Chapter Six pt 4

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"Ahhh fuck!" The demon shoved his claws into his hair and ruffled it in frustration. "Why would them leaving have anything to do with you?"

"Huh?" Eial slowly moved his face up with a look of confusion.

A deep breath in was followed by furrowed brows as the demon tried to make sense of his irregular feelings and mismatched thoughts. The goal, the goal, he tried to hypnotize himself to think, however the uncertain pressure in his mind kept getting in the way. Finally, he bit his own lip, the mild pain from the prick easing into a bit of distraction. Enough distraction to gather some of his thoughts and kneel down to cup the elf's perfectly fitted cheek.

"They've missed out on raising an adorable elf." He purred. Or, at least awkwardly tried to. Complimenting became difficult for the demon when it wasn't a lie and rather closer to the—

The temperature of the elf's cheek rose under the demon's palm and a slight twinkle came back to life in the green eyes. He shifted the weight of his head further into the contoured hand and let out a soft laugh. "You think I am adorable?"

If the demon had a drink, he would have spit it out. How was someone supposed to answer these questions that left the demon speechless?

"Of... course," he said in attempted flirtation, but ended up displaying such an awkward tone that anyone around would have shrunk in discomfort.

A more pronounced giggle finally left the elf, and a load of weight suddenly flowed away from the horned being, leaving him even more aware of the skin contact, the rosiness on the elf's cheek, the softness of his skin, the smoothness of the elf's lips—

"How—," the demon interrupted his own thoughts, "—about we eat something?" With some regained confidence and control, he leaned forward, closer to the elf, and continued, "Perhaps you can feed me." His thumb grazed slightly over the small one's lips while he stared into the elf's eyes lazily and with a wicked grin.

"Oh, sure, I can do that," Eial responded as if he was asked to do an honorable favor. But when he noticed the demon's quick frown, he corrected himself. "Is this... also teasing?"

The demon exhaled through his nose in defeat and snickered to himself. "This is not teasing, dear. This is flirting."

"Oh!" the elf exclaimed while processing. "I haven't experienced flirting, either. I'm not sure I can tell the difference."

"Ha!" the horned being laughed and wore a coquettish smirk. "I'm sure I can provide you with many examples."

"I'm looking forward to it," Eial said delightedly in the tone of a diligent student.

"That, my dear Eial, was also flirting."

Right after an exaggerated "Ohhhhhhh" from the elf, the demon moved away and stood up with his arm extended. "Come. I'm hungry."

Eial, hesitant at first at the gesture he had rarely witnessed towards him, soon happily took the demon's offer and held his hand to help himself off the ground. As soon as he was up, the demon pulled his arm towards himself, toppling the elf until he fell against him, torso to torso.

With his free hand on the elf's lower back, the demon tipped towards one of the elf's pointed ears. "And this is also flirting," he said and gently blew cool air against the sensitive skin before letting go of the elf completely and walking away past him.

The elf, now wide eyed, did not comprehend the meaning of the act. But for some reason, his face was as red as a cherry glowing in the sun.

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