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"Maria!" I heard as I was rushing through the woods with Jasmine "Maria!" I heard once again and slightly kicked Jasmine to fasten up, no one knew I was going to run away on this day, so it might be some trap

"Stop! It's me! Hyuk!" And I halted as i heard his name.

"Hyuk!" I whispered as I came down from the horse and ran to his direction who was also doing the same

"Maria..." he whispered in relieved tone of voice as proceeded to touch my face but stopped himself "I'm... I'm glad you are fine. You made it out fine" he had so much worry in his eyes that his eyes were shining like million stars in the universe.

"Hyuk... Tom... and Hae Song... I'm sorry.. I failed to protect them I'm sorry" I whispered as I grabbed the material of my clothes harshly in a fist and started shacking. Last thing I wanted him to see was me being vulnerable, but I lost my childhood friend who was always there in sadness and happiness and because of me 2 innocent peoples lives were taken away.

"Tom? Hae song? What happened to them?" He grabbed my wrist and softly held it, somehow begging me to look at him

"My father brought their heads as a wedding gift for me" I bitterly smiled and I saw how his eyes went dark and sad, whispering Tommy and almost missing it if not so quiet place around us

"I'm sorry" I lowered my head and slowly let go of his hand, backing and slowly going back to my horse

"Where are you going?" He jogged to me, as I was getting on the horse already

"Pardon? I think I'll go to Harry, after all I don't have anywhere to go" I smiled and patted Jasmine

"Come with me to my castle" he said as he looked up to me

"Don't make me laugh, I'm bad omen, wherever I go I bring death and bad luck, I doubt you want that as well"

"No Maria, I know you, come with me to my palace, let me be your ally, let me fight with you"

"But..." I breathed in finding words to find.

"My father also wrote a letter to you, inviting you to the castle. So please" He held my hand again and I felt how electric shock I got again, I felt it earlier too but I thought I was imagining it, but him doing it again proved it. He gives me electric shocks through my whole body.

"Okay, till I find place to stay then" but I knew, if I left that place, only place I would be going back would be my own castle for my crown and throne.

He smiled and ran to his horse, signaling me to follow him.

After a day of riding and though the woods in the awkward sometimes and rarely comfortable silence we were finally able to see his kingdom.
He decided to go through the town before getting to castle so it would be less suspicious.

His kingdom was all in lovely and bright colors unlike mine. His castle was right on the cliff, some windows even looking over the ocean. I remembered how him and I jumped from one of them and somehow are still alive. Narrow, zig zag road went up to the castle, with variety of flowers on the side road.

"It's so pretty" I mumbled not expecting him to hear me but the way he smiled and looked away signed that he heard me perfectly.

"Want to look around the town now or do you prefer to come back tomorrow?" He strolled next to me with his black horse, who walked like he knew all the roads by heart and could even walk on them blindly

"Can we come back tomorrow? I'm really tired " he smiled and nodded as he stretched his arms slightly and my arm bracelet that I gave to Tom for him shone on the sun "you kept it?" I breathed out and tried to cover my smiled with a cough. I kicked the heel on Jasmine as I went forward, after all I didn't want him to see me like this. He called and asked me wait but I only went faster and soon it was competition who would get to castle faster. Of course I won. My Jasmine is unbeatable.

The moment I stepped in castle my breathing stopped, after all I don't think I deserve being in here.

"Oh Maria! My darling, I've been waiting for you! You look as beautiful as everyone says so!" A young woman's eyes shone as she took both of my hands in hers and squeezed them slightly "I'm Seulgi, Hyuks younger sister"

"Nice to meet you, your highness" I bowed slightly as she laughed and asked me to drop the honorifics

"I'm slightly older than you, no need for any honorifics trust me, I will be utterly disappointed if you keep using them, come on, father is waiting for you, actually he is really excited to meet you! I've never seen him like this, have you met him before? A room and bath is waiting for you, the moment you are done with father you can rest as much as you need!" She would keep on speaking if not Hyuk warning her to shut up politely and leave us.  She was total opposite of my brother. I wonder how he's doing

Guards notified king about our arrival and in a minute I was standing in front of him, bowing at him

"Oh my, I'm utterly sorry how your father treated you, young master was kind enough to let us know and ask us for help, if not him you would be married of now"

"I'm sorry your majesty but young master? Who are we talking about?"

"Taemin my love, he is distinguished young man, who prefers justice over anything, after he heard what happened up your maids and how your father treated you, he decided it was better to let you go, but it doesn't mean he isn't your ally. Now tell me, what are you planning, because if your father didn't feel uncomfortable or scared, he wouldn't try to marry you off"

" you surely catch on many things without me saying anything your highness" we chuckled as I continued " as much as I'm planning, it's not perfect yet, I'm still lacking a lot but one thing is for sure that I won't forget what happened to my sister. Also, have my deepest gratitude for letting me stay here, it surely means a lot though how I acted last time. Thank you" I bowed again and after talking a little and getting to know me a little more he let me go to take rest,

"In exchange of bracelet, is there anything I can give you?" Hyuk asked me once I showered and got dressed in dress that his sister lent me

"Give me something that you think will suit me and remind me of you" I shortly answered as we both sat outside under the moonlight, drinking milk tea,

"Okay" he said as he smiled and we spent whole night in the silence, only listening to the nature and watching the stars, shining above us, shoving directions, predicting the future.

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