A New Friend-Special Olympics Ohio Summer Games

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It was late June of 2002. Little Mei would be 2 years old within a couple of days, on the 4th of July. Her raven curly hair had grown now. It was down past her shoulders as her curls soft as a lamb's bounced up and down as she got ready to go to Columbus with her 2 moms and her sister. Her blue eyes, as deep as the ocean glimmered in excitement for her older sister, 4 year old Ruby, who is competing at the Special Olympics Ohio State Summer Games as a Young Athlete. Ruby would be competing in track and field events like the 50 meter dash; mini javelin and standing jump. Tammie's partner is an Irish woman named Bridget, slim built with fair skin, red wavy hair and dark eyes and a kind smile that would lighten the girls and Tammie's fluttering heart. They met New Years eve when the clock struck midnight in 2000 when Tammie was pregnant with Mei, and she was there for Joshua and family when Jim passed away; Bridget met Tammie's family and friends, and now 2 years later, they were newlyweds; during Christmas in 2001, both women were engaged to be married. The wedding was Memorial Day and their honeymoon was at Disneyland in California.

Sweeney sat in the back of the passenger's seat with Mei as she looked at the trees and the lovely scenery that led to Columbus. The summer games is at Ohio State University—uncle Joshua's alma mater as well as her mom's.

Tammie grew up with her mother in Cincinnati, Ohio, close to the stadium where the Bengals played; and graduated from Withrow High School with a 5.0 grade point average. She then went to college at Ohio State University; that was where she met Bridget, David, Joshua and Mary. Tammie graduated from OSU (Ohio State) with a degree in nursing and in theater. And her favorite football team in the NFL is the Cincinnati Bengals. In her college days, she would drive all the way to Cincinnati to see the Bengals play along with Joanne and Renee, and she would watch the Browns game in her dorm with David even though she wasn't a fan of the Browns. She smiled, fond and sweet memories of her college days with David.

Tammie parked near Joshua's SUV, and David's dark green van and everyone got out of the minivan. As soon as Mei saw her quintuplet cousins and Riley, she ran over to them and hugged them. All seven of the girls are more than just cousins—sisters.

Sweeney watched the sweet moment between all the girls as he hugged Joshua, and Victor along with Mary, Bridget and Tammie.

The first girl, Kimiya, had brown eyes with dark hair and pale Japanese skin. The second girl, Kamala has south Asian skin, black hair and hazel eyes. The third girl, Katya is of Jewish descent with fair skin, dark brown hair and light blue eyes. The fourth girl, Krishna had honey brown skin, brown eyes with her chestnut brown hair and the youngest girl, Rani had her dad's brown eyes; so rare. It was so rare that two girls of Asian descent have brown or blue eyes. Riley is an autistic girl with pale skin, red wavy hair and brown eyes just like Adam, and she loves hugs, being around her dads, her aunties and uncles; the noises she dislikes are the shot gun start during track and field, sirens from fire trucks and fireworks. She also doesn't like when her dads are hurt or when anyone is hurt. Riley was diagnosed with autism recently. The things that would calm her down are weighted blankets, hugs and singing from both her dads.

Joanne was there to greet Ruby and she led her to where the parade of athletes were: on the track. She took over as coach since Jim had died. Joshua found out about the Special Olympics through Liam, who also coaches for track and field. They all went to the stadium, holding each parents' hands. Mei was on top of Sweeney's shoulders in her white Cincinnati Bengals jersey and orange and black tutu.

Marty Allen was emceeing at the event and Joanne was chosen to sing the Star-Spangled Banner in honor of Jim.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand and remove your caps for the singing of our national anthem; who will be sung by Joanne Williams; in honor of Jim Williams, who died in the September 11 attacks." Marty Allen announced.

Mirai  "Mary" Sakamoto Barker FoundWhere stories live. Discover now