Chapter 29: Memories

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Chapter 29

Emily's POV

Almost 2 weeks has past and I still don't remember anything about the robbery. I went to school and a lot of people acted like I was gone for months, not to mention I was far behind in school work. Mom did say I was out for almost a month. Jake has been acting very strange, like if he wanted to tell me something important. Ryan the last time I saw him was at the hospital. I don't know why but I'm kind of worried about him.

"Emily are you ok?" Jake asked bringing me back from my thoughts. We were on our lunch break now.

"Yeah I'm fine. Jake have you seen Ryan?" I asked. Jake looked a little shocked about my question.

"No. why you ask?"

"No reason. I'm just a little concern about him, his mother did die 2 weeks ago. Or a month ago? I'm not sure." I replied.

"Well I haven't heard about him. I have to go Emily, I have so much school work I need to do." he said.

"Ok. Can I go to your house later?" I asked. Maybe we can finish the school work quicker.

"Sorry but mom is remodeling and there's a mess in the house, maybe next week." he said then left. That's strange this is the first time Jake said no to me going to his house. And his mom has always remodel the house with my help, because she wanted another girl's opinion.

Maybe is nothing.

"Emily stop stressing out" I told myself. Putting my head on my hands.

"Anyone would be stressed out if they were you" said a voice in front of me. When I looked up there was a tall blonde guy there looking at me.

"Hi" I said

"Hey, I'm Alexander but call me Alex." he said bring his hand out for me to shake. He looked familiar.

"I'm E-"

"Yeah I know who you are, Emily." he said sitting in the seat in front of me. "Actually a lot of people know you." ok this guy was acting a bit weird. He is cute though.

"How is it that they know me?" I asked suspicions.

"You're the latest gossip." He simply says.

"Are you knew here? I have never seen you around?" I asked.

"New? You're joking right?"

When he saw that I didn't say anything he kept talking. " I been here for almost 2 years." He said. I still didn't say anything.

"Come on you must have seen me around."

"I don't think so. Look I don't mean to be rude but I have to go" I said picking my stuff and putting my bag over my shoulder.

"No worries. See you around" he said standing up.

"Well bye" I said and left. That was an awkward moment.

I started to walk home not feeling good for some reason. Half way home an idea occurred to me, I'll go see Ryan. He must be in a difficult time right now and needs someone to talk to.

Almost at his house I saw boxes outside. I got closer and saw Ryan taking a big box out of his house. He looked up and saw me.

"Emily what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm here to make sure you're ok. I haven't seen you for almost 2 weeks. You're moving?" I asked seen all the boxes.

"Well I'm fine and yes. This house is a little too big for me. It also brings back good and bad memories." he said with a sad expression.

"Oh" was all I could say.

"Would you like to come in?" He asked going towards the door.

"Yeah" I said walking behind him. We got inside and a dog started running my way.

"Aw you have a puppy." I said petting him.

"His name is rocky." He said, "come lets sit".

We sat on a chair because the sofa was outside.

"So..." I said

"Ugh you're killing me" said Ryan looking at me.


"Nothing" he said.

"Where are you moving? If you don't mind me asking" I asked.

"I don't know yet. Maybe to London or something." he said

"Oh" I don't know why but I was a bit disappointed. Why move so far away?

"Do you need help?"

"Yes a lot of help" he said laughing. He stood up and I followed him.

"So what boxes are next?" I asked.

"You get the ones in the kitchen and I'll get the ones upstairs." he said heading upstairs. I walked to the kitchen a picked the smallest box. When it was in midair the box opened on the bottom and spoons, forks and knives fell out. Being so dumb I tried to catch some of the spoons before they hit the floor but I ended catching a knife instead, and cut my hand.

"Darn it!" I yelled checking my hand. Then I heard footsteps coming down stairs.

"What happened?" Asked Ryan. When he saw my hand he came closer and started to look at it. Then looked at the floor. "So you tried to catch a knife. How smart of you." He chuckle then went to a small closet, he pull out the first aid kit then picked me up putting me on the counter. Did he think I was a baby or something?

"You know I could have just done that myself" I said.

"Hush" he said then started to check my cut. He put some alcohol in my hand and rapped it up.

"Thanks" I said looking him in the eyes.

"No problem" he said moving closer and putting his hand on my cheek. We were deep in each others eyes. Ryan started to lean in, his lips almost touching mines.

"I have to go." I said, before his face could get any closer.

"Yes, is getting dark" he said taking a step back.

"Well bye. Ryan" I said getting down from the counter.


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