Chapter 9

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Apologies for the long span of time between chapters. I'm sick, so there's that.


She glared at him as he took another piece, and he grinned as he twirled it between his fingers.

"Favorite birthday gift you've ever gotten?"

Adrien's charm. But she didn't need to say that. Because she was trying to forget about him at the moment. But it was her favorite. It meant everything to her, and not just because he gave it to her.

"A lucky charm."

He smiled wider, setting the stolen piece to the side.

"What is the sexiest outfit you own, in your opinion?"

She was grateful he had been sticking to milder rated r questions. So far he knew she had kissed someone, that she had never played spin the bottle, and that she was a virgin. The other questions had been dumb hypotheticals, like a celebrity you would sleep with. She had to bite her tounge on that one too. She got up, walking over to her closet. She already knew the outfit that she would pick. She had never worn it, but she had designed it herself, and she was pretty sure it was the sexiest thing she owned. She pulled it out of the closet, holding it up for him to see in the dim light.

"Wow. Have you ever worn that?"

His voice got deeper, and she grinned. It was a romper, ninety percent of it was sheer, and the rest were just scraps of fabric to keep the naughty bits hidden.

"As if. I just made it."

She giggled, tossing it onto her deskchair and getting back in front of the board.

"I think you would rock that."

She glanced at him, then back at the romper. Usually, she wouldn't be caught dead in that. It would terrify her. But she didn't have a lot of time left. Shouldn't she live a little?


She moved her pawn, taking one of his.

"Why did you send me flowers and chocolates?"

He grinned, leaning back and glancing at the celing.

"I haven't really been able to do that before. I've had a girlfriend before, but it just didn't feel right back then."

Girlfriend? Her pulse raced, and she looked back down at the board. Was she his girlfriend? Even if they were soulmates they had never talked about that.

"Rated R question now."

Right, she had almost forgotten.

"Uh... you already said you were a virgin. So what's the farthest you've gotten with a girl?"

"Don't judge me. But mainly just kissing, and hand holding. I know that sounds lame but-"

"It's not lame. I get it. It's hard to want to do anything else when you've got that other person on your heart." She interupted him, and he slowly nodded, taking her knight with his bishop.

"Why are you so hush hush about the person you're in love with? Why don't you want to tell me?"

She had hoped he wouldn't ask her anything about Adrien.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Answer the question Mari. I was kind. I didn't ask his name. I know you don't want to tell me, so I won't force you. But I do want to know why you don't want me to know."

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