First Panic Attack/Lavendar Lotion/Soothing lullaby and cuddles

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Over a year and and 6 months later, 3 year old Mei was playing with her 2 year old cousins one beginning of November mid-afternoon. It was November 3; 3 days after Halloween. Her older cousin Jamie was watching over her dad whom was doing the dishwasher. His heart was throbbing a bit but still.

"Dad...are you alright?" Jamie asked.

"I'm sometimes does that..." Joshua reassured between breaths.

"Do you want me to get uncle Eli?" Jamie asked worried.

"Yes...please do, sweetheart..." Joshua clutched on to his chest before falling to the floor, overcome by his chest pain. While it was happening, a dish broke. Rani and Mei could hear it from the other room and they checked to see what was going on. Jamie ran to get Eli from his home office.

"DADDY!!" Rani screamed and then cried in fear.

"Uncle Joshie?" Mei gently shook Joshua curious to see if he was awake or not. He didn't respond. Mei was getting worried now. "Uncle Joshie?!" She called out louder, a little nervous. Still no sound from her sweet uncle. This was the first time Rani or Mei had ever seen Joshua on the floor and in pain.

"UNCLE JOSHIE!! UNCLE JOSHIE!! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!" Mei shook Joshua awake frantically and scared. Was there someone, anyone out there who could help him? She looked around, terrified and close to tears. Panic raced through her body.

"HELP!!! HELP!!!" Mei screamed in terror before she wailed over Joshua's limp and unconscious form. Rani felt her chest burn as she clutched on to it. Stephen came over to carry Rani on to the couch, worried.

"Oh my God...! Rani?! Ra?!" Stephen gently shook Rani awake and looked around worried. "HELP, SOMEONE!!! HELP!!"

"Easy, Stephen. It's the link that Rani has with Joshua." Eli explained.

"A link?" Stephen asked, curiously. "How long has she gotten it? Does she have what Joshua inherited?"

Eli explained to Stephen that she doesn't have what Joshua has; that she is telepathically bonding with him. If any of his natural born daughters: Kim, Kamala, Katya, Krishna or Rani have boys in the future, they will 100% likely get his heart defect; but if they had daughters, they won't get what Joshua has.

Eli came from behind Jamie as he heard crying from Mei.

"What's going—-oh, Mei,'s's gonna be okay, honey." Eli reassured gently. "Give uncle Joshie some room, okay?"

"I'll sweep up the glass." Stephen said reassuringly. He used the time stone to undo what happened to the plate. He then put it back in the cupboard where the other plates were. And then he stayed right by Rani's side and carried her to Joshua's limp form.

8 year old brown haired blue eyed Rachel and 6 year old red haired blue eyed Ruby heard Mei's terrified screams so they went to comfort her.

"It's okay, Mei-Mei." Rachel hugged her little friend whom was crying.

"Don't cry, Mei...uncle Joshie's gonna be alright." Ruby patted her back.

Rachel felt Mei limp in her arms. Overcome by what she saw, Mei had fainted!

"Mei?! Mei, wake up! Wake up!" Rachel worriedly shook Mei awake but she didn't respond.

"Mei!" Ruby worried.

"Rubes, go get Miss Tammie, okay?" Rachel instructed worried.

"Okay! I'll be back!" Ruby ran to get Tammie, whom was doing the last of the girls' laundry room. Grandma Barb was helping her.

Mirai  "Mary" Sakamoto Barker FoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon