Chapter 21: Mission

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Chapter 21

Emily's P.O.V

"You what!?" I yelled at Jake, while making the bed. We have been living in John's house for almost a week and things have been going pretty well.

"Don't be so dramatic" he said sitting down on the almost made bed.

"You just invited Jennifer to lunch!! I have the right to be dramatic." I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Is just lunch," he said annoyed.

"Jake, her parents doesn't want us close to her. That is one of the reasons we aren't living in the farm anymore." I finished making the bed and got closer to him.

"I know, but I kind of like her, a lot." he said quite sad.

"Ugh, have you asked your parents? They are not going to let you go." I said. Hoping they wouldn't let him go. Is that wrong?

"For your information I'm not on house arrest, you are. Plus my parents are going out, so they can't stop me." He said.

"I'm not on house arrest!! And if you're going out then I'm going with you. It can be a double date." I don't trust that girl one bit to let her go with Jake, and knowing Jake, he will get in trouble.

"Hell to the no!" yelled Jake. "You are not coming with me, you psycho."

"Come on Jake, it can be fun." I said, using my 'puppy eyes'.

"I said no, plus I'm pretty sure your mom is not going to let you go."

"Ok" I said and started to walk to the door.


"What?" I asked

"I won the argument?" He asked confused.

"I believe you have." I said smiling and leaving the room completely.

Oh Jake you're such a dummy.

"Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!" I yelled, going into his room and jumping on him on the bed. How could he still be sleeping.

"What did I do?" he asked a little concern.

"Is not what you did, is what you are about to do."

"Which is?"

"You're taking me on a date" I said, smiling.

"Wait, isn't the guy supposed to ask the girl if he could take her on a date or not?" He asked, smirking.

"Well this time I'm telling you."

"What is the catch?" He asked.

"There is no catch I only want to check on Jake and that girl Jennifer." I told him.


"Because I don't trust her!"

"Ok, I'll do it, but what's in it for me?" He asked

"You get to see your girlfriend very happy," I told him.

"Nah, but I do like the position we are in." He said. I was confused on what he was saying, until I look down and see I was straddling his waist. I was trying to get up when he hold my waist and flipped us over. He on top of me now. "But let's say I like being on top," he said leaning in to blow on my ear, then pull away to look at me. I started to leaned in, brushing my lips to his and continue to his ear. "Yeah that's a fun fact to know, but if you don't get of me in 5seconds you will be in serious pain" I whisper.

When he thought of what I told him he quickly kiss my nose and got of me.

"So what time is the date?" He asked, looking embarrassed.

"At 11 and Jake doesn't know we are going to follow him. And my mom doesn't know we are going out."

"What!? You didn't tell me that."

" Obviously my mom is not going to let us out, she doesn't even want us together." I explained.

"That I know, but you didn't tell me we were going to follow Jake."

"Well now you know, now go take a shower and we will come up with a plan of escaping the house when my mom is cooking." I told him.

"Ok, I have a question" He said

"Which is?"

"Can you take a shower with me?" He said, winking at me.

"No." I said and left.

"Emily, you are crazy." Ryan whisper to me.

"Come on Ryan, is easy, just climb down the window and then help me get down."

"What if I break my leg or something?" He asked.

"That's not going too happened. I think."

"You think?" He questioned harshly.

"What? I never done this before." He stared at me for a moment before giving in.

"Ok, help me down." I helped him climb down the window of his room. That is the only way we could get out of the house without my mom knowing. Jake already left and we were running late.

"Hurry up, Ryan!" I whisper yelled at him.  After saying 'Ryan' he fell to the ground with a small 'thump' falling on his butt.

"Oh my God, Are you ok?" I asked concern.

"I think my ass is broken" he responded.

I started to laugh, until he got up and told me to climb down.

After I finished climbing down, Ryan and I started to speed walk until we couldn't see the house anymore.

"So what now?" Ryan asked

"Let's go find Jake."

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