Chapter 11

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"You got this!" Adrien cheered at her side, and she almost rolled her eyes at him.

Why was he so excited? He wasn't even the one playing. She swerved the wheel, driving around another obstacle. She was in first place, and second place was not too far behind. Despite everything, she found herself smiling. His enthusiasm was infectious. She passed the finish line, getting a new high score.

"Awesome! That was amazing."

He grinned, and she giggled as she collected the tickets the machine spit out.

"Why don't you go again?"

"Nah. Let's try another game."

He grabbed her hand, and her heart swelled. Why was he so handsome? Ugh. He pulled her through the rows of games, and she suddenly spotted one she wanted to try. She stopped, pulling on his hand.

"Hey Adrien? Let's try this one."

He turned, his face immediately falling.

"You're joking right?"

She glanced at the game, a grin spreading across her face. It was a modeling game. The way to win, was to strike the better poses than your opponent. And guess whose face was on the game console? That's right. The Adrien Agreste.

"I haven't played it before."

He groaned, giving the game a stink eye. She grinned, tugging him over to it and putting her tokens in. He hesitated, before finally parting with four tokens.

"I hate this."

She giggled, hitting the start button. The intro made them strike specific poses, to make sure their movement would register on the avatar.

"You ready?"

"Even if I hate this game with a passion, you're not going to beat me. This game was literally modeled after me. I've got the upper hand."

He shook out his hands, taking a deep breath. She slammed her hand on the start button, a giddy grin on her face. This was priceless. She wished she had a camera. The first pose was of Adrien at the park, with one hand in his pocket and the other up, blocking the sun. They both mirrored it, and after a few seconds, the score flashed across the screen.

"Player two, winner!"

"I told you. You're out of your element p-..."


He shrugged, and the next round began. It was another pose at the park. This one he had his arm propped on his knee, and she felt her heart skyrocket at the look he gave the camera. It was almost seductive. She popped her leg up on the bar, doing her best to mimic his pose. Adrien did it flawlessly, a dramatic sigh escaping him.

"Player two, winner!"

She groaned, glaring at him. He glanced at her, grinning for the first time since she had mentioned this game.

"You were the one that wanted to play this."

She huffed in response, turning back to the screen.

"Final round!"

She held back a giggle as a cologne ad from when he was a kid began playing. He grumbled next to her, and she couldn't help but snicker. The last pose was jumping into the air with your arms spread out. She had that pose memorized.

"Thanks for playing this with me. Not many people can say they played with the person on the console."

"No one can say that except you."

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