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Minutes later, Chat Noir peaked into the top floor room of the most famous Bakery in Paris. He could see Marinette sitting at her desk and staring intently at a textbook. She chewed the end of her pencil lightly as she was lost in thought.

Chat knocked lightly at her window. Still concentrated on her work, Marinette didn't notice. So Chat knocked a bit louder, and Louder and LOUDER. Eventually, he feared he would break the poor window.

'She better have earbuds in or something'

He pulled himself from her window and onto her balcony. He pried open the hatch leading into her room. Careful to avoid making a mess of her sheets, he landed softly on her bed. He took notice of how nice her room looked. How long had it been since he'd been there? He looked to the bulletin board to his left. It was covered with photos of him.

Thankfully, nobody was watching him. His tail began to whip around, and his face heated up.

'Wow, so I guess she really does like fashion...'

Chat slid down the latter and landed on the ground behind Marinette, who was somehow still lost in thought.

Chat stood carefully behind her and peeked over her shoulder. She was furiously writing down complex mathematic formulas and making extravagant diagrams. Chat would have been impressed with the display if everything she wrote wasn't completely wrong.

He took note of the frustration evident on her features, nose scrunched up, brow creased and her tounge peaking itself from the corners of her lips. He got closer till he was close to her ear. The smell of vanilla and cinnamon shampoo coming from her still damp hair, which she let flow down her back.

He pointed to a small section of her page. Whispering I to her ear. "If you put this there. Then do this. And multiply these. You can cancel that, and you're left with your answer." Chat quickly instructed the struggling girl, but really, he hoped to scare the life out of her. He only realized he failed when she nodded along with what he was saying.

"Mhm, oh ok.. I see." Marinette responded as they finished problem after problem. It had taken her about ten minutes to come to the realization that nobody should be here. "Gah! Chat?! What are you doing here? In my room!"

The poor boy was startled by her sudden outburst.
"Eep! *Ahem* Looks like you finally realized. Look at the time! You missed Patrol." Chat told the girl.

Marinette's head whipped around to look at the digital clock on her desk. She grabbed her head when she realized her mistake. "Gah! Oh no! I'm so so sorry, Chat. I missed the second day, I just had so much work i hadn't noticed, and now im making excuses, and you must think I'm stupid and unreliable..."

Chat was surprised with how upset she made herself. It wasn't that much of an issue. Was it?

"I don't think you're unreliable, and I definitely don't think you're stupid. You didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

"No.." she continued to look way.

"Then it's no biggie. Besides, I'm witnessing firsthand how much work you have. Should I ask how this happened? Is this even legal?"

Marinette giggled quietly. For some reason, a warm sensation filled his body, knowing she was no longer upset.

"Could you believe tardiness was the cause."

Of course, he already knew, but he couldn't help but find that humorous given the circumstances.

"You know, I might be able to imagine that." He gave her a classic grin.

She gave him a light punch on the arm. This shocked Adrien. In all the time he knew Marinette, physical contact was a rare occurrence. Well, it was with him, at least. He knew she clung to Ayla and Ayla to her.

"I'll try to meet up a bit later, but I really need to finish this homework." Her face paled slightly."I don't want to think about what will happen if I don't. "

"Nonsense. We're a team now, aren't we? Let this be our first fight."

Marinette made a series of different faces. Eventually, settling on a soft smile.

"Well, I don't see why not. We do have the numbers advantage."

——30 minutes later ——

Chat glanced over at Marinette. She wore a frustrated face once again. He took it upon himself to inspect her work.


"W-what? What's so funny?"

"Hahaha," Chat tried but failed to contain his laughter.

"Come on, seriously tell me, stop laughing already."

"I'm sorry, but why are you trying to get the velocity? It's asking for the radius."

"I— well that's becau— Shut up!"


Eventually, a very tired Marinette laid her head on her desk and quickly fell into a deep sleep. Chat noticed and decided against waking her up. He slowly picked her up, surprised by her light figure, and carried her up and into her bed. He watched as her chest slowly rose and fell, a deep blush met his checks once he realized what he was doing. He wiped away a string of drool before leaving her side, seeing how peacefully she slept.

Before he left, he noticed a few empty questions still remained on her assignments. He quickly finished them for her, leaving a drawing of a Paw print before he found his way home.

He jumped through his window. Delighted to see his room had been undisturbed in his absence. He detransformed and removed his phone from its location in his piano.

Hungry from studying, he headed to the kitchen. Plagg clinging close inside his jacket, salivating as he knew cheese heaven was approaching.

Once in the kitchen, the black kwami b-lined it to the fridge. "Don't make a mess," Adrien told his Kwami.

A cold voice came from behind Adrien. "What do you think you're doing at this hour?" His father asked.

"Hello father... I'm getting something to eat." Adrien replied.

"No, what you're doing is destroying your diet. Head to your room this instant." He demanded coldly.

"B-but father I hav-" Adrien tried to protest.

"That was not a question. My word is final. I better not see you here again."

Something boiled deep inside him. He almosy flinched in pain as he was forced to bite his tongue again. The taste of blood often followed 'conversations' with his father.

"Of course, Father." As Adrien began to walk away, he felt plagg quickly fly up his shirt.

He looked down at the kwamis green eyes. "Did he see you?"

Plagg shook his head. "No, but that was too close."

Adrien slumped into his bed, suddenly drained of all energy. He managed to fall asleep quickly once he pushed his father out of his mind.

Tikki's under the weather - Multimouse x Chat / Marinette x AdrienWhere stories live. Discover now