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Ladybug managed to refocus her attention just in time. She arched her back, and the manhole cover whipped just centimeters above. With an almost sickening crack, she looked back to see It was completely lodged into the concrete wall behind her. Shivering at the mere thought of that hitting her.

Chat Noir landed heavily beside her. He hasilty grabbed her by the waist before bounding off together with his staff. Ladybug watched as another object took their place seconds later.

Chat released her once they made it to the roof. He looked over the edge to make sure the Akuma wasn't attacking before turning his attention to his red and black polka-dotted companion.

He crumpled his brow as he looked her up and down. "Are you alright? What's wrong with you today?"

Ladybug felt small under his gaze and staggered slightly as she stepped back. She shook away an uneasy feeling that was creeping up. "Nothing is wrong...".

He continued to stare at her. "Chatton, seriously. I'm fine. Let's deal with this akuma already. I'm just tired. " She wasn't sure who exactly her words were trying to convince. Why else would she suddenly feel so tired?

"Yeah, we did have that Akuma at 2am yesterday.. Are you sure you are okay though, is that really all?" His eyes were soft and comforting.

"Yes, yes. Now, let's do this."

-Fifteen minutes later, and two more saves by Chat.

"Miraculous Ladybug"

The red ladybugs filled the streets and buildings repairing any and all damages caused by the Akuma, even the bridge that managed to get knocked down.

Chat walked up to his lady and raised his fist. "Pound it?"

Ladybug raised hers but missed horribly. With her hand on his chest from the missed bump, he grabbed it lightly. "Okay, I think it is time for this bed bug to get home now."

"Mhmm, yesss"

"Goodnight bug, If you are feeling better meet me at our regular." Chat watched her Zip away, fighting the urge to pick her up and carry her home, wherever that may be. Alas, he swallowed that thought and made his own way home.

Following her usual route, Ladybug zipped from building to building. Her chest heaved, and her arms ached as she struggled to catch her breath. Confused as to why she was so exhausted, eventually settling on running the rest of the way.

Not that that was much better. As she tredded on her footsteps, became heavier and heavier, and every step wobbled and sent her stomach in a twist. As she was reaching her home, her mind was static, and her vision was a blurred mess.

Pushing her body forward, she heaved herself into the air. Moments from landing safely on her balcony, her transformation suddenly dissolved away. In a panic, she braced for impact as she was suddenly in a free fall towards the ground.

With a dull thud and the sound of air forcibly leaving her lungs. Marinette lay winded on her balcony. She cluched at her chest until the fair eventually returned. She rolled over and stared at the sky for a moment.

All things considered, minus the bruises and scrapes from the sudden fall. She felt great. The sudden overwhelming fatigue she felt before was completely gone, and her mind was clear.

"Tikki! What happened? I still had two minutes left!" Marinette sat up to talk to her kwami. "Tikki?"

The small red kwami lay motionless on the wooden planks. Carefully, Marinette scooped the Kwami into her hands, lightly prodding her in an attempt to awaken her.

Tikki's under the weather - Multimouse x Chat / Marinette x AdrienWhere stories live. Discover now