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Sofia's POV
I've been depressed for months I haven't left my room .. finally stood up and walked to my bathroom I noticed how skinny I was I took a shower and changed into a dress .. Ron finally came up to me " I'll beat Draco's Ass he doesn't even deserve you " " thanks " I said I kinda lied to my family telling them that Draco broke up with me " Mum hugged me " do you feel up to going to daigon alley " Mum says I nod .. we go to the daigon alley Fred and George opened their own joke shop " Anything you want you can have for free little sis " Fred said I faked smiled I walked around and that's when I noticed pigmy Puffs " Fred , George is it okay if I have one of those " I said They smile " of course " I get a carriage for him and I walk out and that's when I see Theo .. " Hi Theo " I said " Hi Sofia I heard about what happened I'm sorry Draco did that to you" " it's okay I'll be fine " I said that's when we noticed Draco and his mom walking Draco notices me he waved I wave back .. Theo hugged me
Draco's POV
Why is nott bugging my girlfriend .. I frown and walk away .. " I hate this mother " " I'm sorry Draco " she said " Sofia's supposed to hug me not him " I hiss " I'm sorry but aren't Sofia and Theo just friends " " I've always known that he had a crush on her " I snapped
Sofia's POV
" I'll buy you candy let's go Theo says I smile in the first time in a long time .. In a couple weeks school started again I was sitting next to Theo and Draco was glaring at both of us " so what did you do over the summer Sofia " Pansy said " I hung out with Theo we went swimming and started gazing " Draco growled .. " Draco are you alright " I said draco just ignored me " alright " " we should tell them when we went rock climbing it was so much fun" Theo said suddenly a bag falls and almost hits me Draco gets up and wacked it " thanks Draco " I said he sits besides me " what just happened " Draco said " I dunno" Blaise said " relax boys the lights just went out we will be at Hogwarts soon I said " Hogwarts what a waste of time I'll pitch myself off the tower if I have to do this for another two years " Draco said Draco brushed his fingers across mine .. a shiver went down my back .. " what is that suppose to mean " Pansy said " let's just say I won't be in charms class " he says Blaise snorts " Amused Blaise we will see who's laughing at the end " that's when I saw a dark mark on Draco's arm I frown and look at Theo .. He smiles I smile back .. Draco slips something into my bag .. I look back at Draco and he grins " you guys keep going I have to do something " " alright come on guys " I said I grab pansy's arm and we walk into Hogwarts
Draco's POV
" didn't mummy tell you it's bad manners to eavesdrop Potter oh right she was dead even before you could wipe the drool of you chin" I snap I bring my foot up and kick potters nose " " enjoy your ride back to London " " Your still mad about Sofia at least she won't have a bully as her boyfriend ! " Potter snapped " Fuck off she will be mine again soon " I yell and I walk out
Sofia's POV
Draco joins us in the great hall " Read my note Weasley " he says sitting down I pull out the paper ..
I still care darling ❤️ .. I smile and nod after dinner I head up to bed I can't sleep that's when Draco walks in .. " Draco what are you doing here ?" " Hush "'he says as he lays on top of me Draco looks like he was crying " Draco .. I still care too " I whisper .. " Theo is going to ask you out Tomorrow you have to say no !" He snaps I nod and hug Draco I fall asleep in the morning Draco's not their " why did Malfoy come in " .. " I have to tell the Truth Draco had to become a death eater and we had to break up for safety " .. " You should be together " she said " I can't it's too dangerous" I cried out Pansy gets her makeup out and does my make up we walk into potions class and it smells like apple cinnamon tea and Mint and Orange It smells like Draco .. I look at Draco Theo comes up to me and hugs me " Hi Theo " I said looking at Draco " it smells like you Darling " Draco whispers I frown as Theo leads me away "'you can work with me " he says after class I head to the tower and I began to sob again that's when I see Theo " Hi Sofia I was wondering if you needed another boyfriend" Theo said suddenly Theo got knocked down by Draco " She's mine " he growls " you can't be serious you broke up with her " Theo said .. " then I'll ask her again !" Draco says " Sofia will you be my girlfriend again" " but what about " " it's okay I'll take the punishment " I hug Draco " I will " I said as I nestled myself into Draco's embrace
" I'm sorry " Draco kissed me and he sobs on me " Hey hey it's okay " I said " no it's not okay .. " he cried out I rubbed Draco's back "'Dray hey we're still together nothing is going to harm me or you" " but what if .. " " Darling Shh it's alright " I said kissing Draco's lips ..  we spent the day up in the tower " You wanna go to bed " Draco asked
Ron's POV
" so are you saying Draco and my sister are back together Jesus Christ " I said Hermione smiled " I think sometimes up with them I think Sofia knows something about Draco " Harry said " what would she know about " Hermione asked " Maybe I don't know that Draco became a death eater " " Oh please Harry Sofia wouldn't do that trust me " Hermione said .. " Does this mean Sofia and Draco are going to be all over each other again" I whined " I guess so " they both said
Sofia's POV
( Sofia's dream )
I stood in a bedroom with a young black haired boy " I'm not mad " the young boy said " Hogwarts is not a place for mad people " A younger dumbledore said " you can do things other children can't " he said " yes " the young boy said  that's when I wake up Draco was asleep tightly holding onto me .. I stood up and covered Draco back into the covers I splashed my face with cold water " it's just a dream Sofia nothing is wrong "  I whispered suddenly someone wrapped their arms around my waist " Kitten why aren't you sleep " he whispered as he began to kiss my neck .. " I had a nightmare dray" I said " Draco frowned  " come back to bed "  he whined  " okay okay " I said  I fell back asleep in the morning I changed into Draco's Slytherin sweater and leggings and i walked to watch the gryfindor tryouts I sat next to Hermione   That's when Draco came running " Darling there you are oh hi Hermione " Draco said sitting down " is your brother trying out again! " Draco laughed I glared at Draco he frowned  " who's that boy" I asked Hermione " cromac " Draco hissed " I think he likes you Hermione " I said Draco rolled his eyes   The try out ended " come on love let's go to class " " I thought you said you wouldn't go to charms class anymore "
Draco smirked and shut me up by kissing me I waved bye to Hermione  and we walked to class I noticed Draco was looking at his left arm a lot " Babe are you alright " " I'm fine " Draco snaps " okay okay" I said ..  the class quickly ends " you wanna go to the three broomsticks or the tea place " Draco mumbled " Tea please " I said I grab my jacket and we head to hogsmede .. " I have to tell you something. But you can't tell anyone and if you want to break up with me that's fine " " why would I break up with you it can't be that bad " I said " I have to kill dumbledore " Draco whispers into my ear " oh it's that bad " " But why " " Voldemort is making me "
"You mean your father Draco " I said " you know my father wants what he wants " Draco says  I finish my tea and look at Draco ..  he smiled softly   Draco stands up and pays and we walk outside " theirs something I have to do I'll be right back " Draco said kissing my forehead .. " okay" I said I waited outside for Draco finally he came back ..  " Slughorn invited us to dinner " he said " why ?" " I dunno" he says   We walk back to Hogwarts and get ready for the dinner we walk into the room and theirs Hermione I sit by her " to Hogwarts best and brilliant " Slughorn said  " here here " cormac says   I began to eat the food " Draco you alright ?" I asked as I noticed he wasn't even touching his food " sorry lost in thought " he says Ron is glaring at Draco .. suddenly Ginny walks in her eyes are puffy and red " poor Ginny" I whispered " look at her eyes they've been fighting again Her and Dean " Hermione whispers   Draco
Is staring at my lips " Draco is something wrong " " Nothing just admiring " he said I giggle we stand up and I said Goodnight to Hermione and Ginny .. as soon as we walked out of the room Draco slammed me on the wall " Those lips those small perfect lips" Draco moaned out .. he began to kiss my lips  ..  Draco put his hands under my shirt and rubbed my back ..  that's when Draco hit my soft spot on my neck I moaned loudly he chuckled and smirked  that's when someone coughed it was Ron " Malfoy get off my sister " He yelled " Oh Hi Ron " Draco said " I wanted to ask are you going to watch the game tomorrow " Ron asked " Yeah I am "  I said Draco pulls on my dress  " Sorry Ron we have to go to bed Goodnight " I said  " Dead annoying if you asked me " we head up to my dorm and Draco pushes me against the bed " Get off my sister Malfoy" I joked " Your brother can kiss my ass " Draco growled " your so sexy Baby" I moaned out .. " Can we do it again tonight  " I smirk and nod Draco pushes himself into me I moan in pleasure I began to ride Draco ... " where's Pansy" Draco Panted out "she's with Blaise " I said  Draco cummed all over my legs " baby you feel so good " I smirked " Only for you Malfoy " I said as I leave hickeys on Draco's neck .. Draco smiled as he finished " you are the best babe so perfect for me " he said as he kissed behind my ears I blushed    In the morning I changed into  a shirt and jeans I tied my hair into buns .. my legs hurt so badly I couldn't find Draco and that's I had a vision of someone killing dumbledore I made my way through the common room To the Astronomy Tower their was Draco and dumbledore Draco is frozen with his wand out .. " who else is here I heard you talking " Draco's snaps " I often talk to myself I find it useful " Dumbledore says " Draco your not an Assassin" Dumbledore says " how do you know what I am I've done things that would shock you " Draco says Harry walks towards me we both just stare at them " like cursing Katie Bell and hoping she would turn into a bear or replace the bottle with mead or when you were given this task " " Voldemort treats me I was chosen " Draco screams as he shows his dark mark .. " then I shall make it easy for you" " expelliarumas " Draco yells " well done Draco but killing someone isn't easy " Dumbledore said " your not alone aren't. You " he says " the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement" Draco snaps " but it's been broken for years " Dumbledore said " I've been mending it " Draco says " let me guess it has a sister a twin " " in borgin and burkes" Draco says " let me help you draco " dumbledore says " I don't need your help I've got to kill you so he won't kill me " .. suddenly death eaters showed up " Hurry your not safe Sofia " Harry whispered I just stand frozen in my spot Draco noticed me and Harry .. " Grab the Girl " Bellatrix says .. " No " Draco shouts suddenly snape walks in " no I made my vow " we watch snape kill dumbledore right in front of of eyes Draco runs away .. suddenly two death eaters grab a hold of me and I faint and I wake up in the Malfoy manor .. I rub my eyes " what should we do with her lord " Bellatrix says " nothing If Malfoy's son loses everything he wants he would be no used to me " Voldemort said .. I stand up " damn " bellatrix snapped she tossed me to Draco Draco grabbed a hold of me " Sofia are you hurt she didn't harm you " Draco said I shook my head and me and Draco walk to his bedroom .. we sit in silence " You know .. I didn't mean to .. " I just hugged Draco " I know " I whispered Draco began to cry soon his face was red and puffy around his eyes " hey hey draco this still doesn't make you a bad person trust me " I said. He just keeps on crying " Oh dray it's going to be okay " I say I peck his forehead and smiled " let's go to bed Hmm tommorow will be a better day " I mumbled

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