Second Honeymoon, Hawaii

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Dedicated to: 

Although I may not have the right words to express you how I feel about you and how blessed I am that you came into my life. I just want to let you know that I love you with everything I've got and can't imagine a life without you. — Anonymous

Ninety interminable seconds stretched into an eternity of silence. Juliet felt a cold dread pool in her stomach, a relentless hand squeezing her heart. Tears welled in her forest green eyes, blurring her vision. Each ragged breath felt like a shard of glass in her chest. The very thought of a life without Keith was like a sentence to solitary confinement in hell. Her throat constricted, choking back a sob. Her gaze darted towards Kayden, his face an unreadable mask. The silence stretched on, a relentless torment. Why was fate so cruel? First her mother, and now Keith? A wave of despair threatened to drown her. Her hands curled into fists, knuckles white. Her legs trembled, jelly threatening to replace bone. Sheer willpower was the only thing keeping her upright.

"Juliet, for God's sake! Keith is fine!" Kayden finally exclaimed, his voice laced with exasperation and relief. His grey eyes widened as he saw the depths of her despair. "I should have known he wouldn't tell you anything," he added, a touch of self-recrimination in his voice.

Juliet blinked, a flicker of hope igniting in her chest. The mere confirmation that Keith was safe pushed the crushing weight of dread off her shoulders. "He just... might have to stay longer than five days in Hawaii," Kayden clarified.

Disappointment settled over her like a shroud. She ached for the familiar comfort of his embrace, the warmth of his early morning kisses, the way his grey eyes seemed to pierce through her very soul, drawing her into a world only they shared. Even a single day apart felt like an eternity. How could she possibly endure a whole week, or longer? "Oh," she mumbled, the word barely a whisper. Filling the empty hours had already become a herculean task. Television offered no solace, and her cooking classes were a finite source of entertainment.

"That's why you're leaving for Hawaii at six AM tomorrow," Kayden announced. "Grace, would you be a dear and pack Juliet's things?" he called out, his voice carrying up the stairs.

Juliet whirled around, confusion etching lines on her forehead. "Wait, what? But Hawaii? Why?" Her mind reeled, picturing Keith's steely gaze, his voice laced with anger.

"What if he doesn't want me there?" she blurted out, a knot of worry tightening in her stomach. "Things were finally getting better between us, and I don't want to start another fight."

Kayden chuckled, the sound washing away some of her trepidation. "Silly girl. He's the reason you're going."

A blush crept up Juliet's cheeks. A secret smile played on her lips. Perhaps, just perhaps, her husband missed her after all. The warmth that spread through her chest was a welcome surprise. A tiny voice in her head whispered because you are falling for him. Heat flooded her face. Shut up! she scolded herself silently, refusing to meet Kayden's gaze.

The Hawaiian sun beat down on the tarmac as Keith's private jet touched down at precisely 4:30 pm. Juliet, famished from the airplane food that resembled a science experiment gone wrong, scanned the terminal with her emerald eyes. Her red, knee-length dress hugged her curves perfectly, accentuated by a black belt cinched around her waist. Red heels clicked rhythmically against the polished floor as she dragged her compact suitcase, its contents strategically chosen for a week-long stay. Her brunette hair, usually worn straight, cascaded down her shoulders in loose curls, framing her face.

A sudden pair of arms snaking around her waist made her jump. Heart hammering in her chest, she spun around, ready to unleash a karate kick worthy of a black belt (though self-defense classes were more for show than practicality). But the familiar scent of Keith's cologne washed over her, causing her knees to weaken.

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