Chapter 13

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The time has come, this battle will decide the war's outcome. The Azur Lane fleet is sailing at flank speed towards the location Orochi will be. Montana is leading the fleet, he calls Harry to send the pictures about Orochi to the Crimson Axis. First the Kreigsmarine then the IJN. When Harry is with the Japs, he sees Yamato and gives him access to his radio where Montana's waiting.

Montana: You may have made the biggest mistake Yamato, but you can still redeem your honor if you decide to fight alongside us. What's gonna be? I'll leave you to it.

Harry soon left the area back to Montana to help his fleet for the upcoming battle. The AL fleet is miles away from Orochi spawn point, where Montana reminisces a moment from one of his crew's favorite TV series.

The moral of Basilone's speech is never to imagine that your enemy is easy to deal with. The Japs and Jerries were the ones that started the war first and had gained a lot of knowledge on how to achieve victories and when the tides began to turn against them, the Japanese showed stubborn resistance, while the Germans showed impressive defense fortifications, all to slow the allies' advance. In this world, Montana respected the Sirens for their clever ways of deceiving their enemies by giving them false promises and making them work with them. They're also capable of gathering info from afar. However, despite their reputation, they must be eradicated. That's a promise Montana will keep.

As they were near the suspected area, they were confused as there were only the Orochi and a small number of escorts. Montana has a weird feeling that they are falling into an ambush. With the threat level increasing, He became tenser and he released a powerful aura around his fleet as he ordered Harry to check the fleet's 6. Everyone in the fleet felt the crushing pressure.

Hornet: S-sis? W-what's going on?

Yorktown: What's with this heavy feeling?

Helena: Something's not right.

Cleveland: Tell me about it, the pressure is increasing every minute and I don't like it one bit.

Javelin: L-Laffey... w-what's going on? I'm scared.

Laffey: Stay strong, I think there's a big enemy force facing us.

Repulse: S-s-s-sis... I-I-I-I'm scared

Renown: *hugs her* sssh it's going to be okay... (His aura is nerve-wracking!)

Warspite: The immense power he holds...

Queen Elizabeth: Is indeed terrifying... Keep your guard up girls.

Hood: Yes, your majesty

Wales: It seems that Montana has more pain stored inside of him

Illustrious: Indeed, and it's even more painful than Enterprise's

Washington: What's going on right now? What's with this cold and crushing feeling?

North Carolina: I don't know sis, but looks like something. We have to stay strong.

New Jersey: I don't know about you girls, but this pressure is too much to handle

South Dakota: Yeah, and I feel like to pass out at any minute now.

Enterprise: Montana...

Belfast: He's worrying too much. Try calming him down, because I have a terrible feeling that Montana is crushing our morale with his tension.

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