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"We protected her"-Gilgamesh

"Druig, what's wrong?" You questioned when it was just the two of you in the lab later in the evening

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"Druig, what's wrong?" You questioned when it was just the two of you in the lab later in the evening. You had your head resting on his shoulder as you both sat in the silence of the quiet lab.

"What do you mean?" He looked down at you with a soft smile.

"You've had something on your mind all day and you won't let me into your head to see what's been bothering you"

"It's nothing" Druig tried to play it down.

"It's something" you argued back.

"Yesterday when you first got hurt, I felt your pain"

"What? How?"

"I don't know. I was thinking it had something to do with your powers and how our minds were connected at the time. It seemed like you were able to unconsciously project your pain onto me, like how you can project emotions onto other people." Druig explained his thoughts on the topic.

"Is that why you were so scared?" You moved back to face him completely.

"Yeah. I felt your pain and then I couldn't reach out to you. I was so scared that you had been killed and when you returned in worse shape after Makkari saved you I though I might lose you and there would be nothing I could have done about it"

"Druig, I'm right here, you have no reason to worry about that as long as I'm by your side" you took his hand in yours as you made the promise.

"Let's get you to bed, you still need to rest" he smiled gently, jumping off the table and walking you back to your room, making sure you were comfortable before he left. He entered his room and rested his forehead on the door with a sigh, knowing you were safe in the room next to his.


It was a sunny day a few weeks after you had your big fight against Deviants with Thena when Ajak had decided to send you and Sersi into the town, that is when everything went wrong.

"Y/n, what did you and Sersi get into now?" Druig ran over with an accusing tone behind his panic.

"What? We did not get into trouble" you argued, pausing your movements of rushing people inside their homes.

"Y/n, explain" Druig ordered with his hands on your shoulders to help you focus on him.


"Right" he nodded.

"Come on get inside" you urged the people, directing them into their houses with hurry. Suddenly all of their eyes started to glow gold and you turned to Druig, knowing he was the cause. "Show off" you scoffed. Makkari sped over to you in a flash, handing you your sword before taking off again. You started off, hoping Druig would be to distracted to catch you, but your luck ran out as he broke out of the trance just in time to see you running away with your sword in hand.

Heart And Mind (Druig x reader)Where stories live. Discover now