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"Hae Song" I whispered as she faced me and whispered back

"Yes your majesty" her eyes shone into me with usual innocence and loyalty

"I don't want you to come with me. Pack up and leave. I declare you free from now on. Here are your documents, and no. I insist you leave. I don't know what will happen after I leave, and I at least want you to be free and live as you wish, please" I begged her as I grasped her hands tightly and squeezed them "please. Leave. There's some money that should be enough for some time and everything you might need later, so leave. Never come back" I pleaded her with my eyes till her eyes shook and pearly tears fell down

"I am not grateful your majesty, but your word is my law, I will obey it and leave. Take care your majesty. My soul will always be with you" she hugged me as she ran outside before my father would drag me out from the room. Soon after my father came in with sweet smile and lead me outside to the cart.

It was a long ride before we ended up at beautiful castle with amazing garden. My father without letting me talk to anyone we met, lead me inside and locked me up, scared that I would run away.

Before it was nighttime and got ready for bed, I got two boxes delivered. They smelled funny and once I opened one of them screech of horror escaped my throat "Hae Song!" I quickly opened another as sob escaped my mouth "Tom" Tears were pouring from my eyes as I sobbed, not even hearing that the door was opened

"How do you like my wedding gift princess? The rat lead me to its own hiding with its own legs!" He chucked as made me look at him by pointing up my chin,"how can you cry so emotionally on some lowlifes death ? They literally mean nothing" he scoffed and turned around ready to leave

"If they meant nothing why did you kill them? After all they were nothing so why hazard did you feel from them?"

"Language and tone. Know your place!" He shouted and charged at me, getting stopped by a woman in their mid-ages

"I won't tolerate this act at my castle sir, so please, leave for now. She's going to be part of my family from tomorrow on so I expect to have saying in this" she smiled sweetly at my father who was too prideful to even say anything and just left like that

"I'm so sorry my darling" she hugged me and for the first time I felt how warm an older woman's hug can be that it feels like your own mothers.

I quietly continued sobbing while o regretted that I let Hae Song go, because of not me, she might still have been alive as well as Tom.

'God or devil I'm ready to give up my happiness just to have my own way with what I want and achieve what I want so please help me' it was the only thing that kept going inside my head before falling asleep.

I remember I saw something interesting in my dreams, but I cannot explain why i was and I don't even remember it normally.

"Your majesty" maid came in and bowed, politely asking me to follow her for the wedding preparations.

I watched in the mirror as I was getting dressed drew on, got some accessories o my head and overall on my body. It was breaking my heart. I was expecting anything but not him marrying me off for who knows what deal.

"You look so beautiful my baby" my father smiled and hugged me, only thing I could do was smile bitterly back at him.

"Thank you. Can I be left alone? Wedding preparations tired me off and I want some quiet time before the ceremonial starts" I smiled at my father as he looked me up and down one more time and in hesitation agreed.

I sat down on the chair moment everyone went outside only to see Taemin rushing in and checking surroundings before closing and locking the door.

"I know you don't want to marry me, but oh goodness you look divine, I would love to have you as my wife but I know you have someone else waiting for you."

"Taemin? You were the one I was getting married to?" I eyed handsome boy before my eyes who was nervous wreck and did not know what to do

"The horse is waiting for you downstairs, I'll get you there but before let's take burdensome stuff off" he knew I was forced to marry and it didn't seem like he was not setting eyes on one girl either

"You like someone don't you?" I asked as he slowly took away my hair accessories down, and shyly looked down

"She's a servant but I have never seen beauty like that. She's so charming, so kind, I wish to protect her if it takes me world to destroy" He mumbled as I smiled

"She's lucky. You two have my blessings"

"I um thanks but can you change uh into this ? That dress is too big for a horse and this one will be much more comfortable" he gave me menswear and looked away while I got changed behind the stall.

"Uh Taemin..." I whispered and approached him, tapping his shoulder lightly "thank you" and I hugged him, since no words could describe my gratitude I tried it with actions.

As promised he showed me the way to the horse and hugged me one last time "take care princess, I'm always here to help you"

I smiled and ran away with Jasmine to the woods, soon after hearing bells ringing and castle getting restless because of the princess running from her own wedding. Revenge starts now father.

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