Book shops

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Sofia's POV
I was at the burrow in my room  brushing my hair " Sofia it's dinner " Fred called out I walked downstairs  " so any other year of Hogwarts and Ginny will be Joining us you excited Sofia " Mum said " Yeah I am " .. " Sof we still be able to hang out even though your in Slytherin " Ginny said " Of course Ginny " I said me and Ginny went up to bed .. we woke up hearing Mum yell we went downstairs " Harry how wonderful to see you, No notes beds empty you all could've been seen " Mum said " I don't blame you Harry " " they were starving him Mum he had bars on his windows " Ron said " You best hope I don't put bars on your windows Ronald Weasley " me and Ginny giggled " Mummy  have you seen my Jumper "  Ginny asked Ginny runs up the stairs " Ginnys been talking about you all summer dead annoying if you ask me " Ron said " I think it's cute " Harry smiled " Sofia " Harry said suddenly George said " Dads Home " he said " what a night nine raids " " raids " Harry questioned " dad works at the ministry of magic " Ron said  I ran up to Ginny " Ginny you okay" " No my crush is in my house " " don't worry we can walk down together " I said we walked down and sat down at our table Fred kept on tugging my hair " Mum Fred's tugging on my hair " I whined  " Fred stop that" Mum said " no fun" Fred hissed suddenly there was a loud smack " Must be Errol with the post will you fetch it George " Dad said George goes out side for a bit " it's our Hogwarts. Letters and there's even Harry's " George said  " Dumbledore must know your here Harry " Dad said " this won't come cheap Mum the spell books alone " Fred said " will manage right then theirs only one place to get it " Daigon ally " we all said " Mum I'm going to go get something I'll be right back " I quickly went to my room and put on my earrings and we gathered around our big fireplace " you first Harry " as she hands Harry the powder " Harry's never travel with floo powder before Mum" Ron said " Percy can you go first so Harry can see how it's done " he nods and travels to diagon  ally  Harry steps up and says " Diagon ally" he said we all went to the book shop I was looking at the Magical creatures books  Lockheart was there I didn't even like him suddenly he picked up Harry " nice big smile Harry" I groaned
Draco's POV
" i bet you loved that famous Harry Potter can't even go into a book shop without making the front page " I snapped that's when I saw ... Sofia she was wearing the earrings I got her " leave him alone he didn't want all that" another Weasley said " look Potter got yourself a girlfriend " I snapped suddenly father came in " Silence Draco Mr.Potter I don't think we've met "
I snuck where Sofia  was and I hugged her " Draco what was that for " I chuckled " Better for him than me " I said
Sofia's POV
" Draco Malfoy what are you doing hugging a blood traitor " " Father no she's the Weasley I told you about how she got into Slytherin and she's still Pureblood Father " " I guess so What's your name " " I'm Sofia " I said " well it's nice to know that at least one of the Weasleys have better sense " Draco kissed my forehead " Bye Sofia see you at Hogwarts " I melted Draco kissed my forehead !  The next day we were in king cross station  " Go on Sofia and Ginny you guys know what to do " I held Ginnys hand and we went through the brick wall into the Hogwarts express " Can you sit with me Sofia " " Yeah " I said some 6 year Slytherin so waved at me I waved back " Woah your so popular " " No I'm not " I said we sat down in our compartment   " you excited Ginny" " Yeah " she said suddenly Draco walked into our compartment " their you are I thought you missed the train " He said " No Draco this is my Little Sister Ginny" " Hi I'm Draco Malfoy" he said  ..  he sat down " I'm going to go buy sweets you want anything " Draco asked standing up " Um Bertie bots please " I said " Sure anything for you " he says as he walks off " Malfoy's totally got a crush on you Sof "  " what no he doesn't " I said we soon got to Hogwarts  Ginny went with the first years and I was in the great hall sitting next to Pansy and Draco .. " How was your summer Sofia " Pansy asked " good I grew a garden " I said she smiled " Draco have you seen Harry or Ron " " Nope " the first years got sorted  Ginny got gryfindor  we all went to our dorms to unpack .. " it's like we never left " I mumbled .. I went to bed and in the morning was the  greenhouse class I was excited for it I changed into my uniform and tied my hair into a high ponytail  I was standing next to Draco " welcome to greenhouse three today we will be re potting mandrakes now can anyone tell me the property of mandrakes " Hermione raises her hand " Mandrake or mandragora is used for who's been transfigured to their original state it's also quite dangerous the mandrakes cry is fatal to anyone who hears it " Hermione said " excellent ten points to gryfindor their only seedlings they won't kill you quite yet but they will knock you out for several hours so I have gotten earmuffs for everyone " Professor Sprout said that's when Draco grabbed two pairs of the earmuffs he placed it on my ears " Thanks " I mumbled suddenly Longbottom fainted " Looked like someone rejected their earmuffs " " No Professor he just fainted " A gryfindor student said " very well we will just leave him " when we were re potting them Draco stuck his finger in his " Draco don't do that " he just chuckled after class it was lunch " did you hear your brother drove your dads magical car to Hogwarts " " Better him than me I hate it when my parents get angry at me " I said as I took a bite of fruit .. " Post is here " Our prefect girl said I got a letter from mom and dad .. I smiled " Ron Weasley got a howler " an older Slytherin boy said " Goodness " I said suddenly great hall went silent " RONALD WEASLEY HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED ,YOUR FATHER IS NOW FACING A INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE WILL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME" Mum yelled " oh and congratulations for making gryfindor Ginny me and your father are very proud " I looked away and stood up and walked away .. I sat down on a bench " You okay Sofia " Draco asked as he sat down " I'll be alright .. " I said " I'm sorry you fell outcasted by them but trust me when I say this you are the best Weasley in the family you are kind and smart and brave and very cunning " I smiled and hugged Draco " Thanks Draco " I said he smiled we walked to our next class I was sitting next to Pansy " let me introduce myself I am Your new Defense against the dark arts teacher me Gilderory Lockhart I see everyone has bought copy's of my books well done " Draco looked back at me I smiled " look at all the questions their all about him " I said to Pansy " " you have thirty minutes go " .. I was so confused so I just wrote what I thought he would like .. after about an half an hour he went around " Tut tut hardly anyone remember that my favorite color is lilac but Miss Hermione Granger knew that my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and to market my own hair care products good girl " Hermione Beamed " Pansy Move I wanna sit next to Sofia " Draco snapped "alright Malfoy " she said suddenly he lets our Cornish pixies suddenly one of them began to tug on my hair " Get It off get it off " I cried out Draco used his wand and froze it and put it back in the cage after the class " Love I have to go to my quittach Pratice wanna come " Draco asked " Oh Sorry Draco I have plans with Pansy " Draco pouted " Draco we can hang out later " I said " alright "
Draco's POV
I walked down to the quittach pitch " Malfoy Good to see you " Flint says " Yes you as well " that's when The gryfindor team walked towards us " Clear out flint we've booked it for today" Wood said " Easy wood I've got a note " Flint said " I Professor Snape give the Slytherin permission to practice today for training the new seeker " Wood said " you've got a new seeker who" that's when I pushed through " Draco " Harry said " and that's right but that's not what's all that's new for this year " I snapped as I glared at Harry " those are Nimbious two thousand and twos " Ron said " a gift from Draco's father " Flint said " that's right Weasley you see unlike some my father can afford the best " I snarled " at least no one had to buy their way on the team Harry's got on by true talent " Hermione said I was angry so I snapped " No one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood " I snarled Fred and George try to attack me " Sofia won't be your friend anymore Because you said that Malfoy" Harry snapped " Oh really because trust me she's mine " I hissed at Potter " Save it for the match " Wood said " you'll pay for that one Malfoy" Ron said he tries to cast a spell at me but he misses and hits himself with it
I just laughed " Malfoy Sofia will never date a bully " Harry whispered " Trust me she won't find out " I snapped as I walked away
Sofia's POV
me and Pansy were finishing up studying when Draco and Blaise walked in " Hello Ladies " Blaise said Draco grabbed my hand and held it .. " you seem nervous Draco you alright " I asked " I'm fine " he muttered " something happened what's wrong " Draco grabbed me and pulled me out to the hallway " I'm sorry I called Hermione a mudblood Because I got angry at Potter " " What were you angry about " " well he said that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore so I got jealous and angry I'm sorry " " Draco I don't care what you called her I know you don't like her just next time don't be an asshole " I snapped " are you angry at me " " a little " I said " I'll tell Hermione I'm sorry " Draco runs away looking for Hermione .. the next day we were in the transfiguration classroom " Professor Can you tell us about the chamber of secrets " Hermione said " very well as you should all know that Hogwarts was founded by 4 incredible Witches and wizards  of the age  ... Godric Gryfindor Salazar Slytherin Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw Salazar believed that only pureblood should be taught magic but he was unable sway the others so he left the school accordingly legend before he could leave he made a chamber at the bottom of Hogwarts he sealed it knowing that one day a heir would re open it " " Professor What is in the chamber " I asked " a horrible creature that only the heir can control " she said Ron stared at draco and Draco is just sitting calmly class ended " Sof want to come with me to the Black lake " Draco asked .. " Uh sure " Draco smiled and took my hand and he pulled me along  we made our way and sat down under a tree " Do you think Your brother and his friends think I'm the heir  of Slytherin " Draco asked " Maybe I don't care honestly " I said laying down  Draco chuckled that's when he pulls a Slytherin Quittach jacket out of his bag   " Here I want you to wear it for the game " he said " but it's yours .." " No your wearing it Weasley and besides you look adorable in it " he said I blushed " you playing today " " Yeah first time I'm very nervous " he said " Just do your best dray " " Dray" Draco nervously spoke " what you don't like it sorry I won't " " use it Weasley " I giggled as he got on top of me " Draco your heavy" he laughed and got off " well I have to go  " he said grabbing his bag " Draco wait " I kissed his cheek " what was that for " he said " It's a good luck kiss " I said " thanks Sof " he said  I smiled and walked to the stands I was with Pansy it was quite cold outside
Draco's POV
I rose up on my broom " alright their Scarhead " I snapped I cruise by and find Sofia she's so cute ahh ..
" training for the ballet Potter " I yelled we both see the golden snitch and we chase after it
Sofia's POV
I watch in fear as Draco kicks Harry " ouch " I said Harry falls off his broom .. I quickly get off the stands " Harry you okay " I said " My arm " Harry shrieks " don't worry Harry I'll fix it " Lockheart said " no no not you " I walk up to Draco " You kicked Harry Draco " " hey I just wanted the snitch it wasn't my fault he broke his arm " " alright " I said " Draco your face " " what's wrong with my face " he yelled I grabbed a bandage from my bag and placed it on his chin " There like it never happened " Draco squealed and picked me up and hugged me and carried me to Hogwarts I was sitting with Pansy and some other girls .. " I swear Malfoy has a crush on you Sofia " " what no he doesn't besides I'm a Weasley he wouldn't want me .. " I said that's when we all turned and looked at him .. " what are you all staring at " Draco hissed I blushed " Okay maybe I like him just a little bit but My family would disapprove " I said " then so what if it's true love it will always work out " " sure it will" I said as I stood I walked to my dorm and sat on my bed .. their was a knock on my door " Who is it " I said " it's Draco " I smiled " hey is everything okay did anyone hurt you no one hurt you right " Draco says as he clenched his jaw " No nobody hurt me I'm just tired " I said " Oh well that's good " " We're having game night wanna join " " Not really " Draco then jumped on my bed and laid down .. " your freezing cold love " he says as he put a blanket on me .. " Draco.. " " Hmm" he hummed in response " thanks for being my friend " he smiled .. I fell asleep I woke up and it was 1 AM Draco was still sleeping in my bed Pansy was fast asleep I went out into the common room I sat down and began to sob softly .. " Darling what's wrong " Draco hissed " I dunno " I said Draco picks me up and carried me back into bed " I'll stay with you until class tomorrow " I smiled in the morning I woke and Draco was sitting with a cup of tea " Here " I smiled " thank you " .. Draco was staring at me " Malfoy get out " Pansy Screamed Draco ran out of the room " Sofia I was half naked and your boyfriend was sleeping in here " " he's not my boyfriend " " Sure " Pansy teased I changed into my uniform and finished my tea and headed downstairs  what if Draco did like me .. Like Draco is handsome and smart and very handsome  I thought as my face heated up we all were in the great hall for our lesson today  " gather round children dumbledore has given me permission to  have class in here today  we will practice defending our selfs " that's when I noticed Draco's arm was around my waist ..   " let me introduce my assistant professor Snape .. "  most of the girls were watching lockheart I was so bored " let's have a pair Potter and Weasley " " Weasley can't do that he has a broken wand let me pick a student from my house Malfoy  perhaps  Draco walked to the front " Be careful Dray" " I will " he whispered " Scared Potter " Draco said " you wish " Harry said the began to cast spells at each other I quickly made my way to the front of the crowd I was terrified for Draco " Rictusempra" Harry yelled Draco fell down suddenly Draco said " serpensortia " he said a snake came out of Draco's wand .. " Wicked " I whispered suddenly Harry started to speak Parseltongue " what is he doing " I whispered Draco got off the stage and ran to me suddenly the snake looked at a Gryfindor boy .. Draco pulled me into his chest my face was right against his chest I was a blushing mess " Sofia are you alright " " Yeah I'm okay" All the Slytherins went into our common room " Why can Potter Speak Parseltongue " Pansy said " He is probably the grandson of Salazar Slytherin " Draco spat .. " But he isn't in Slytherin " I said " Potter was almost placed in our House " Draco hissed " Yeah but he wasn't " I snapped back .. I stand up " are you going to bed Sofia " " Yeah sorry " I said Draco stood up and walked to the boys dorms " Goodnight Dray" I say " Goodnight Love " he says I went into my dorm and shut the door I just fell onto my bed and fell asleep in the morning I was hanging out with Hermione and Ron and Harry " make way for the heir of Slytherin he is a very evil wizard" Fred said " Oh come on Harry Fred's just having a laugh " Harry glared at Ron " okay maybe that'd the school thinks your nipping off to the Chamber every night" Ron said "Maybe their right " Harry said " Harry" me and Hermione yelled " I didn't know how I could speak Parseltongue what else do I not know about myself " Harry said " you don't believe that and besides Malfoy's staying over holiday break " " why should that be good " Ron said Hermione whispers something in Harry's ear " why can't you tell me Hermione " I spat " Oh Sofia I'm sorry but I can't it's a secret " I rolled my eyes and walked away that's when Draco walked besides me " you look angry are you ok" he said " Hermione and her friends are planning something to do with you I don't know " " wait why me " " Probably Because they think your the heir of Slytherin" I said " but I'm not " Draco said " I know it's just that they don't " the next day me and Draco were sitting in the great hall for our feast .. " Look at them who knows what their planning " Draco whispered " Probably nothing harmless Draco " I said " You know I can't trust Potter " " Besides if they do anything I'll just tell my mom that Ron is acting up in school " I said we walked hand in hand into our common room we sat on the couch " Here your present " that's when he hands me a small bag " Woah a new hat thanks Draco " I kissed his cheek " I'll be back love I have to go find Crabbe and Goyle " I nod
Draco's POV
I walk out of the common room and their was Them " Crabbe ,Goyle where the bloody hell have you been " " and Weasley why are you here " I added on " mind your attitude Malfoy your speaking to a prefect" he says " come on boys Weasley thinks he's going to catch the Slytherin heir single handed " I snapped they both follow me and I kept as I see Sofia sleeping on the couch " Listen to this Arthur Weasley was caught bewitching a car and he was fined 50 gallons Arthur Weasley loves the muggle world so much he could just snap his wand and go join them the Weasleys are embarrassment to wizard kind all of them no most of them Except Sofia she's perfect " I said Crabbe looks like he is about to throw up " what wrong with you " I said " stomachache" he says " well go to the hospital wing and give all those mudbloods a kick in the arse for me you know I'm surprised that the Dailey profit hasn't reported all these attacks ,I Suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush them all up my father always says that dumbledore is the worst thing that happened to this place " I said as I sat back down and laid Sofia's head on my lap .. I smiled " No your wrong " Goyle snapped " what did you say I was wrong you think there's someone here worse than dumbledore " I said " Harry Potter " Goyle says " Good one Goyle your absolutely right saint Potter is just another wizard who is poorly getting by or he wouldn't be around with Granger and actually think he is the heir of Slytherin" I spat out as I brushed Sofia's hair with my fingers " then you must know who's behind it all " Goyle said " you know I hadn't how many times do I have to tell you but my father did say this much that the chamber of secrets opened fifty years ago he wouldn't tell me who opened it only that they were expelled but I know that when it was opened a mudblood died " I said .. standing up " so it's only a matter of time before another one dies I hope it's granger " Crabbe roses up on anger " what is the matter with you too your both acting odd suddenly they both run out of the common room " hey where are you too going " I yelled
Sofia's POV
I woke up to the sound of Draco yelling he notice I was awake " Dray what's the matter " I mumbled " Oh sorry Love I didn't mean to wake you up " I rubbed my eyes .. I stood up " can I sleep with you tonight " " Uh Sure I guess but wake up before Pansy " I said we go into my bed " You won't mind if I take off my shirt do you Sofia " Draco asked nervously " No I don't mind " Draco took off his shirt showing his abs I blushed and placed my face on my pillow " Sofia you okay" " I'm good " I said he chuckled and hugs me I woke up in the morning and headed to take a shower after my shower I went to find Ginny I couldn't find her so I went to the black lake " what you doing Darling " Draco says " not much " I said Draco sits next to me " your wearing my quittach jersey ". " Oh yeah I am " I mumbled " keep it it looks cute on you" I smiled " thanks Draco "  he nestled his body into mine " you going to the game " " No  are you" " Well I was but now I just wanna spend time with you" " that's sweet "  it suddenly began to rain " Sofia your going to get wet " " It's just water Draco " I said  " cold water " he snapped " come on let's play in the ran Draco " I said getting from under the tree me and Draco ran around chasing each other Draco accidentally tripped and landed on me " Oh Sorry I'm so sorry Sofia " " it's okay " I said I stared at Draco's lips ..  and looked away " come on let's get inside to warm up " Draco said reaching his hand out for me I grabbed it and walked inside

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