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When you got up you found that the others had already docked the ship in a port, when you walked around the place you couldn't see any of them so you assumed that he had disembarked to look for a doctor, as you didn't want to have to wait alone and bored you decided that you too would look for your own adventure, first of all you made a little mental note to remember to put the tooth under your pillow tomorrow because yesterday you completely forgot.

You grabbed your bag, letting your little bird shelter from the cold there, taking your coat and a scarf, the first thing you did before getting off the ship was write a note and nail it to the mast in case they came back before you, so they wouldn't be alarmed. Then you went to the kitchen to make yourself some sandwiches in case you got hungry, finally you put on your gloves ready to disembark.

You got distracted for a while playing with the snow before reaching a town, as you had hardly ever seen snow it was quite pleasant to spend hours making figures with the snow, but you had to stop at some point to continue moving forward, guided by your full instincts, and that only meant one thing, you were headed for the dangerous.

You started walking down a pine forest path, where you coincidentally didn't see the 'beware of lapahn' sign, although if you had, you still would have kept going thinking they would be 'cute bunnies' because of the descriptive image on the sign. You began to hear growls near you, which instead of scaring you made your smile widen, slightly quickening your pace only to find something you didn't expect, causing your brow to frown. There were some wolves trying to hurt a little 'bunny', even though you like wolves too, the other animal was the one in trouble.

"Bad wolves!"

You threw a stone right next to them scaring them, they fled into the forest, in fact, it wasn't exactly your fault, but rather because they saw that the little lapahn was going to attack them, which you obviously didn't even notice. You threw yourself at the rabbit to give him a loving hug, rubbing your cheek against his fluffy cheek, the poor animal was confused at first but when he noticed how you were not trying to harm him in any way he calmed down, plus something about you gave him peace of mind, basically you pacified him.

"Who is the cutest little animal? Your course!"

You received a complaint from inside your bag, Shiroi pecked your arm through the fabric, when you opened the bag you could see how his little eyes seemed annoyed, which caused you even more tenderness.

"Oh, don't worry Shiroi, you have all my love, you don't need to be jealous."

The bird drew some air through the holes in its beakas as if it were sighing, you let it return to its 'nest' noticing now how a huge shadow hung over you, when you looked up you found a larger lapahn staring at you as if you were his prey. You stopped paying attention when your stomach growled, not paying attention to how the predator slowly approached you, you took out your sandwich when the monster was already on you, you exchanged glances for a second in silence, you raised your sandwich offering a piece.

The lapahn blinked once, watched his son on your lap being petted, blinked a second time, looking at you again, blinked a third time eyeing your sandwich, cringed in place at your innocent smile, as well as feeling a sense of complete serenity, it was again that feeling that came from you, or from something you possessed.

"Don't be shy Mr. Rabbit, I have more food, you can eat in peace."

Unsure of his actions, he took what you offered him, sitting next to you, looking askance at his offspring, in fact it wasn't that bad, he couldn't communicate with you because well, he was an animal, but he liked hearing you ramble about things or seeing as you hugged his son, could he adopt humans? Maybe if you were an orphan he would think about taking you with the herd but he had heard you talk about your crew so he couldn't take the calf from another herd.

After a while you started off again now being followed by the two lapahns, they found themselves watching over you not to step on bear traps or sink into the snow, the latter happened so much that the adult lapahn had to carry you on his back, you did not complain, his fur was very soft. You told him where to walk as you looked at things that caught your interest, at some point you found a type of transport that followed a rope to a castle which could hardly be seen, your eyes shone with determination. Although you unfortunately had to say goodbye to the lapahns, you didn't forget to take a photo with them to put in the album.

When you got to the top of the castle, you made that transport go back down in case someone wanted to use it, even though you didn't think about how to get back someone had to live in the castle who was kind enough to get you down, or else you could tame any wild animal to help you.

"Hello? Is there someone?" the wooden door creaked when you opened it, looking from one side to the other without seeing anyone" Excuse me...

You closed once you got through, brushing off some snow that rested on your shoulders, despite being inside it was still cold so you stayed in your coat. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed how something moved, you turned quickly seeing how a red cap disappeared down a corridor.

"Hey wait! Who are you?"

You swore you heard murmurs that said 'I'm a monster' bounce off the walls of the corridor through which you were chasing whatever it was that since you couldn't see it well, you were guided by your ear which made you lose track completely when at one point your hearing betrayed you. You sighed exhausted with a pout on your face, you really wanted to know who that person was, you wanted to rest a bit, all that time playing with the snow and the 'cute bunnies' was taking its toll on you now, without much thought you opened a random door taking you the surprise of meeting a certain redhead.


"Shh! She's resting, don't make any noise, how did you get here, little one?"

You covered your mouth quickly when you saw a white-haired lady with a somewhat pointed nose and some wrinkles on her forehead, speaking in whispers you met doctor Kureha, a doctor who was treating Nami's fever at this moment, you also found out that Sanji and Luffy were here, recovering somewhere in the castle.

Suddenly the door opened, a reindeer with a blue nose and a red hat entered alarming that Wapol was outside the castle, before anyone could assimilate something you were already hugging the animal as if it were a stuffed animal.

"What a cute reindeer!"

"I already said- did you say reindeer?"

You nodded caressing your cheek against his hat, the poor guy's eyes seemed to want to cry, but he didn't even have time to react when Sanji and Luffy came screaming like idiots who wanted to eat a monster, you looked at them as if they had gone completely crazy. Where was a monster and why couldn't you see it? Surely they got sick and are imagining things.

When you wanted to realize the reindeer had escaped from your embrace, surely scared by your two idiotic friends.

"Sanji the food is escaping!"

"I know, come on, we can't lose him again."

You tripped them to make them fall, when they hit the ground you hit their heads, they looked at you from the ground as if you had grown demon horns, your look was terrifying, surely Nami was teaching you well.

"Fools! You have scared the little reindeer and on top of that I don't see any monsters here, you are assholes!"

Oblivious to your complaints and Kureha's laugh at your words towards her apprentice, the boys only stayed with the last part of your sentence.

"Who is teaching that vocabulary to my little princess!?"

While the blond whimpered at your use of words, Luffy could only laugh giving you a thumbs up in approval, causing him to receive a blow leaving another bump on the one you had already given him.

"Don't give her approval, you fucking idiot!"

"Shut up! You are one of those who teaches her those words."


You cheered up when you heard how the girl got up scolding Sanji, expanding your smile when you noticed that she had improved, at least you had one less worry, now you could rest much more calmly, although you still wanted to see that little reindeer again.

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