dodici. parte due. (part two)

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27th August (cont.)

"Luke..." I whisper in awe. "This is... incredible."

We stand in our pod on the London Eye, looking through the glass at the beautiful city. The view is just stunning.

"It is, and I'm so glad you said that you'd never come up here before, as I haven't either. It's amazing." He grins down at me and I look up at him, and I can't help but return his infectious smile.

We settle into a comfortable, undisturbed silence as we look out to the city. Well, undisturbed until Luke's phone goes off.

"Sorry babe, I have to get this, it's Ashton." He says, before holding the phone up to his ear.

"Ash? What is it?" He says, sounding a little pissed that Ashton is interrupting our date.


"Ash what are you saying? I can't understand you."

"Ash?" He repeats, but then pulls the phone away from his ear with an incredulous but worried look on his face.

"Babe I'm so sorry, but as soon as we get off we need to go back to the hotel, something's up and I couldn't understand what Ash was saying." He says, starting to sound a little panicked.

I instantly walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. He physically relaxes and his arms wrap around my shoulders, cuddling me tightly.

"I had some other things planned and they were really romantic and I really don't want to spoil this date but I can't just leave it, they could be in trouble." He panics, and I give him a quick squeeze.

"Luke, calm down. We can do the things another time, your friends come first, okay?" I mumble against his shirt, and he presses a kiss to the top of my head.

"Thank you Jen." He whispers, and I look up at him, admiring his features; his crystal blue eyes, his angled jawline, the short stubble coating his jaw and cheeks, his pale pink lips, his hair that's always pushed up into a quiff, the black ring going through his lower lip.

I don't think any view could compete with the one I have of this boy right now.


Once we get back to the hotel, the amount of noise coming from the penthouse is flagrant, and I want to cover my ears almost instantly. Luke and I give each other a look before we unlock the door. We're presented with the most horrifying image I have ever seen in my life, and potentially will ever see.

Ashton Irwin is on his knees next to the coffee table, a credit card in his hand and a line of white powder on the table, Michael Clifford is on one of the sofas, a girl straddling his lap as they make out, and Calum Hood is nowhere to be seen. There are about 20 other people that I don't recognise, and around 5 or 6 that I do, in the relatively large room. I'm sure I must look as pale as a ghost. Luke grabs my hand tightly and pulls me into my room, closing the door behind us.

"Ash-, I-, Wha-?" I stumble over my words, trying to comprehend what I just saw. I sit on the edge of my bed in a state of shock, and Luke sits next to me, resting his forehead against my shoulder, rubbing small circles on my other shoulder in a soothing manner.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that..." He mumbles into my shirt, and I look up at him.

"Do you think...?" I ask, and he somehow understands what I mean.

"I'll try to get rid of them." He says softly. Pressing a kiss to my temple, he stands up and walks out of the room.

About 10 minutes pass, and there's no sign of Luke. I think I hear him shouting something at some point, but I can't be sure. After a few minutes of pondering the thought, I decide to have a shower. I grab my towel and my pyjamas and head into the bathroom, locking both of the doors so I don't get interrupted. I even need a little space from Luke, just so I can process what I just saw.

Stepping under the hot water, a hiss escapes my mouth as the liquid hits my skin. After a few minutes of standing under the stream, it's almost like my mind implodes. Everything that's happened in the past few hours comes rushing into my mind; the aquarium, the penguins, Luke's kisses, the London Eye, the phone call, the noise, the things I saw Ashton and Michael doing... everything. My back hits the wall and I slide down it, my head and heart begin to hurt, and it's like I can't breathe. I think tears start streaming down my cheeks but it's hard to tell because of the water droplets pounding against my skin.

My heart aches for the innocent images that used to surround these guys; my idols. I felt distraught, disappointed, confused.

I shut off the water and step out of the cubicle, grabbing my towel and rubbing my hair roughly with it. I feel numb.

Did Luke know they did these things?

I pull on my soft pyjamas, put my hair into a lazy bun, and hang my towel on the rail before unlocking the doors and heading back into my room. I jump in surprise as I find Luke sat on my bed, looking at his phone intently. He looks up instantly when he hears me and gets up, walking over to me with long strides and wraps his arms around me tightly. I sigh and press my face into his shirt, and return the tight hug. Tears threaten to fill my eyes again, and I try to keep them from falling but it's no use. Luke's hands come up to my face and gently pulls it back so he can see me. His expression softens when he sees a tear fall from my left eye, and he uses his calloused thumb to wipe it away. He starts slowly walking backwards towards the bed, and I follow. He sits on the edge and opens his legs so I'm standing between them. He manoeuvres us so my forehead is against his, both of us closing our eyes.

"I got everyone to leave, and managed to get Ashton and Michael into bed. I found Calum too, so don't worry. I can't believe they did this..." He informs me, and I awkwardly nod so my forehead doesn't leave his.

"Do you want me to go?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"Please stay, I don't want to be alone." I whisper, and he leans in to press his lips against mine.

"I won't ever leave." He promises, and I believe him.

I sit next to him as he pulls off his jacket and shoes, and his jeans as well. I raise my eyebrow at him, and he just chuckles.

"You expect me to wear jeans in bed?" I just roll my eyes and giggle, knowing that his actions are innocent. I pull back the duvet and climb under it, and Luke joins me after he runs over and turns the light off. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. He tries to say something but I press a finger against his lips, stopping him.

"No talking." I insist, and he nods. I kiss his lips softly, and he kisses me back, still holding me tightly.

After a little while, he pulls away, breathing deeply. I move so my head is pressed against his chest, and he kisses the top of my head.

"Goodnight Jen."

"Night Luke."


Not what you expected, riiiight? Heheh :P

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