Chapter 10;

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Bogum sat comfortably in his seat, wearing a white plan shirt and blue jeans alongside black converses, slowly swishing his spoon in the cup as he waited patiently in the cafe for Jungkook to arrive. He was incredibly nervous but excited at the same time. Luckily, the cafe wasn't packed and mostly old people were around, so people asking him for photos or invading his privacy wouldn't be a problem for the two.

The table was located on the right beside a window, bathed in golden sunlight. This was a cafe that many idols and actors go to after doing a hard day's work. It was a small two-floor cafe with an open roof. The top floor was half balcony, perfect in the summer. Bogum was still sitting nicely and having a nice drink while watching the people of Seoul walk by. After a moment Jungkook came and sat down opposite him after ordering his coffee.

Bogum look at the young idol across from him, and Jungkook swiftly took off his mask and sunglasses before he gave Bogum a soft smile. Bogum threw him a quick grin and took a sip from his cup, unable to form a sentence, probably not wanting to sound like an idiot. Jungkook had his own cup in his hand and slowly sips his hot coffee. Bogum would usually chug the skinny latte in front of him, but this whole setup has him quite nervous.

There was silence between them, Jungkook looking down at his lap. Unease was crawling across his face, but when he looked up, it was replaced with a content smile.

So, Bogum clears his throat. "I didn't know if I should have ordered you something, so I left it. Don't wanna ruin our date already" Bogum commented, not liking how awkward he sound.

"You think this is a date?" Jungkook chuckles, moving a brown curl away from his eye.

"Well no. I just thought since we are..." Bogum voice trailed off, blushing.

"Don't worry about it, Bogum. I get it. We can call this whatever we want." Jungkook stares into his cup, smirking slightly, possibly even shyly. Unlike Bogum, Jungkook seems calmer, Bogum chuckled slightly and relaxed his shoulders.

"Nobody has ever taken me out for coffee. Not even Taehyung when we were together." Jungkook said unexpectedly as he grew increasingly more comfortable and took a sip on his drink, staring none too obviously at Bogum.

Bogum splutters at that and his eyes widen in surprise. His eyebrows start to furrow and he gives Jungkook a "What even?" look.

"Your lying?"

Jungkook takes a glance outside, It's late fall, and the tree across the street is almost bare. It did feel quite cozy coming in here.

"Well I mean look at me. I don't have time anyway. People expect me to like visiting big, elegant places for dates or for hangouts when actually I like simple outings like this. It's incredibly hard for me now since I'm literally the most well-known person in Korea right now. It would feel nice to just be...treated like a human being for once, you know?" JungKooks's voice takes a bitter tone at the end. Though Bogum sure knew Jungkook wasn't mad at him a weird silence ends up filling up the space between them.

"Well, you have me now..." Bogum tried to laugh it off but even to Bogum, it sounded fake and nervous. Jungkook gave him a weird look and Bogum instantly panicked.

"N-No, sorry I meant to say as like you have me as a friend..." Bogum felt his face go flush. He cursed himself silently and tried to recover as quickly as possible. "I'm usually not this I'm sorry ." Bogum wanted to melt into his chair and disappear as he couldn't believe that he had just said lol in a sentence.

"You don't have to be so awkward around me. I'm not mad or upset that you're friends with my ex. If anything I thought you were dating him..." Jungkook bit his lips hopefully praying that Bogum denied his comments of him dating his ex as one of the reasons he agreed to this cafe "date" was so he could find out more information about their relationship. Ouch.

"Me and Taehyung? Fuck no! He's like a little brother to me. I don't see him like that. God, gross. He's my best mate but we haven't ever thought of Ourselves as a couple. That would be weird" Bogum chucked airly as he couldn't believe Jungkook would think of him and Taehyung were dating. Now that was funny! His laughter sent ripples through Jungkook's body and he finally lets out a breath of relief as his original thoughts got wiped away. Jungkook brushed a few stray hairs back behind his ear and looked at Bogum with a smile.

Up close, Bogum could see that Jungkook's eyes were like dazzling emeralds on display, alluring and attractive. Bogum looked at Jungkook as he thought about leaning over and kissing Jungkook, his heart pounding as he looked at Jungkook's thin glossy lips and then back to his champagne brown eyes.

Jungkook then smacked him back into reality as the idol's phone started to go off. Bogum was blushing madly, scratching the base of his neck awkwardly as he tried not to overthink him wanting to kiss his best friend ex. What was he thinking?

Jungkook takes out his phone and stares at the screen. "Look, I gotta go," he sighs. "Have a nice day, Bogum." He stands up and starts to move out of his chair.  Bogum started panicking, trying to think of a say goodbye without letting his hormones get the best of him.

"Um...maybe we could do this another time?" Bogum questioned as he hopefully looked at the younger. Jungkook had now had his mask on and was about to put on his sunglasses before he gave a wink at the actor.

"We'll see."

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