𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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You rubbed your right eye, still feeling a vague sense of nausea, the alcohol had really hit you hard. You tried to jump out of bed but someone was holding you as if their life depended on it. Turning your head you were met with a mess of tangled black hairs, Ace snoring softly as some drool slid from his lips, running down his chin until it ended up leaving a slimy little trail of saliva on his pillow.

You stifled a laugh at seeing him in such a state, reaching out your arm, you fumbled on the bedside table, but your bag was a little further out of reach, luckily for you, your bird noticed your futile attempts to reach what he had self-proclaimed as a nest, exhaling some air through his small nostrils, he pulled one of the strings of the bag so that you could reach it.

"Good boy."

You muttered, rummaging through your objects until you finally found the camera. You backed away a bit so you could get a good full face photo of him, you even took one with him making the peace sign with an innocent smile. When you were finally satisfied you struggled for a few minutes to break free of his hold, letting instead of your body hug a cushion that was thrown on the floor.

As soon as you closed the door carefully so as not to make much noise, a growl came from your stomach, you rubbed your belly as if that would silence the sounds of hunger, but they only began to be heard more, your cheeks dyed by shame you looked for a familiar face to be able to order something to eat. Most of the people you saw seemed too exhausted or even asleep, plus you hadn't talked to most of them either, so it took you a while to find someone who could help you.


His name slipped from your mouth with hope and relief, making the man turn quickly at the hint of desperation in your tone.

"Something has happened? Are you hurt?"

"I'm hungry, very, very hungry."

You hugged him around the waist, hiding your face because the sounds your gut was making wouldn't stop, you felt even more embarrassed when you heard the man laugh, you looked at him with a pout so he would stop mocking your misery. He scooped you into his arms with ease to get you to the kitchen, it was quite early so most likely the cook didn't have anything ready due to the party last night.

"Let's see what we can find around here..."

Izo left you on the kitchen counter, just watching him rummage through the different drawers, trying to find something that you liked or trying to cook something, which ended up happening. Now if Izo was considered a good seamstress, cooking was definitely not his thing. Luckily you didn't have to eat those charred sausages since Vista stopped by for a bite to eat, he wasn't the best cook either but at least he made your breakfast more edible. Although everything was more edible than a piece of coal.

Ace didn't wake up until the afternoon, at the same time as you since you decided to take a nap after playing around the ship with Haruta, Whitebeard's lap became one of your favorite places to sleep, although it could never get over the chest of Zoro, nothing and no one could top that.

You returned to Ace's side knowing what was coming next, you had already gotten away with letting him take you for a couple of days diverting him from his quest and keeping some of that crew members busy, you knew it was time to return to your captain. He seemed to completely understand what you were thinking without needing to speak, and while he wouldn't deny that he wanted to continue with you longer, he couldn't, neither of you could.

You took a few minutes to say goodbye to everyone you had met, starting with giving Izo and Marco a kiss on the cheek, and ending with a hug with Whitebeard, despite not having had much time with you, they were glad to meet you, if your lives meet again at some point in the story and you were in danger, they would protect you without hesitation.

On the other hand, while you and Ace were advancing through the vast sea, following the piece of vivre card that Luffy had, your crew was having a hard time in the sweltering heat in the vast Alabasta desert, despite having had the worst of it, they still had a long way to go until they reached Rainbase. Luffy's complaints did not help the mood of the others, Chopper was extremely tired due to the little habit of facing the scorching sun, on the other hand Nami did not have many problems thanks to the camel that refused to take men, the others tried to cope with the suffocation as best they could.

Everyone noticed your lack of presence, even though you may not have spoken much at times, you were always like a stream of fresh water throughout the salty sea. Right now they missed your cheerful attitude, they were sure that although the heat was horrible, you would only play it down wanting to find some kind of monster or creature that could possibly devour you in a second, like the one they had killed a day ago, they expected a little punch from you but oh, you weren't there to scold them for punching a monster.

They really missed your presence, your absence was notorious and they hoped that you would not take long to return, even knowing that you were safe because you had gone to a yonko's ship, they preferred to preserve your safety by themselves.

"What are these patches for?"

Currently you were already flying over a part of the Albasta desert, Ace wasted no time and used the mera mera power to reach his destination as soon as possible, you sat on his back, being held with one of his arms just in case, you played with some cold patches he gave you a few minutes ago.

"Give them to your friends, they'll thank you if they've been walking for hours without a break, and remember to use the parachute I left you, I can't get down so I'll launch you as soon as I see them."

"Yes, sir!"

You did a military salute feeling part of a super important mission, well you would even parachute, surely you could add 'marine' to your list of titles if you wanted to.

It only took you an hour to find them, all exhausted but without stopping walking, without a doubt their determination was stronger than fatigue, so you couldn't abandon them, your mission was to give them some support to regain their strength, in addition to giving them your presence.

"Thank you for everything Ace, I love you, take care of yourself, send my regards to the others and tell them that I want to play with them when I see them again."

You hugged his neck in a fleeting way, receiving a pat on the back, you immediately threw yourself headfirst to the ground letting out an occasional giggle due to the friction of the air, without wasting time you spread the cloth that you had been given to stop the vertiginous fall, still enjoying the experience. Ace watched you as he walked away, he didn't want to see Luffy at the moment because he knew he was going to hold him back somehow, besides, he wanted to see how far he would go on his own, so he wasn't going to meddle in his business, just as he hoped Luffy wouldn't put in his.

"I'm back guys!"

"What the hell?!"

Everyone was excited by your scream, you almost gave them a heart attack by your sudden appearance, but the shock was rather short-lived when they realized that it was only you, relieved to see you safe and sound, happy to have you by their side again and especially grateful that you brought some water with you along with those cold patches, you were like an angel fallen from heaven.

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