Chapter 3: Mayors in the Game

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In a thick forest, where nature has power, a young girl falls from the sky touching the leaves of the trees until she falls to the ground. She gets up and looks at her hands, then smiling, she says:
"I'm back!" Skye says proudly.

A cry is heard above Skye, it is Everest who falls on Skye. But Skye has enough strength to grab her with her arms.
As for Everest, she continues to scream into Skye's arms despite the fall is over.

Skye: Hey? It's over.

Everest: Oh ... yes. Thank you.

Skye: I have enough strength in my character to lift you up.

Everest: But not enough in real life, where I'm the one who lifts you up.

Everest chuckles, and Skye, annoyed slaps Everest's butt, then let her fall.
"Ouch my butt!" yells Everest.

Skye: Where are the others?

Other characters fall from the sky, including Military Jack and Princess Appy.

Skye: Great, friends! Now that we're all here, let's find Chase!

"Ouuuuch! My back! Where am I?" say in an old voice Military Jack.

"Chase didn't take his character?" think Skye

Skye: Um, are you Rubble?

Rubble: No, I'm here.

Indeed, Rubble is no longer Foody Geographer but he is Scientist Danold.

Everest: What, what, what? Scientist Danold had to be Rocky.

Rocky: Friends ... why am I Rubble's character!!?

Skye: Oh my god.

"Oh Gosh! Why does my town have so many trees?" asks Princess Appy.

Rocky: Zuma?

Mayor Goodway: Who are you? And good idea, I'll call the PAW Patrol.

Skye: Wait, wait? Who are you?

Mayor Goodway: Oh are you new visitors? Let me introduce the most beautiful city, Adventure Bay!

Everest: Looks like ... Mayor Goodway!

Mayor Humdinger: My city Foggy Bottom is better!

Skye tries to figure out the situation, then advancing towards the two mayors, she says:
“Look, I'm Skye. A few minutes before we enter a video game, but I don't know why you're here. And weirdly, Marshall and Zuma aren't here. You're in game characters and. .. "

Rubble: Damn Skye, you talk too much. Let me talk. Mayors, Chase is stuck here and we have to find him, then we can go home.

Mayor Goodway stares intently at Skye.

Mayor Goodway: You're not Skye! You have brown hair, soldier clothes, and you are...... a human!

Skye: I'm in a game character!

Everest: So let's recap. I'm still Actress Nina and Skye is still Fighter Amelia. Rocky became Foody and Rubble became Danold. And Goodway is Princess Appy, Zuma's character. And...

Mayor Humdinger: I am Mayor Humdinger! Mayor of Foggy Bottom.

Skye: Why they are here? We'll never finish the game with them!

Everest: And ... Mayor Humdinger became ... Military Jack, Chase's character.

Skye: Rocky, what's the plan?

Rocky: Now I'm fat and expert in maps. I can't help you anymore.

Skye: Rubble?

Rubble: My plan is .... to eat!

Everest: I think we have to find the Non Player Character first, which is Steven.

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