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Your eyes were suddenly opened at the noise that was heard in the bar where you were, several people had been startled when they heard the name "Zoro" and "Morgan", you did not take importance trying to go back to sleep but not being able to do so. You snorted rubbing your eyes while Luffy who had noticed how you woke up offered you some food.

After a few minutes of talk between the two boys, you went to the marine building, looking for the swordsman, when you arrived you found a wall which was jumped by the rubber man, in turn he left you on it to be able to have a good look.

"So that's Zoro right? Those strings seem easy to break."

Your eyes met the green of the man, tied on a wooden cross, you stuck out your tongue in greeting and his gaze drifted to the pirate.

"Hey you! Could you please... come down here and untie me? I've been here nine days and I'm a little tired."

"Look, he's smiling."

While Coby was practically horrified by the simple fact of meeting glances with the bounty hunter, Luffy simply watched as if nothing, then a girl who looked more or less your age came climbing with a ladder, commanding the boys to shut up, you observed in silence hoping to talk to her later. She approached the swordsman with a smile, holding up some rice balls.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Do you want to die or what...? Get lost!"

"Onii-chan, I have made you these rice balls, you haven't eaten in a long time, right? It is the first time that I do them."

"I'm not hungry, go!"


"I don't want to, I'll kill you if you don't go!"

You puffed out your cheeks annoyed by the situation, you would have run to help the girl if it weren't for someone else entering, a blond man in a black suit, it was none other than Helmeppo, making fun of Zoro's situation, however his attention was diverted quickly to the previous girl, removing one of the rice balls without permission. As soon as he took a bite, his face twisted into a grimace.

"How disgusting! They are made with sugar, they are supposed to have salt!"

He threw the homemade food on the floor, kicking it until he was satisfied, causing a few tears to slide down the poor girl's face. You frowned when you heard the girl being thrown over the wall, although Luffy was able to catch her luckily.

"Are you okay?"

You approached with Coby while Luffy jumped to talk to Zoro, she wiped her tears nodding, when you looked at each other you shared a smile, promising that you would kick those bad boys if they messed with her, this caused a slight laugh that made your lips curl, made someone smile made you happy.

"Do you want to be my friend?"

You raised your hand, waiting for a squeeze that came seconds later, without warning, she pulled you starting to run, shouting that you must meet her mother, commenting that she wanted to play with you for a while, you assumed it was fine, you hadn't played with children round your age for a time.

It was a long time before Coby and Luffy returned after their talk, apparently Zoro ate the girl's bruised rice balls, this made her so happy that she even hugged you full of happiness, wondering if you wanted to join her to do more food, which you accepted.

A scream interrupted the little conversation you had about how the swordsman came to be tied in that place, again, the stubborn Helmeppo appeared on the scene, making everyone kneel as he walked.

"Do you want to be like Roronoa Zoro? He will be executed in public in three days, it will serve as an example for all of you!"

"Three days? Weren't you going to let him go in a month?"

"And who are you? hmp, that was a lie, only an idiot would believe it."

Luffy frowned, without even thinking much about it he punched the blonde, sending him straight to the ground, Coby trembled holding the body of the pirate, who still insisted on continuing to hit the marines.

"H-h-how dare you hit me... I'm the son of the captain of the base! I'm going to tell him everything!"

You rolled your eyes at that behavior, not even your worst tantrums looked so pathetic, and that you could get angry simply because your shoe was badly tied. The situation was resolved as the cowardly marine escaped, the girl looked at Luffy with bright eyes.

"Onii-chan, you are amazing!"

You nodded vigorously at her statement, then the mother came out worried about all the uproar, she looked at you for a few seconds giving a little greeting when she approached for her daughter.

"Rika don't talk to strangers, they will kill you if they mistake you for one of them."

"But she-"

"It doesn't matter, it can be dangerous."

She pointed to you trying to explain that nothing would happen since you were with her, but even though you had already been with her mother, she distrusted your friends, you observed her black eyes full of sorrow, but you shook your head, giving a thumbs up to indicate that everything would be fine.

On the other hand Coby seemed to be going crazy, you held a giggle when you saw how he was ignored by Luffy who decided to go talk to Zoro again, you followed his step, taking his hand to be able to go together, he lifted you on his back to go faster, jumping the wall with agility until he was in front of the man who looked incredulous as you returned.

"You again? I told you I don't want to be a pirate."

"My name is Luffy. If I untie you, will you join me?"

"I've already told you very clearly!"

But he seemed to be ignored, as the rubber boy was too hard headed to understand, you stopped paying attention to the talk to look at how some blood stained the man's face. You rummaged through your little black bag that you always carried by your side, after a few seconds you found a white cloth. Taking advantage of the height from Luffy's back you began to wipe the bounty hunter's face, letting him almost choke on his own saliva at the feel of your careful touch, but despite that he continued arguing with your friend until he left for the swords that they had been confiscated, leaving you on the ground.

"He's crazy!"

"You will get used to it."

You smiled putting the cloth in your bag, you stayed a few minutes in silence, you opened your mouth to speak but what seemed to be a large statue fell from the top of the base on the other side of the front patio where you were. You denied having an idea of who had caused that, then you saw Coby swoop in, reaching out to untie Zoro.

"If you help me they will kill you, you shouldn't be here!" His eyes met yours when you also tried to reach the rope to untie him "You shouldn't be here either, it's dangerous for children."

"I will be a real marine, as well as Luffy the king of pirates."

"And I'll help him!" Also now we are friends, friends help each other."

You gasped hugging Zoro's body when Coby was shot that knocked him down, the swordsman growled while the lilac haired boy whimpered, insisting again that you should get out of here, but you refused by clinging to him like a leech. The marines arrived quickly on the scene, followed by the captain of the base, Morgan.

"Roronoa Zoro... your name is heard from sides, but do not underestimate me, before my immense power, you are just trash!"

All the guards pointed their pistols at you, you bit your lower lip, noticing how the swordsman's muscles were tense, you closed your eyes, hearing a characteristic laugh that made your whole body relax. Luffy had received the bullets by sending them back towards the enemies. Just in time.

You sighed undoing your grip on the man's waist, you crouched down until you were sitting, leaning your back against the wooden plank, you yawned tired despite not having done much, but you were like that, you could fall asleep whenever you felt tired and now it seemed be the moment, in the middle of a battle. Nice nonchalance.

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