking hold.

And Eial was happy to oblige. Through ups and downs and circles of his hands, he motioned the tree's roots to once again create a large and spacious tub of sorts and filled it with warm water. In the meantime, the demon had already derobed perfectly in time to get into the bath as soon as it was ready. Quickly, Eial washed the demon's clothes as he'd done a few days prior with his magic before hanging them from a clothes rack-like structure formed with more roots.

He then came towards the demon's back, and with water magic chilled to be refreshingly cool, cleansed the wings gently. The dirt and debris from the flat surface easily came off. The only places he had to pay special attention to were the edges of the ribbings.

After Eial finished cleaning the wings, he had time to notice the demon's long, silky black hair covering what he could see of his back. The demon's wet shoulders shimmered in the sunlight. Shaking his wings once, the horned being sank further into the warm water.

A growing urge took ahold of the elf. An urge to be closer, to smell the demon, to touch the demon. He tipped his head downward, resting his forehead against the wet, black hair. "May I join you?" he asked instinctively, his voice almost sounded possessed.

To that, the demon boomed a hearty laugh and turned his head back with half lidded eyes. "Permission granted."

Without thinking for another second, the elf removed everything on him and dipped into the tub on the opposite side of the demon. Being naked had no affect on him. Bodies were just bodies and he didn't think nudity was anything special. What was special to him was this bath. He'd been taking quick washes with water magic lately, so this treatful change to a nice soak was very soothing. On top of that, sharing a moment with his dear demon.

"The two of us, completely bare sharing a bath, and you don't seem to feel the slightest bit flustered. I feel offended," the taller being chuckled.

"I don't understand why I'd need to feel flustered. You don't seem to feel that way, either. Should I also be offended?"

The response made the demon laugh harder, appreciating the elf's growing wit. "I suppose we're both at fault, then," he said and tilted his head to the side, quirking an eyebrow and observing the small being across from him.

A brief moment of silence and the tug within the elf felt deeper. He breathed in, eyeing the demon's wetted chest. "Perhaps I was wrong. I do feel odd seeing you like this. I think I feel my bond pulling me closer to you. May I touch you?"

The demon snorted and one side of his lip curled upwards. "My elf is once again unabashedly daring." He spread his arms out, gesturing to the elf in invitation. "Come here."

Splashes of the water rippled on the surface until Eial came close enough to lay his hands on the sturdy chest in front of him. The warm skin felt nice underneath his palms as he slowly made his way up to the neck, massaging every place of contact with his thumbs which had a light blue tint on them. His gaze followed his hands until his attention diverted to the demon's lips, then his nose, then his eyes, which were staring back and growing darker.

All humor had vanished. Their gazes looked deeper than the surface. Their pulses matched. There was a lull in the air.

A wet hand cupped the elf's smooth cheek and a thumb absentmindedly grazed over the elf's lips.

The elf's eyelids felt heavy and the demon's followed, both closing slowly, both of their faces coming closer as if in slow motion.

And then at last—


Their warm lips permeated heat to each other at the light caress, adjusting to each other's temperatures. A simple kiss, yet it pulled at their chests. They could feel their bond forming sparks and entangling tighter, stronger.

Eial felt the demon's hand shift from his cheek to the back of his head, firmly grasping it. The smooth lips against him tilted further and pushed harder until suddenly— he was pulled away, dislodging the touch. When Eial opened his eyes, surprised, he noticed the demon scrunch his brow ever so briefly before he turned to the elf with a confident smirk.

"And that, my dear Eial, was a kiss."

"I'm aware of what a kiss is," the elf responded in confusion.

The demon lifted his brows and half-closed his eyes condescendingly. "I wasn't sure since you seemed to be new to anything revolving flirting."

"Well, I suppose that's true," contemplated the elf in seriousness, but his attention soon diverted back to the demon's lips, reminding him of what they'd done, and how it felt. A rosy tinge painted on his cheeks before a shy smile grew on him. "I feel... ticklish," he said and plunged underneath the water with his eyes closed.

The demon gave a hearty laugh loud enough the whole plains could have heard and left the water, drying quickly in the warmth of the sunlight before robing, all the while involuntarily smiling to himself. Only after several minutes did the elf lift up from the water with a gasp before finding the composure to come out of the bath, as well. Thinking on his feelings, he could tell that the thought of the demon held just a slightly different color than it had before.

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