Chapter 3

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"Who are you talking about?"

You, you dumb cat.

"It doesn't matter. I don't have a lot of time. I've got, I think twelve days left. I can't make myself..." She hesitated, glancing at him before shaking her head.

She couldn't force herself to move on. It just wouldn't work. And it couldn't be Chat. They couldn't be together. They couldn't know each other's identites.

"You can't force yourself to love him." He finished for her, and she gripped the railing, managing a nod.

She loved Chat. But not in that way. Maybe, if her heart hadn't locked onto Adrien, just maybe. But it had, and she couldn't change that.

"Is the guy really so unlovable?"

She frowned at him, at how annoyed he sounded.

"It's not that. You know what I mean. You love Ladybug. Even if you met your soulmate, it wouldn't matter. Because it wouldn't be her. You wouldn't be able to accept anyone else."

She sighed, letting go of the railing and taking a small step away from it. The urge to touch the sky was brimming beneath her skin, and she hated it.

"That's not true. I could accept her."

"No Chat. You couldn't. But it's not your fault. The heart wants what it wants."

He turned to face her, and she flinched at how bright his glow was getting. All because of her.

"No. I can move on. I can love someone else."

She didn't believe him. Not anymore. Not if he really was her soulmate. She wanted to cry at the injustice of it all. If she was meant to be with Chat, she would have fallen for him instead of Adrien.

"Forget I said anything. I should get to bed." She whispered, turning and pacing to the skylight.

"I know it's supposed to be me."

She flinched, tears swelling in her eyes. No. No, he wasn't supposed to know. He loved Ladybug. Not Marinette. And she loved Adrien. The world wouldn't be cruel enough to out her civilian identity.

"What?" She breathed, not bothering to turn to look at him.

She couldn't break his heart for a second time.

"I saw you. At Andre's getting icecream. Those colors looked familiar."

"That doesn't mean it's about you." She whispered, the breaking of her heart felt so small now.

Like there wasn't anymore room for cracks to form. All she felt was a dull ache. All of it for him.

"I heard what he said too. And that was definitely about me."

"Does it matter? You love Ladybug and I love... someone else. Obviously, we weren't meant to be soulmates. Andre got it wrong."

"Andre doesn't get it wrong Marinette. My icecream matched you too." He snapped, and she glanced back at him, her heart lodging itself in her throat.

He looked so... broken. Just like her. But she did that to him. And now, she was doing it again.

"Then it looks like we're screwed. Because you and I are exactly alike. I would die for him. And you would die for her. Marinette is nothing more than your friend, and Chat is nothing more than mine. You can't move on, and neither can I."

"What is so great about this guy that you're willing to pass up your soulmate? Don't you care about living at all?"

He all but shouted at her, and she closed her eyes, biting the inside of her lip. Chat had been passed up twice now, for the same guy.

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