𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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You settled into your seat along with the boys except for Nami, Robin and Usopp, they were participating in the first trial, a boat race, you had full faith in them, but you didn't know if the other team was going to cheat, although being pirates you knew for sure that things would not be done legally, still according to the rules they were allowed to use weapons so at least they could defend themselves.

And indeed, as soon as they gave the starting signal, Foxy's team attacked creating a wave that left your team apart, as if that were not enough, cannons, pistols and even huge rocks were thrown at them, not for long since Luffy, Zoro and Sanji started hitting everyone to make them stop attacking.

You sighed, moving your legs in your seat next to Chopper, who seemed to fear for the life of his faithful companion Usopp due to the small turbulence, in turn, he seemed excited by all this spectacle, he seemed impatient to be able to participate in the next round, you smiled at his attitude, feeling more encouraged to see how your team destroys the others.

Your attention was drawn from the competition despite all the shouting, you wanted to check all the photographic material you had so far because yes, you had the photos but you forgot to stick them in your notebook and write what happened to take the photo, so you got to work on it without worrying about your surroundings, Shiroi accompanied you passing you the materials you needed, exchanging glue and pencil when you asked.

"And now the photo before the tragedy..."

You muttered carefully sticking the picture of Tonjit and his horse, you squinted at Foxy who seemed to be enjoying the race, his eyes moved just to make eye contact with you and you frowned, moving your thumb across your neck, making the gesture of slitting your throat, the pirate's smile diminished slightly but he rolled his eyes thinking that you were just a stupid child. You waved your hand and Shiroi immediately handed you the pencil to add a description.

When you put away the notebook, you saw how your team's boat was about to cross the finish line, your victory smile was immediately erased when they seemed to stand still, thus making the winning boat the opposite, you blew smoke out of your ears of anger seeing your friends lose, but before you start to bite the ankles of an entire crew, you went to comfort your companions.

"What have you done to them!?"

Luffy clenched his fists in rage, getting a laugh from Foxy.

"There is nothing mysterious... it is caused by the noroma photons" you all seemed equally confused by his answer "They are small particles that are still a mystery to modern science! Everything that comes into contact with those photons, any creature, liquid or gas... will conserve its energy but will lose speed."

"I don't understand anything, stop saying nonsense!"

Luffy fired an invisible arrow right into Foxy's morale, getting discouraged, he easily regained his composure and made a show of stopping a cannonball with those photons, though it exploded all over his face which you mocked. He brushed the dust off his clothes, brushing it off.

"In any case, we are the winning team! And now... I will choose a new member! The one I want the most from your crew is... you!"

He pointed to poor Chopper who was stunned in his place, your frown deepened when you saw how they took him helplessly, they put a stupid mask on him and began to praise how cute he was, Chopper sat with teary eyes without be able to contain

"No... I... GUYS! I don't want to leave you! I went out to sea to be with you! Luffy, I joined the crew because you asked me to, I don't want to be with these people!"

"Enough of the whining, Chopper, you're pathetic!"

Zoro silenced everyone, setting the bottle on the ground with a soft clink, your eyes widened as you saw his figure loom up to his full height, the piercing gaze of him staring off into space as he continued to speak.

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