Wedding Preparation

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"There are three things that amaze me—no, four things that I don't understand: how an eagle glides through the sky, how a snake slithers on a rock, how a ship navigates the ocean, how a man loves a woman." - Proverbs 30:18-19.

As the hours ticked by, Juliet found herself in a state of unease. Noon arrived, and she changed into white jeans and a khaki button-down shirt, her mind preoccupied with the impending changes in her life. She tied her long, brown hair into a ponytail, a sign of her readiness to face the day, and skipped the makeup, a reflection of her inner turmoil.

Looking around her primarily empty room, Juliet's green eyes fell on the picture frame on her nightstand. In the photo, she was smiling, her hair tied in a French braid, with Lucas's arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Juliet stared at Lucas's brown eyes with green specks and felt a sudden pain in her chest. His pink lips curved into a boyish smirk, with an earring in his left ear and his black hair tousled as if he had just got out of bed. He was leaning so close to her that there was no space between them.

Juliet's eyes pricked as she thought of Lucas. They had been together for three months, and while she knew it might have been too soon, her feelings for him were genuine. But his deceit had caused her immense pain.

A soft knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. Juliet took a deep breath, feeling starved of oxygen. She grabbed the photo frame and threw it into the trashcan, something she should have done long ago. Despite her family's warnings about the toxicity of their relationship, she had foolishly waited for a reconciliation. At that moment, she felt utterly alone, her heart heavy with the weight of her decisions.

Lucas had broken her heart into countless pieces, and Juliet knew none could ever be mended. Yet throwing the picture away did not ease the pain in her chest. Her fingers itched to pull the image out of the trashcan, but she clenched her fists, refusing to give in. It had been five weeks, but the memories of Lucas were still fresh in her mind, leaving a painful feeling in her heart.

"Sweetheart?" Juliet heard her father whisper; she blinked before focusing on his worried face. He stood at the doorway with his shoulders slumped in defeat. "I want you to know one thing before I see you again on Sunday," her father began, his voice trembling with regret. Juliet listened, concentrating on his words. "I love you, my princess. I love you so much! And I wish you would one day forgive me for this," her father said as a tear rolled down his cheek, his remorse palpable in the air.

"Dad?" Juliet said, taking a step forward, closing the distance between them. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her emotions are raw now, and forgiving him for not consulting her about the contract is onerous. It will take some time before she can forgive him for making such an important decision about her life without consulting her.

"I will always love you. Please don't ever doubt that," Juliet whispered as her father gave her one of those bear-tight hugs she had grown to love since she was a child. Finally, her father reluctantly let go of her, placing a kiss on her temple.

The sudden sound of the doorbell breaks the tender moment. Her father wipes the tears from her eyes, flashing a weak smile. They make their way to the front door. Juliet tried to appear strong before meeting her soon-to-be mother-in-law.

Nothing could have prepared her for the person standing behind the door. An ebony haird seven-year-old girl with bluish-grey eyes reminded her so much of Keith. "Hi!!!! It's Kimberly. I am so happy to meet you! I've been living with three boys—THREE BOYS!! And now that you are here, we can rule!" the little girl exclaimed animatedly.

Juliet laughed despite her depressed mood. Behind the overexcited bunny stood a woman in her mid-forties with an embarrassed smile on her lips. "Oh, sweetheart! I am so sorry about my daughter's hyper-attitude! She has been excited about meeting you since she found out a few weeks ago. Kimberly can be a handful sometimes," the woman apologized, flashing Juliet a friendly smile.

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