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"Come with me" Hyuk appeared in front of me first thing in the morning while wearing dashing clothes with his kingdoms symbol on the suit and had big smile stretched all over his face.

"To where?" I asked, still eating  my breakfast which was mostly delivered to my room

"I promised you I would show you my kingdom"

Finally I though as I smiled fondly at him and asked hi. To wait outside as I changed clothes that matched his

We got on our horses and he started touring me his kingdom. When we stopped outside one shop children ran to us and circled around us,

"She's so pretty" "woah so beautiful" "your highness did you get married? She's so pretty, I wish I will have wife like hers when I grow up!" One younger than others said as he went to Hyuk and up while pouting

"Well she is not my wife" he smiled as he crouched down, he whispered something in the kids ear as the other giggled and looked over my way

"You are so beautiful your majesty!" A girl approached me and did courtesy all I could was chuckle and pat her head slowly, telling her she's also very beautiful

We have kids some money as they ran away in happiness to their parents.

"Do you like this?" He showed me a hat that currently did not match my outfit. It was purple hat with different beautiful flowers on it. He slowly put it on my head "it suits you" he then continued going around she shop, looking for dresses and hats, buying everything for me that he liked and thought would look amazing on me

"It's enough your majesty, your sister was kind enough to bring me all the different clothes for me"

"But I really want to buy you something" he smiled and we continued strolling along the streets

"So pretty" I stopped by the shop that sold birds and looked at the albino hawks which looked really friendly

"Sir! Hello, I'll get this one for the lady please" Hyuk said as he paid the money and brought the cage for me

"So pretty, thank you" I once again bowed for the gift and continued walking with him.

As we walked we saw people bowing and whispering, some giving me flowers which I was rally thankful for

"I really love your kingdom. It's really peaceful and happy place " I said while smiling, I was never allowed to go outside the castle other than the forest with Jasmine and rare times my father took me with him someone or him sending me somewhere. Once when I sneaked out to see the kingdom I ended up in the dungeon for a week.

We went back to the palace and set outside on our usual spot "I'll be leaving for the conflict zone in two days," he stopped in the middle of the sentence and looked at me, searched for my emotions and then continued "will, will your majesty miss me?"

My heart stopped beating as I felt getting hit and looked away, calming myself down before saying "I will miss you, come back safe and healthy, your majesty" and I looked at him again, this time locking my eyes with him,

"Since your majesty wished me to come back safe and healthy I will do so, but you also have to take care of yourself, don't get in trouble as you usually do" he smiled widely and touched my hand, holding it dearly

"I won't. But I cannot promise that" I looked up in the sky as I took my hand from his and took of the hair pin, which was holding up the whole bun, "have it, though I still have to get something from you. Have this"

"Actually I was going to give you this," he softly took of bracelet which he always had on since the first day I met him "I've been holding onto this since my very childhood, have this from me, I will think about your another gift while I'll be away" he looked at me with this wavering eyes, which showed so much emotions at the time but none of them was clear one.

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