Chapter 2:

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[Three years later]


It's been three years since I was taken in by the avengers, I'm six-years-old. Aunty Nat was training me to be a sword fighter and an assassin, courtesy of Lord Zeus, my uncle who wanted me to become an assassin. A demigod like me. We don't live very long because of monsters, so the Avengers train me so I can defend myself. On my sixth birthday, my Father Poseidon came to the avenger's tower, and claimed me and gave me a trident necklace and a sword called Riptide. "Percy!" Uncle Clint called. "Coming" I replied as I hurried back down to the training area, where my cousin Apollo god of the sun was waiting. Uncle Clint was a legacy of Apollo so he could see through the mist. Thor was a god who could already see through the mist, the others couldn't but Zeus was really kind which was really unlike him and gave them the ability to see through the mist. "Hullo cuz" Apollo waved his hand, "hello" I replied, and "do you wanna hear my haiku" he asked.

"Please no" I shook my head, Uncle Clint laughed and sat on the bench. "Okay, let's get this over and done with, shall we?" Apollo said, I shrugged I don't really like archery, but Aunty Hera pleaded for me to learn Archery I don't know why. I'm getting quite good at it, I got the wind on account but not Gravity which sucks. "Come on! Perce Gravity" Apollo chanted non-stop. "okay, okay, I'm six leave me alone" I groaned, "Go teach your grandson something" Apollo winced, he doesn't like knowing that he's old, "yo Clint come over here" he motioned Clint to come over. "Imma going to go take a nap" I said, "is that okay Old man?" "Don't call me that" Apollo called after me. "I can call you whatever I want" "I'll curse you!" "Hey, you can't do that to your six-year old cousin!" I walked back into my room and fell asleep.


I was in the lounge with the rest of the Avengers, Lord Apollo, who seemed to like me, had just left, when Percy came screaming, "What happened!" I said alarmed as I held on to his small arms. "He doesn't care about anyone else but his friend" Percy cried. "Who?" Bruce asked, he looked like he was going into hulk mode, a green tinge faded from his forehead, "Uncle Steve!" Percy shouted again shaking his head vigorously, "his ADHD is acting up" Bruce exclaimed. "What did I do? And who is my 'friend'?" Steve asked, "You have to choose" Percy said, "red or blue?" "Red or blue" Clint questioned, "What does that mean?" "YOU have to choose" Percy started to panic, pointing at four of us; me, Tony, Clint and Steve. "Or else it will be the end of the avengers!" Percy sat down and shook. "Percy please calm down" I said trying calm him, I put him on my lap, and he snuggled in. "Uncle Steve is going to hurt Uncle Tony!" he whispered to me, "and Uncle Clint will hurt you"

"What do you mean Clint is going to hurt me?" I said looking at Clint. "What! I wouldn't hurt Nat!" Clint exclaimed. Percy ran to Thor who was quietly eating Pop tarts. "You can't go to Asgard!" "I wasn't planning to young Perseus" "don't go to Asgard after the battle of Sokovia" Percy started to hit Thor's chest, "the Battle of Sokovia?" Thor inquired then it hit him, "oh I understand what he is saying, Perseus is telling fractions of the future" I was shocked, everyone went quiet, only Percy who immediately jumped of Thors chest and ran to Bruce and hugged him, "don't go!" Percy whimpered. "Where?" Bruce asked, "Don't go on a plane" "why?" "Because I will never see you again!" "I'm I going to die?" Bruce looked really worried. Percy shook his head, "no you are going to be lost" then Percy jumped up and smiled, "I wanna go to the park, can we go Aunty Nat?" he beamed, like he forgot what he had said. "w-what, I-I mean yeah, yeah sure" I stammered in shock. "Did he just..." Steve exclaimed.


"Did he just..." Steve exclaimed. Nat took Percy outside to the park leaving us speechless. "Did he forget what he said?" Tony asked. "I think so" Thor nodded. "It will be easy to forget what he said, trust me, in a few minutes the Fates make you forget" "well I don't like these Fates" I admitted. "No one does Clint" Thor nodded his head in agreement. After a few minutes, "who wants pizza?" Tony asked, Thor chuckled a bit, he mumbled "told you" I didn't know what he meant, but I shrugged it off. "Clint what about you? Do you want pizza?" Tony asked looking at me with his foolish grin. "Duh!" I grinned, after a few minutes later the pizza arrived and then Nat and Percy came walking in, Perce ran to me and sat on my lap. "I meet two kids today!" he said to me, "what were they're names?" I replied, "Travis and Conner Stoll" he squeaked, "come with us tomorrow please" he gave me those big baby seal eyes that I couldn't say no to. "Of course, anything for my little Perce" I tickled him in on the stomach, he giggled uncontrollably, rolling on the floor. We watched Finding Nemo while munching on pizza.

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