𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Once the guys fixed the storm problem and kicked the monkey-like man off the boat everything calmed down a bit more, everything except you, who was still a little upset about the interruption of the nap. You sat with your back to everyone, arms crossed, staring at a wall while your bird tried to cheer you up, it wasn't until Robin made hands grow on your abdomen to tickle you that you stopped pouting.

"Are you still angry? You can take another nap until we get to Jaya."

They didn't know what kind of island Jaya was, but hoping to find clues about the sky island before the Log Pose setting changed, Luffy was more than excited to go up for new adventures.

"It's not the same!"

You complained looking the other way, pouting again, Robin looked at Shiroi and he raised his wings as if to say he didn't know what else to do with you, so she diverted the conversation so that you would forget the reason for your anger, after all, you are still a child with a lack of attention, she could easily distract you.

"Well, why don't you tell me where you got that beautiful jewel from your necklace?"

You looked at her over your shoulder, with a new interest, it's been a long time since you thought about the jewel you bought, you don't take much importance to it because it's a mere accessory, but knowing that Robin is an archaeologist maybe she has some curious information about the precious stone that interests you or you can learn more about it.

"I bought it from an old lady in Loguetown, well, she gave it to me! she said that it had chosen me."

"The jewel... did it choose you?"


You hummed affirmatively taking off the pendant so that she could look at it more closely, she took it in her hands, observing it carefully, the archaeologist frowned using her memory about ancient stories, rocks, jewels and minerals or ancient beliefs about them. She had some suspicion about an ancient legend, but it was just that, a legend, not something she could prove like the existence of Poneglyphs.

"Has something strange happened while you had the pendant on?"

"Not that I know of."

While you denied, or rather, did not notice the effect of the jewel, your bird seemed to become hysterical, squawking and gesturing to try to explain the amount of danger you have been exposed to and the times you have managed to get out. The gestures were unintelligible until Chopper came to translate, then Robin heard about your adventures, first it was the huge fish that didn't eat you, then the tame Lapahns and most recently the help from the bananadile in Alabasta.

They were more than dangerous animals for someone like you, not to mention your carelessness, the archaeologist was clear about it, if it weren't for the jewel, surely you wouldn't be aboard this ship. Remembering in all the books she had read, there was one where there was talk of certain precious stones that were made as passive weapons, they were not as well known and dangerous as the ancient weapons, but if they were used in the wrong way they could cause various problems, these gems were said to choose their wearer according to their preference and Robin immediately understood yours.

It was the harmony with nature, the species, the animals, the plants, you were a peacemaker of life, all wild matter that touched you, carrying the gem, would simply remain passive before you.

"It's a beautiful jewel, always carry it with you, and you, little thing, take care that it doesn't get lost."

The girl smiled at your bird, who nodded with his wing salute, standing firm to protect your integrity as much as possible, or at least trying not to head into danger, which was a great mission considering your impulsiveness Speaking of Shiroi, the bird improved much more thanks to Chopper's help, you learned to bandage better and his wing was almost recovered, he could now fly short distances which made you happy as well as sad, you were pretty sure that he would leave once he could, because he surely has friends and family to see, but despite that he would still be your friend, everyone has their time to leave no matter how much it bothers you or you don't want to.

It didn't take long until you finally reached Jaya, although the situation wasn't very flattering at first, the whole coast was full of pirate ships, which scared Nami, Chopper and Usopp. Sanji and Robin didn't seem very interested in getting off the ship, so the only adventurers were Zoro and Luffy, of course you were encouraged to go with them, but since Nami didn't trust any of you three without making some problems, she ended up with you'all, Sanji pretended to go once the navigator left, but the other two scaredy pleading and fear made him reluctantly stay on the ship.

"I promise not to fight with others in this city."

Luffy said seriously, receiving a look from Nami, Zoro advanced silently observing the men who were there, then the redhead looked at you waiting for you to say your sentence.

"I promise not to part with Nami, Luffy or Zoro and not to pet dinosaurs or dangerous monsters."

"Nice! You better fulfill it."

You took Nami's hand, looking around curiously, although there was nothing but ruffians here and there, nothing seemed interesting until you reached a much nicer part of the island, it turned out to be a hotel 'rented' by a certain Bellamy.

"What are these filthy boys doing in this place?"

"Ma-master Sarquiss welcome!"

The manager greeted what seemed to be one of the guys from Bellamy's gang, Luffy simply pointed at him asking if he could send him flying with one punch, but Nami just denied. Sarquiss made fun of you again calling you poor, throwing money on the ground which angered Nami and Zoro, they controlled themselves by pulling your captain's face while Zoro decided to give you a piggyback ride, completely passing from the money.

You ended up in a tavern, the navigator complaining that she didn't like this town anymore as you swung your legs drinking your orange juice, watching in amusement as Luffy seemed to compete with the guy next door to see who could eat faster. They both finished at once, calling the bartender in sync.

"This cherry pie is so bad I could die!"

"This cherry pie is so tasty I could die!"

Luffy complained unlike the other man who seemed to enjoy his food, they both looked at each other leaving an atmosphere of tension between them, although for you it was quite funny, especially since they disagreed again when they drank their soda at the same time. The two started a silly fight over who got more meat dishes or pie.

"What is your problem!? You want to fight?!"

"Luffy, remember your promise, besides, we don't have that much money, we're not shopping!"

"Are you a pirate?"

The man smiled more broadly when he noticed how Luffy answered him in the affirmative, arguing about his reward since he did not believe that your captain had thirty million as he said, the fight was cut short by the bartender, who asked that they not fight in his bar, giving him the pies to the man, also asking him to leave, which he reluctantly did.

However, as soon as he left, another man entered making everyone present freeze at his smile and his look thirsty for a fight. He stuck out his tongue as a characteristic sign.

"Is the straw hat pirate here!?"

"It's Bellamy!"

You silently looked at the blonde boy who just walked in, shrugging because he didn't seem like someone interesting, even though all the people seemed to tremble in their boots at his presence, it didn't have that kind of effect on you, it didn't seem that scary, how could cause you fear if he smiled in such a way? It was more fun than terrifying, you just hoped he wouldn't go looking for trouble with Luffy.

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