Chapter One

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In this world, Marinette knew very few things for certain. One, that she was definitely Ladybug. Two, that she definitely still loved Adrien. And three. She was definitely, without a doubt, dying. Because in this world, if you don't find your soul mate by eighteen, you die. The only way to save your soulmate from that, is to tell them you love them. And you have to mean it, or they die anyway. You ascend into the stars, where they say you'll finally be with your soul mate. No one knows for sure if that's what really happens. When you begin approaching your eighteenth birthday,  a soft blue glow can be seen at night. But only if you're outside. If your skin is exposed to the stars, it glows. And Marinette's skin had already started glowing. In the days leading up to her birthday, she would actually be pulled from her body, like a ghost. You could explore the sky below the stars, and meet with others who are also running out of time. Several people had even found their soul mate this way, but many were too late. Like Marinette, who was losing precious time. She was up watching them tonight. They looked like ghosts, moving through the sky with nothing holding them back, emitting a faint but brilliant blue glow.

It was terribly funny, that a death sentence could be so beautiful.

Her gaze drew to her own skin, shivering at the pulsing light emanating from there, eager to be let out. She thought of everything she would be leaving behind. Her parents. Her friends. Adrien. She wished that he was her soul mate. But she knew he couldn't be. She would be able to talk to her soulmate. With him, she barely got coherent sentences to come out.

"It's getting brighter."

She glanced over at Tiki, her kwami. She smiled, thinking of the first time they met. She had rudely called her a bug and a mouse. Tiki looked pained, her gaze wandering over Marinette's bare arms.

"It's alright. I've still got time."

Tiki looked alarmed for a second, before ducking back into the skylight. Marinette turned, watching her go. What was that about?

"Talking to the stars?"

She flinched, glancing up to the roof. Chat Noir stood there, offering her a gentle smile. But he looked so sad.

"You don't?"

He landed on the balcony with a thud, glancing up at the figures moving around in the sky.

"Too crowded. What if one of them heard me?"

Her gaze drew to his cheek, one of the places his suit didn't cover. His glow was getting brighter too. And she blamed herself for that. Chat Noir was in love with Ladybug, but Marinette couldn't return his feelings. She loved Adrien. So they couldn't be soul mates.

"Maybe she's up there."

He shook his head, leaning against the railing.

"She's not up there yet."

That was probably true. Usually, soulmates would go up around the same time. Getting higher and higher each time, until they were one with the stars, their bodies forgotten on earth.

"Is it nearing your birthday?" She asked, though she already knew the answer.

His birthday had passed. He was only alive, because his soulmate hadn't reached her birthday. He was living on borrowed time.

"It passed...I see yours is coming up." He murmered, his gaze landing on her arm.

He looked exhausted.

"Are you okay?"

He stared at her for a moment, before returning back to the sky.

"Are you? We're both running out of time. Doesn't it scare you?"

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