Chapter 18: Red

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Chapter 18

Emily's P.O.V

"Hello? Is someone there?" I heard an annoying voice whisper in my ear.

"Hey!" the annoying voice yelled.

"God damn it! Let me sleep!" I yelled, sitting up straight. I turned to my right and saw Ryan.

"Good morning" he said with a grin.

"Why the heck did you wake me up?!"

"Well, someone is grumpy today" he said. "I just wanted to tell you that you look beautiful and that is ten in the morning. So, it's time to wake up."

"Fine!" I stood up and was on my way to the bathroom when Ryan called me.

"Emily, I don't want to alarm you but you have a red dot on your butt." he said with a muffled laughter. Red dot? Oh no.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, looking at the back of my pants to see the red stain. I turn around so I was facing him.

"Don't look at me!" I screamed at Ryan. I ran to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. After I was done, I put a lot of paper until I reached for some pads. I opened the door and saw Ryan looking at the bed.

"Don't tell me I stained the bed!"

"You didn't stain the bed." he told me.

"OH, thank God! I would have died...wait, Ryan!" I screamed when I got close to the bed and saw the little red stain. "You said I didn't stain the bed!"

"Well you told me not to tell you."

I groaned. "What am I going to do!?" I asked him in distress.

"Tell Sofia. Duh! She's a girl so she will understained. Get it?" He asked laughing. "Understained?"

I laughed sarcastically. "Wow, you're so funny." And I proceeded to punch him in the shoulder.

"Ow! Don't violate me, Red."

"I'm done with you." I said giving upon him, leaving him alone in the room.

Of all days to get my period why did it had to be today?

Wait! I can get a cloth and clean it up, it wasn't a big stain. No one will ever know.

"Hello dear, did you sleep well?" Sophia asked out of nowhere.

"Ah!" I yelled, " you scared me" I laughed.

"Yeah I slept well..." I answered her question, "but I had an accident." I told her a little embarrassed.

"What is it?" She sounded worried.

"I woke up with my period and stained the bed, I'm really sorry." After I told her she looked relief.  

"Is okay hon, it wasn't your fault, go to the bathroom of my room and get some pads. I always keep some there for my granddaughters, I'll get the bed sheets later on and wash them." She told me giving me a smile.

"Thanks, and sorry again." I said heading to the bathroom.

After I was done using the bathroom I went to look for Ryan. When I found him he was talking on the phone.

"Yeah, ok we will wait here" he said, the hung the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Your mom, she will pick us up."

"Was she happy? Relief? Mad?" I asked getting closer to him.

"All of the above," he said given me a kiss on my forehead.

"Oh God."

"Don't worry you'll be fine. At least they call off the search party" he said."Come lets eat, red."

"Say that again, and I'll cut you" I threatened him. He just laughed and kept walking next to me.

I just hope we get far away from here.

Sorry is sort guys. I'll try to update more often.

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