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"I trust you Ajak, I will follow you till the end as I always have"- Ikaris

"I trust you Ajak, I will follow you till the end as I always have"- Ikaris

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"Ready?" Makkari signed her question to you. You sent the speedster a nod of confirmation before you were speeding off around the planet, reaching out to feel for Tiamut. You signalled her to stop as you felt something change in the area.

She set you to the ground, watching as you knelt to the sandy beach that reminded you of Mesopotamia. Touching a hand to the sand you felt through the small rocks, through the earths core to feel Tiamut.

"It's here" you nodded to her, standing to your feet with a stern look on your face, knowing this could be the place you die.

"Let's tell the others"  she picked you up and sped back towards the Domo.

An odd feeling of guilt and regret filled your mind as you got closer. Images began to flash through your head, pulling you into someone's thoughts, but you couldn't tell who they belonged to.

Six days ago
South Dakota

"How long do we have?" Ikaris looked over to Ajak as they sat out on the porch.

"7 days" she sighed. You had remembered seeing her that day, remembering how you had left when Ikaris arrived.

"Good. We completed our mission" he nodded proudly.

"Where is she?" Ajak asked.

"London, she has a good life there"

"I am sure she's missed you"

"If I'd gone back to her I would've only told her the truth. She would've suffered knowing this world she loves would end one day" Ikaris said.

"Ikaris, we have to tell them the truth" Ajak told him.

The truth about what? You wondered.

"What? Why?"

"Because together we might be able to stop the emergence"

"Stop the emergence?" He asked in shock at what she was proposing.  "Ajak, I know its hard—"

"Listen to me Ikaris" she cut him off. "I have followed Arishem for millions of years and I have never doubted him, until now" Ajak claimed calmly.

"Why now? Why now?" He grew upset with her and her choices. She stood and leaned on a post looking out at the green field ahead.

"5 years ago, Thanos erased half of the population of the universe, delayed the emergence, but the people of this planet brought everyone back with a snap of a finger" she turned back to face him. "You know, after I let you go, I travelled the world living among them. I have seen them fight lie and kill, but I have also seen them laugh and love I have seen them create and dream. This planet and these people have changed me The cost of Arishem's design, it's not worth it, not this time" she said.

"I trust you Ajak, I will follow you till the end as I always have" he told her his promise.

"Thank you. We have to bring everyone back together"

"There's something I have to show you first"


"It's just up ahead" Ikaris told her as they walked onto a snowy cliff over looking an oil brig. Ajak stood on the edge, looking down to see the Deviants that feasted on the dead bodys of the workers.  "They must have been trapped in the ice for centuries and broke free last week when the glaciers started to melt As the earth's core heats up for the Emergence. They have killed an entire company of oil workers and I tracked them here. I suspected that you might have changed your mind, I can't let you betray Arishem" Ikaris told her as she faced him and the truth.

"Why don't you just kill me yourself?"

"When the others realise something is happening to the Earth they will come to you. When they find your body, they will know that the Deviants are back that will keep them busy until the Emergence. I have been loyal to you Ajak, kept your secret for centuries, lied to everyone I cared about, but never have I doubted my purpose to serve the celestials" he slowly stalked towards her as she looked up to him sadly for what he was about to do, not only to her, but all of you.

"No, Ikaris I led you down the wrong path" she hugged him closely, hoping she could still save him from himself.

"It's the only path I know" he stated. He pushed Ajak down, crashing onto the ice with a crack as the Devients found her. Worry and panic filled her as they raced forward, preparing to feast on the Eternal. One tackled her to the ground and cut her side with its claws. She grabbed a riffle and knocked it over the head before shooting them back.

A moment later tentacles came from behind and stabbed into her back. She fell to her knees turning to see the Deviant as Ikaris simply watched from above. The Deviant turned her to face it as it injected her and stole the life from her body, tossing Ajak aside as they entered their cave again.

Ikaris landed next to her and picked her up, flying her home. He landed in the backyard, gently setting Ajak in the grass by the barn. With an out-lash of anger and sadness for what he thought he had to do, he let out a scream, burning the fence as his eyes beamed out.

"No" you cried silently. "It's all my fault" you were brought back into your own body, Makkari still racing back to the Domo. "If I had just stayed I could have saved her" you argued with yourself, blaming yourself for Ikaris mistakes.


"You always knew the end was coming, It must be a relief" Druig commented to Thena as they waited for your return.

"That Deviant is still tracking us" she stated calmly, staring ahead at the gardens in the lab.

"Revenge won't bring peace for you, Thena"

"killing him might" she smiled at the thought of killing the monster that took Gilgamesh from you all. Druig turned to her with worry as he knew you wouldn't want her to do anything rash.

Ikaris marched into the lab with determination.

"I am close to figuring it out" Phastos told him the good news, looking up when Ikaris entered. The Fighter shot a beam of energy from his eyes, blasting back Phastos as his design was destroyed.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Kingo questioned with confusion, everyone standing up ready to fight at the sudden attack.

"I've let this go on long enough" Ikaris stated, not giving anyone a clear answer.

"Don't hurt him" Sersi ran in behind Ikaris, helping Phastos to his feat. "He lied to us. He already knew about the Emergence"

"No, he didn't" Kingo refused to believe the truth that Sersi had told him.

"Ajak told me everything when we left Babylon" Ikaris told everyone, admitting to his lies.

"What?" Kingo asked in shock and betrayal.

"You were never gonna let us stop the Emergence" Phastos realized with a small gasp.

"No, I only wanted to protect you from the Deviants" Ikaris claimed.

"If Ajak wanted you to take her place, why did she choose me?" Sersi asked him with hurt in her tone. Ikaris glared at Sersi at her words, everyone sensing the tension. "What have you done?" She asked nervously, scared for the answer.


Question of the day: what was your reaction to Ikaris betrayal?

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