Dracos at the burrow

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Sofia's POV
I was trying to get Draco inside my house " no they will hate me " he yells soon Mum noticed me and Draco she smiles " Draco and Sofia " she hugs Draco 
" Draco my boy come inside " she says " See they don't hate you" I said .. Draco's eyes widened the house was lovely as he thought .. sure it wasn't like the manor but it felt full of love .. " Where's Ron " Draco asked " I don't know he went off with Harry and Hermione  to hunt for horcuxs " I said.  .. Ginny tugs on my shirt " Ginny what's wrong " she whispers in my ear " Oh I see " I giggled " what's the matter " " She doesn't want you sleeping in our room but you'll be fine you'll be in Ron's room " " But darling that's no fun " " Sorry love " I said pecking his forehead  suddenly George and Fred come flying in " God George what happened to your ear " I said coming to sit on the couch ..  " Are you alright " Fred asked " I'm. Holy get it I have a hole " George jokes  I say Goodnight to My brothers and say Goodnight to Draco
Draco's POV
" I can't believe we have to share the same room as you Malfoy" Ron hissed " Well it's not my fault it's your little sister Ginny Weasleys fault she wouldn't let me sleep with Sofia " I snap as I turn around in my sleeping bag ..  " Hey Malfoy .. when did you fall in love with my sister " Ron asked " well... when she yelled at me and told me to fuck off  I knew she was different in a good way and we kinda just became friends "  I mumbled ..  " but you could've had anyone else why Sofia " " As I said Potter she was different from the rest of your family " I said
Sofia's POV
I woke up feeling sweaty and gross I walked to the bathroom seeing Ron and Harry walking down the stairs " you two  back to bed ! " I hissed " Sofia .. " they both gasp " you'll wake up Draco hurry back to bed " I snap ..  I went back to bed and in the morning. I changed into pjs and Draco was outside of my room waiting " Draco " I said he hugged me " why didn't you tell me Bill and Fleur are getting married " He hissed I kissed his lips and hugged him back " I thought you knew baby " I said  .. " well I didn't "  he hissed Fred and George walk by glaring at us we both laughed " come on I even got you a suit " I said  " it's red darling you know I hate the red color " " so what it's the color of the wedding even I have to wear a red dress plus we will match isn't that adorable " I said " So adorable " he growled " Great " I said  that's when Mum comes and gives me my dress it's beautiful.. " thanks Mum" I said  ..  " Only for you darling I'm only doing this for you and your brothers and sister better not tell anyone that I'm wearing red " he shouted " Calm down Little one " I said I walk back upstairs and changed into my dress I come back out and Draco is wearing his suit " Why hello their handsome "  I whispered  Draco smirked  we walk down to the tent .. I'm barefeet ..   ..  the music starts and Draco pulls me into his embrace as he sways his hips  ..    I notice Fred and George glaring at Draco ..  suddenly a loud bang is heard   " who's here Draco " I snap " death eaters " he makes us transported into his bedroom " Draco we have to go back my family" I cry out " Shh Shh it's going to be okay " he mumbled " Your going back for your finally year of Hogwarts right " Draco asked Draco kissed my lips and I get transported back to my home " Draco ! Draco !" I cry out Mum hugs me  " let's get back inside " she said   A couple weeks later I go on the train and Draco ran into my arms  I slap him on the face " What was that for !" He shouts "ok ok I'm sorry my aunt bellatrix was coming upstairs I got scared" he said I frown and walk along " Darling you have to believe me " he says.  I nod and that's when I see Pansy I run into her arms and hug her " Sofia you run to fast " I giggle " no your just slow "  I said I sat down and Draco sat besides me  " stop being so hansy with Sofia " Pansy snaps Draco growls and. Begans to kiss my neck ..  " Malfoy stop it " Pansy says " No " he snaps back

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