Chapter 6:

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Thalia and rest had come back from their quest; I came to congratulate them. They told me everything, when they meet hades, they found out that Hades Helm was taken, and when they found out that Ares was the god that had turned, he had stolen the lightning bolt, so they had to go back and Percy went one on one with the war god, and surprisingly won! And they returned both the helm to Hades and the lightning bolt to Zeus. Ares was going on trails of punishment, much to Thalia's delight. There was only one line of the prophecy left undiscovered. You shall be betrayed by the one who you call a friend. Thalia knew she was tricked, but from who she didn't know. "What was the trick?" I asked her. "it was either Ares tricking us by giving us the lightning bolt, or it's the shoes, it was cursed to send me down to Tartarus" Thalia said, "but Luke was the one who gave it to me, he wouldn't do that".

"THALIA!" I heard Grover scream. "Percy!" He panted as he reached us. "What! Where is he?" Thalia asked, "In the forest, I can't move him, he's hurt a bunch of scorpions bite him and now he's poisoned, if I move him he'll die quicker." Grover explained. "Come on then!" Thalia screamed as she dashed into the forest, I went to the big house and got Chiron, and Grover got an Apollo camper. Percy was leaning on a tree, there was two girls beside him, his sister Thalia and a dryad named Juniper. He looked really hurt, there were scars everywhere on his arms. "Whoa" Lee the Apollo camper said, he kneeled down next to Percy, he healed Percy and said, and "he'll need to stay in the infirmary for a couple of days". He and Thalia helped Percy up and lead him to the infirmary. "How?" I asked, "No Idea, child" Chiron replied as he looked at the retreating three figures.


"How the hell did this happen!" I asked Percy, it been a couple of days, Luke was nowhere to be seen. We both were walking down the beach together, like old times. "I iris messaged mum, she was going crazy" "ha-ha, you won't believe me when I told you who was the betrayer" Percy responded, looking down on the sand. "Tell me Perce, I swear I'll throw the guy down Tartarus" I grinned mischievously, "so you'd throw Luke down there?" my smile turned into a frown. "What!" I exclaimed, "No, Luke wouldn't do that!" "Even ask Juniper, she was there" "how, why?' I started to tear up, Luke wouldn't do that! He couldn't be the traitor. Percy came and hugged me. "I'm sorry Thal's" "don't be its Luke that needs to Apologise" "Thalia, do you remember when we went to Olympus the first time?" he said," they had said something about Kronos? That he was rising? Kronos got into Luke's head and now Luke is following Kronos he tricked you on giving you the shoes, it was supposed to bring you to Kronos down in Tartarus"

"He'll pay" I said my body fuelled up with anger. "Thal's you letting your emotion get the better of you" Percy reminded me. Right breath, just like Lady Artemis taught me, breathe in and out I thought. I started to calm down a bit. "Come one Kelp head we need to go inform Chiron and we'll get to go to see our new home!" I smiled. "Awesome" we walked towards the big house, where Chiron and Lord Dionysus were playing some random card game. "Lord Dionysus" We said bowing. "Uuuh, isn't it Tina Roman and Perry Roman?" "It actually Thalia and Percy Romanoff" "whatever!" he said waving his hand. "We know who the betrayer is" I said turning to Chiron. "You do?" he raises his eyebrows. I nodded, "it's Luke Castellan, son of Hermes" Percy told them everything.


I didn't want to see my sister so down. She was shocked that Luke was the betrayer. Even Annabeth couldn't believe it but yet, it made sense. We were packing our bags, to go back to our new house, I was so excited. Mum bought a beach house, three storeys high! I couldn't wait, Mrs O'Leary was going to shadow travel us there, we had our own private beach, so Mrs O'Leary could roam freely in the beach, and it also had a rooftop terrace. I walked out of the Poseidon cabin. I knocked on the door of Zeus cabin. No answer. I knocked again. Again, no answer. "Thalia?" I said. "Oh, it's you" She sniffed, she was crying. She opened the door, her bag was already packed. I hugged her. "It's okay" I assured her. "Luke doesn't know what he's doing" "of course he doesn't" Thalia replied as she hugged me tighter. "Come one before Mum goes crazy, we told her that we'd be there before eleven and it after eleven" I beamed. She chuckled a bit as she grabbed her bag.

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