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You looked at both of them for a second, making a quick decision your feet shifted dodging some huge roots that could trip you up. In a matter of seconds you found yourself tugging at the chef's black pants.

"Wha- oh, what are you doing here? It could be dangerous."

"I wanted to explore, can I go with you?"

Sanji's expression softened when he saw that you were more than excited to have an adventure next to him, he sighed hiding a smile to hold out his hand so that you didn't have to walk holding on to his pants. That your hands were intertwined helped you not stumble more than once because you were so attentive to 'little' things ─if you consider pterodactyls small─ that you were barely aware of where you were walking, this only made Sanji hold your hand with more force whenever your body lurched forward from hitting a root with your foot.

At a certain point the blonde was immersed in his own thoughts, basically it was you who was dragging him. Then you let go of his hand for a second to crouch down to look at a huge footprint that looked quite recent. Sanji stopped his steps because you stopped in front of him, yet he still remained inside his mind. When you look up, you find yourself face to face with the nose of a dinosaur, specifically a T-rex. You turned your head like your bird, you looked at each other for a few seconds in silence before reacting.

While a squawk of complete horror came out of its jaws, a scream of complete admiration came from your mouth, both screeches caused Sanji to snap out of his daze just as the dinosaur had its mouth wide open ready to devour you without your even realizing it. You kept fantasizing about being so close to a T-rex.

"Don't you dare..." The blonde's fury shot up in just a second, hitting the animal's jaw before you could turn your head "Eat my little princess!"

You gasped when you met the dinosaur completely out of combat, you crossed your arms while Shiroi sighed in relief, he seemed the only one really aware of the danger, you even got a little angry with Sanji because he had not let you see the prehistoric animal for longer.

"I already told you I'm sorry, next time we see another T-rex I'll let you pet it."

You still looked at him with a pout on your features, sitting on the back of the dinosaur that he was now dragging towards the ship.

"And you'll teach me how to bake cookies!"

"Well, that's not so bad."

He smiled to himself, imagining both of you cooking as father and daughter, the scene made his eyes transform into hearts, doing a strange dance, he seemed like a whirlwind of emotions, he even got up to where you were to hug you while muttering things incoherent to you, but you did not care since once he wrapped his arms around your figure you relaxed, the little fuss completely unraveled.

The rest of the way to the ship was calmer, with no other incidents of dinosaurs or creatures wanting to eat you alive, which was boring for you. When you got to the ship, nobody seemed to be around, you shrugged your shoulders deciding to wait while Sanji prepared your snack.

"This is very rare, no one has appeared yet..."

"Maybe they're picking flowers? The ship needs nice decoration."

The blonde chuckled, nodding at your guesses, they sure were doing everything but that, thinking you thought that was adorable. But he really cared when a few hours passed without any of them showing up, if it was only Zoro he would let it pass but he couldn't let Nami and Vivi be missing for so long, what if they needed the help of a hunk? The fact of imagining himself as a knight in shining armor encouraged him to undertake the search for his companions, rather, the girls.

"Look Sanji, It's a saber-toothed lion!"

You pointed with sparkles in your eyes, the cook murmured something that you did not get to hear after giving the animal a few blows to 'tame' it. You honestly would have complained about his aggressive method but since you rode on its back you let him pass while you stroked the animal's head. A few minutes later you found a rather strange square house, while Sanji opened the door you dedicated yourself to touching the wall, sniffing a bit, it smelled like a candle. Inside it was quite cozy, so much so that you even stopped for tea, at your request.

"The tea is pretty good."

You nodded affirming the words of the cook, you were silent for a few seconds and then you spit out what you were drinking.

"I was supposed to be looking for Nami-swan and Vivi-swan!"

"I have to find Zoro! I'm sure he's lost."

Each one shouted one thing while you got up at the same time, before you could resume the search something began to sound inside a basket. You approached pulling out a Den Den Mushi with a mustache and green stripes, you left it on the table for Sanji to reach, before someone spoke or the cook reacted, you spoke.


"It's me, Mr. 0."


You immediately hung up with an innocent smile decorating your features, causing the man to hold back a slight laugh, however he became more serious when the Den Den Mushi rang again, beckoning you to let him speak, the voice rang out again a little more irritated.

"I hope you're done with this stupid jokes, now, it's been several days since I gave you the orders. What's going on Mr. 3?" You waited for Sanji to answer but he seemed to be thinking "I asked you a question, have you finished with Princess Vivi and the Mugiwara crew yet?"

The blonde took a drag on his cigar, you climbed on the sofa during that brief pause, when you settled next to him, he stretched his legs, leaving them on the table before answering.

"Yeah, I've followed your orders, I've taken away all those bastards who know your secret, so you don't need to send anyone else."

"Well, the unluckies are coming to you now, they'll check your work and deliver something."

You disconnected from the call when your bird pecked your cheek, you looked at him with your head bowed, he just pointed with his wing to the round windows of the house, you watched in silence as an otter and a vulture alighted on the windowsill, Sanji seemed noticing them, the two animals began to fight, which left you completely confused, you were also a bit angry that they wanted to hit the blonde.

"Stop! it is wrong to hit people for no good reason."

Completely contradicting yourself you hit the otter while Sanji took care of the vulture. You folded your arms looking at both animals, giving them a little talk that they were barely aware of because they were practically passed out, but that didn't stop you from scolding them for misbehaving at first. When you finished you noticed how one of them dropped a compass much larger than a log pose, it was an eternal pose, you grabbed it with curiosity, drawing the attention of the blonde at the same time that you raised the object to observe it from different angles.

"Mmh? This is...?"

You nodded with a smile, putting the object in your bag carefully, Sanji shrugged, he would have time to investigate where the eternal pose would go, for now you should continue looking for the rest of your comrades.

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