The Interruption

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Magnus woke up when a pair of soft lips nibbled at his ear. He opened his eyes and found himself lying under now rumpled golden silk sheets in his bed. He had moved Alec there after realizing that lube and condoms were in the nightstand. When Magnus turned his head, he looked into a pair of beautiful ocean blue eyes. Alec was leaning on one arm and smiled down at him. Magnus creased his forehead. He must have passed out during their post-sex cuddling session. He had been quite exhausted after what had felt like the best orgasm he had ever had. Alec was an astonishingly talented lover. Who would have thought that of the shy, constantly blushing sweetheart?

Magnus reached up and pulled Alec into a sweet kiss.

"How long did I sleep?" he asked after they had pulled apart.

"Not long, perhaps half an hour. It's just past midnight. I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful. Like an angel."

"Look who's talking," Magnus mumbled and tried to go back to kissing but Alec withdrew and said, "I have to leave."

"Mhh... five more minutes," Magnus pouted and started another attempt to persuade Alec to a kiss, but Alec held him back by putting a hand on Magnus's chest.

"I'm sorry, Magnus," Alec said apologetically, and he really looked sorry, "I have to go home, or my parents will become suspicious."

Ah, of course. Alec was not out yet. He would not want anybody to know about this night. Magnus tried to not let the disappointment show on his face.

Alec squirmed, "Before I leave, I wanted to... to clarify something."

"Ok. Go ahead."

"While you were asleep I had time to think and... and I don't want this to be a one-time thing. I like you. Like like you, like you. And if you like me too, then perhaps we could... you know..." Alec's voice trailed off and there it was again. The adorable blush on Alec's cheeks, that Magnus had fallen for at once. But Alec was more than just a pretty face. Sure, his stunning good looks attracted Magnus in the first place, but he was also fascinated by Alec's eagerness to improve life for everyone, as he had declared in their conversation. He was willing to set aside his own wishes to make things right. This level of selflessness was intriguing. Alec would make a great president.

Magnus raised a hand to caress Alec's cheeks. Sighing Alec leaned into the touch with his eyes closed.

"Alexander, do you, in your complicated and cautious manner, want to ask me if we could be exclusive? Like in a relationship?"

Alec shrugged his shoulders and then nodded with downcast eyes. This made Magnus sigh contently. He wouldn't have settled for anything less with this amazing gift, that had unexpectedly been delivered to him. Never could he have borne to be nothing but an adventure for this unexperienced, awesome young man.

"Then the answer is 'yes'. I would be happy. And I'd love to repeat this evening, the whole evening, any time."

Seriously Alec inquired, "Even if we would keep it a secret for now? You know that I'm still in the closet and I'm not sure if... when I will come out... I mean, I could understand if you don't want to... under these circumstances."

Magnus shut his eyes close. Of course, there had to be a drop of bitterness. It was not Magnus's way to be hidden like a dirty little secret. There was nothing wrong, nothing to conceal about two people enjoying each other. But it was better to have Alec in secret than not to have him at all, right? Magnus replied, "I hope, for your own sake, that you will find the strength to come out to your family soon. But for the time being that's fine with me."

A smile spread on Alec's face and lit the whole room up. Alec's smile was even more adorable than his blushes. Magnus declared it his life's work to make Alec smile.

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