Mei's Dream

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Mei found herself in Victorian Era London inside a barbershop. The sky was twinkling with stars as she looked out the window. She was still in her Disney Princess pajamas she wore for bed.

"Mei..." She heard a soft feminine voice whisper to her gently.

The little girl looked around.

"Mommy? Is that you?" Mei asked. "Where are you?"

"I'm not your mommy...but I am you, little one." The young woman said.

She was a girl of 14 with the same features as Mei. She was not yet a woman but somewhere in between. She was a slender teenaged girl with long raven curly hair; down to her waist, and the same blue eyes as Mei's. She was wearing a white kimono with cherry blossom flowers.


"You probably don't remember; but I'm sure you will." The older girl said to her in a way so that she would understand. "But Sweeney will find you."

"Sweeney?" Mei asked. "Sweeney who?"

"Someone by the name of Todd will find you." The girl mysteriously said.

No matter what happens, Mary...I love you...Sweeney's voice whispered tenderly.

Ben? The little girl thought in her mind. I have so many questions...

I will find you, Mary...Sweeney's voice tenderly said in her mind.

"Wait! Who's Mary?!" The little girl called out.

"She's been right beside Sweeney Todd all along." The young woman said to her before disappearing. "Soon you will reunite with him."

The girl looked at the barber's chair and she pressed a button which slid her down to the cellar. She screamed sliding downward...


"Mei...?! Mei-Mei?!" A small voice called out to her.

Mei had fallen out of bed and she felt someone shake her awake. It was her cousin Rani.

It was the middle of the night.

"I've got her, love..." Sweeney softly reassured to Rani. He gathered Mei into his arms and into her bed and cuddled her while nuzzling her cheek.

"Ben?" Mei asked worried.

"It's alright, sweet...try to go to sleep." Sweeney whispered tenderly; reassuring the sweet girl as he soothingly stroked her face. Mei just nodded and slept. The barber smiled at Rani too. "You too, dear." He lightly tapped Rani's nose; that caused Rani to giggle.

"Okay." Rani smiled as well as she went back to bed.

Sweeney leaned in to kiss Mei's cheek as he wrapped his arms around the little girl sleeping.

Sweeney...find me...A young woman's voice tenderly resounded.

I will, little love...He thought.

Mirai  "Mary" Sakamoto Barker FoundOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora