Gurl, ya late.

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-- Marinette --

"Marinette, wake up!" Said a small voice

"One more minute, Tikki..." A sleepy Marinette responded.

"You have said that ten times already. You're twenty minutes late already. And im not Tikki!" The mouse protested.

"Eep! Already??? Why didn't you wake me up!" Marinette panicked, Mme. Busier said she would get double homework if she was late again.

Mullo sighed in defeat as she watched Marinette scramble to get ready. Mullo witnessed firsthand how clumsily Marinette can be. 'Oh no, I feel like I'm going to be healing lots of bruises...' Mullo thought to herself.

Marinette ran out of the bathroom while pulling her hair back into her classic pigtails. She grabbed her bag and threw a cookie to Mullo. Mullo looked at the cookie and questioned what she was supposed to do with it.

"Umm, what's this for?" Mullo asked her.

"Aren't you hungry?" Marinette asked her.

"Well, yeah, but... I like cheddar, not cookies."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mullo, I'm so used to Tikki being with me. Come on, let's go get you some." Marinette pointed to her purse, and Mullo flew in. The duo experienced a moment of weightlessness as Marinette tripped down the stairs.

Moments before she collided with the floor, Mr.Dupain-Chen swiped her out of the air and placed her on her feet. The motion was smooth and seamless, almost as if practiced every day.

"Thank you, Papa." Marinette said great fully.

"No need for thanks, Marinette, simply doing my daily duties." Her father quipped, laughing at his own joke. "Tom, don't joke with her too much. She's about to be late. Speaking of, I packed breakfast for you, dear."

"Thanks, Maman. Is there any chance you could pack some cheddar in there?" Marinette asked.

"I don't know Marinette, I already gave you your allowance for this week, I guess I can make an exception.." her mother told her.

"Cheddar.." she looked at her daughter expectingly. morphing into disappointment. "Like money. I can joke too, "

"Leave it to Papa."

"If you didn't want money, you should have just said so.

"W-wait, I didn't say that! I'll take the money too!"

Her mother gave her an amused chuckle.
"Very well dear, here you go. Now don't be late!"

"Thanks, Maman!" Marinette said as she closed their apartment door.

"She's definitely going to be late," Tom told his wife.

"Most definitely."


Marinette managed to turn a three minute walk to school into a ten minute walk. She managed to escape death on more than one occasion, almost causing an accident or two. By the time she got to the stairs of the school, homeroom only had ten minutes remaining.

She creeped open the door to Mme. Busier's room. Instantly, she locked eyes with Ayla. who just shook her head upon seeing her friend late again. Ayla read the gaze that was returned.

'Don't look at me like that!'
Somehow, Alya just knew exactly what her friend was thinking.

Marinette waited until Mrs. Busier turned around before slipping into the room. By some godly force, Marinette got to her seat without tripping. She quietly sat in her seat and looked over to Alya, who just shook her head again. She knew what was coming to her friend, nothing she could do.

Tikki's under the weather - Multimouse x Chat / Marinette x Adrienحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن