I miss you

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Dedicated to conniekhosa

"Daddy, you have been many things to me; my chauffeur, my financial support, a listener, a life mentor, a friend, a guardian, my hero...But what I am most grateful for is that you have always been there for me whenever I have needed you."

Juliet's fabricated reason for not wanting to share her father's love hung heavy in the air. While a part of her bristled at the thought of sharing her father's love, the bigger truth was a gnawing worry about her mother's health. Keith, ever perceptive, saw through her flimsy story. He disliked the idea of her traveling alone, a frown creasing his brow, but he finally relented. A reluctant goodbye was sealed with a lingering kiss and a whispered plea to return soon.

Now, bathed in the warm glow of the dining room, Juliet sat across from her father and Jeremy. The sight of tears welling up in her father's denim-blue eyes, a reflection of his overwhelming joy at seeing her, squeezed a forgotten pang of affection in her chest.

"Sis! Two months without you? I thought that beast of a man had you locked in his basement!" boomed Jeremy, his youthful exaggeration laced with a hint of concern. The comment, though outlandish, held a sliver of truth. Keith's possessiveness, while veiled, sent shivers down Juliet's spine. She knew, with a chilling certainty, that drastic measures wouldn't be out of the question for him.

"Don't be ridiculous, Jer. Keith and I are doing just fine. Besides, you know I can handle myself." Juliet chuckled at her brother's wild imagination. Juliet took a tentative bite of her father's homemade pizza. The aroma, a memory from happier times, filled her senses.

Jeremy countered with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I bet Dad's enjoying the peace and quiet now that you're not around to wreak havoc!" He punctuated his playful jab with a large bite of pizza, sending a spray of melted cheese flying.

Juliet shot back playfully, "Says the one who turned the house into a party zone every weekend! Remember eighth grade? Halloween costume disaster night? Thanks for reminding me who had to clean up the glitter catastrophe!" She took a sip of sparkling wine, the fizzy bubbles a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. Jeremy had gotten his coveted penthouse as soon as he turned nineteen, a symbol of his independence their father readily supported.

"Hey, at least my room wasn't a warzone like yours the day you decided to design your own costume," Jeremy countered, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. Juliet was blessed, impressed at the memory of her childhood bedroom, a testament to her wild creativity (and utter messiness), which was vivid.

Their father chuckled, the sound warm and familiar. "Honestly, you two haven't changed a bit since you were seven." A pang of sadness echoed in Juliet's heart. This could have been the perfect family dinner, a complete picture. But the empty chair at the table, the silence where her mother's laughter should have been, was a constant reminder of the gaping hole in their lives.

Undeterred, Jeremy pressed on, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Seven? Please, Jules is stuck in a permanent state of Dora the Explorer!"

Juliet raised an eyebrow, placing her pizza slice down with a dramatic flourish. "Little brother," she countered, her voice laced with mock seriousness, "who sang the Barney theme song on repeat throughout high school, hmm?" She stuck out her tongue in a childish manner, a playful jab that brought a smile to her lips despite the weight in her chest.

"Hey, that was a strategic move of the highest order!" Jeremy declared, folding his arms in mock offense. "How else was I supposed to embarrass you in front of your friends?"

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