Chapter 2: The excuse

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Chapter 2

Emily's P.O.V.

I walked through my front door, heading to the living room, searching for my mom. I found her sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey, mom!" I yelled approaching the room, sitting next to her on the couch.

"Hi, Emily. How was school?" she asked, still looking at the TV.

"It was fine. Hey, listen, I need to go to a school thing at night." Please believe me, please believe me!

"What school thing? And why at night?" she was giving me her full attention now. Wow is it getting hot in here or is she just burning me with her eyes.

"Oh, well, it's this competition their having at school. I just need to go and help them out." I explained, hoping she would believe my dumb lie. Lying to my mom has always been hard for me, very hard. Who am I kidding I wouldn't even believe myself.

"What time does it start?" she asked, sounding suspicious and sarcastic. Oh well, I tried. I'm never going out! I hate Jake for no reason right now.

"At eight. So? Can I please go? Because Jake is going and he said he would drive me if I needed a lift." I said, giving her my famous puppy dog eyes. She looked at me and scanned my face entirely. Ugh! I feel like her stare is burning my flesh!

"I know you're lying Emily. I know when you are." She said looking at me a bit angrily. Well, the puppy eyes didn't work. Damn.

"How can you tell?" I'm not giving up yet, I'm going to that party even if I have to sneak out the house. Who am I kidding I'm to chicken to do that. Oh Jake you're going to be in depth with me.

"I just know." she replied. Is she like a witch or something? Nah, she can't be. We don't even have a broom. "So, what is it? What's the truth?"

"I just want to go to a friend's house. That's all." I wasn't going to tell what for thought. I wasn't lying, it is a house, just not a friend's house.

"A friend's house? Well, sure you can go." she told me. Am I hearing right?

"Really? Oh my god! Thanks!" I shrieked happily and hugged her. Then, I ran up the stairs to my room.

I got my phone out from my bag and called Jake. Thankfully, he picked up fast.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Jake! Guess what?"

"Um, I don't Willy Wonka in your toilet or something?" he asked being idiotically sarcastic.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny." I said in a monotonous tone. "No! But guess who is going to a party tonight! That's right! It's me!" I spoke loudly, possibly damaging his hearing.

"Which excuse did you give your mom?" he asked being curious.

"Nothing drastic. Only that I was going to a friend's house." I couldn't tell him the first excuse I told her, he would just annoy me more. Sometimes my friend was a big bully.

"So, what time should I pick you up? You little badass" his comment made me chuckle. Me a badass, that is funny.

"Um, at seven, seven thirty? Is that alright?" I asked, walking to my closet.

"Yeah, it's fine. See you later, Strawberry." he said in a sing-song tone and ended the call. Damn nicknames.

Now, to look for something to wear. Why was I born a girl? Boys have it so easy.

I wanted to look pretty for my first real party. Especially knowing who is going to be there.

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