Chapter 19

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She gasped for breath after the impact, her head already beginning to pound.

"Marinette hide!" Someone whisper-shouted at her, and she blinked.

That sounded like...


She shot up, darting behind a dumpster. Oh god, what if someone saw? Her kwami floated next to her, and within seconds, someone yanked her to her feet, shoving her into one of the doors on the alley. She stared at Chat, and a panting Viperion next to him. Oh, no.

"Chat... I..."

She couldn't think of anything to say. He didn't even look at her, grabbing Viperion and slamming him into the door they had just come through.


"Cataclysm." He ground out the word, and both Viperion and Marinette froze, watching him in shock.

He held his hand in front of Luka's chest, and her heart stopped. He wouldn't.

"You have three seconds to detransform. Three seconds is all I'll give you." He sounded threatening, and the tone of his voice made her heart break.

"If I do, we'll lose the timer." Luka spat out, but he hadn't dared to move.


"Chat please!" She begged, desperately wanting Luka to fix this.

It was an accident. He didn't need to know who she was. Not like this.


"Luka don't!"

He glanced at her, and she flinched at the apologetic look he wore. No. No this wasn't supposed to happen.


"Scales rest!" Luka shouted, and she watched in horror as he de-trasformed.

There was no second chance. It was over. Chat knew. She was so screwed. Chat released him, and they all heard a bang on the door.


"You should both transform. I'll lead them away and you can come up with a new plan."

He didn't even sound angry anymore. His tone was cold, and empty. He turned to find another exit, and she reached out, grabbing his wrist.

"Chat please. I didn't mean for it to happen like this. I'm sorry."

He said nothing, ripping his arm away from her. A punch from an acuma would have hurt less than that. Even without her suit. He walked away, and Tiki appeared in her vision.

"Discuss this after the acuma. I'm recharged."

Marinette numbly nodded, but how was she supposed to focus? He knew now. He knew everything. And he would never be able to forgive her for it.

* * * * *

She curled up in the middle of her floor, closing her eyes. The only way they had beaten that acuma was due to misdirection by Chat. And by the time she had fixed everything... he was gone. He didn't say anything, he just left. And the hollow feeling in her chest? The ache that just wouldn't go away? It was the most intense pain she had ever experienced in her life. It left her breathless. Her entire body wanted to shut down because of it. She couldn't bring herself to move. Hell, she couldn't even bring herself to cry. It hurt too much for that. Tiki dropped her smartphone in front of her, a pissed expression on her sweet face.

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